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Everything posted by mervin

  1. Maybe the coil is breaking down in the heat when the engine gets hot, Have you a spare one to try? also is the tank venting properly? when the problem starts stop and open the fuel cap if you get a sudden in rush of air the cap vent is blocked, Aleks Rd site is the specialist Lc site RD lc forum merv
  2. you can search for parts and order online from Holland here as guide i am told that the price in euros is about the price it will cost you in pounds delivered cmnsl
  3. I use a hosepipe but not too much pressure eh just want to rinse the muck off the bike not blow the thing into the next century Merv
  4. Hmm Fleabay springs to mind or try your local yam dealer or Granbys as they seem to be more helpful than some dealers with classic parts also guvnors bridge incredibly helpful people govnorsbridge merv
  5. Here borrow the puppy he will clean your screen J Russell screen cleaner
  6. mervin

    bear remover

    Bear Remover A man wakes up one morning to find a bear on his roof. So he looks in the yellow pages, and sure enough, there's an ad for "Bear Removers." He calls the number, and the bear remover says he'll be over in 30 minutes. The bear remover arrives, and gets out of his van. He's got a ladder, a baseball bat, a shotgun and a mean old pit-bull. "What are you going to do?" the homeowner asks. "I'm going to put this ladder up against the roof. Then I'm going to go up there and knock the bear off the roof with this baseball bat. When the bear falls off the roof, the pit bull is trained to grab his testicles and not let go. The injured bear will then be subdued enough for me to put him in the cage in the back of the van." He hands the shotgun to the homeowner. "What's the shotgun for?" asks the homeowner. "If the bear knocks me off the roof . . . shoot the dog."
  7. Charlie was fixing a door and found that he needed a new hinge, so he sent his wife Mary, to the hardware store. At the hardware store, Mary saw a beautiful bathroom faucet on display while she was waiting for Walt, the manager, to finish waiting on a customer. When Walt was finished, Mary asked, 'How much for that faucet?' Walt replied, 'That's pewter and it costs $300.' 'My goodness that sure is a lot of money!' Mary exclaimed. Then she proceeded to describe the hinge that Charlie had sent her to buy, and Walt went to the back room to find it. From the back room Walt yelled, 'Mary, you wanna screw for that hinge?' 'No, but I will for the faucet.'.... .. and this is why you can't send a woman to the hardware store...... __________________
  8. The VJMC is the place to start join em, they can help you a lot and produce dating certificate from the frame number if your S.A documents do not already have the date of birth on them, i think if you have the date of manufacture on the original log book you can use that to apply for an age related plate from the DVLA not quite sure what paperwork needs to come from the dvla but yuo will need to get the bike and the paperwork to the nearest DVLa licensing office to have it all checked and they will issue a reg number, you may have to get it motd and insured first using the frame number i am not quite sure about that though, vjmc website merv vjmc /dvla frequently aked questions
  9. try opie oils mail order i think the club has a discount deal with them if not why not i sent Alexsignio the details long ago you might not get esso but will get something just as good opie oils merv
  10. on the road and used is how they should be Merv,
  11. Maybe the one that is in your shed under your posterior at the moment Merv
  12. mervin

    Goodbye all

    Scott why not ride down for a weekend bring ya camera merv
  13. mervin

    Goodbye all

    This will be my last post for some time. This will come as a shock to some of you, but I have made the monumental decision to take off for a complete year effective from next Monday. The lorry shall stop, and no doubt my marriage shall suffer, but those who know me, know that I do what I think is right, and if it hurts or offends -SO WHUT! There are a number of reasons, but the major contributor to my decision has been my involvement with a white nationalist guerrilla group in Venezuela of all places, which is fighting for freedom and justice against unbelievable odds. This is also the main reason for me selling my bike. I have been in contact with this group for a number of years by mail, and now will finally join them. I know most of you will think I am totally crazy but I have not made this decision lightly. Nothing you can say or do will stop me from doing what I truly believe in. I realize the timing is terrible and my work will suffer - - but I hope to see you again in happier days when I am a more complete man! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Photo of rebel group attached
  14. Object lesson dont buy a rare jacket get a run of the mill mass produced non such jacket from ebay make life hard for them, I do not condone doing what this twerp was doing just think speed cameras are a waste of taxpayers money the money would be better spent on the roads to make them safer, and drivers would pay more attention to the road and not their speedos, ok outside of schools maybe merv
  15. RD 250 intorduced loads of teenagers to biking in the seventies, Rd 400 for being morepowerful version 350ypvs for being the ultimate nutter bike of the 80,s merv
  16. mervin

    Crazy Swedish!

    The plot thickens After doing a bit of digging I just found this article, Some reports say she was one of the women in the M6 incident. They did say the 2 Swedes came over on a coach from Ireland! http://www.thisisstaffordshire.co.uk...l/article.html And this from another forum: this was one of the comments under the clip : This is it: The woman in the Red Coat is Sabina Eriksson, 40 & mother of 2. Its May 20th & earlier that day (its alleged) Sabina stabbed & killed Glen Hollinshead, 54, of Fenton Staffordshire. Sabina gets coach with her Sis but they get off on the M6 feeling paranoid & this mayhem ensues. Sabina was release after this mayhem, cops didn't yet link her to Glen's murder. She jumps off bridge over A50 breaking ankles and skull. She appeared in court ~19th Sept in a Wheelchair, accused of murder. Doesn't quite add up because according to the Cheshire article the M6 incident was on May 17th. __________________ http://translate.google.com/translate?u=ht...sl=sv&tl=en Their brother says they were being chased by rapists Did not notice any of the highways agency or old bill with their wedding tackle out did you
  17. mervin

    Crazy Swedish!

    Goff Sorry to hear that, felling a bit low myself an old biker mate of mine has just contacted me to say his wife died last sunday of cancer, leaving him and their 3 year old daughter behind, but she had been ill for some time and it would seem she had suffered enoughm Merv
  18. mervin

    Crazy Swedish!

    yes as someone else pointed out in the a/c forum notice how the whole program was dedicated to sorting out immigrants illegal or otherwise, see how our taxes are spent, as for the 2 daft swedes why were they not loaded into a car or chained to the railings, pity the poor driver of the truck, as the prog finished the cops said about the senior officer saying that there was help for them dealing with the trauma of seeing them run under the car/truck, yes bet the poor trucker /car driver will have to pay for anything like that if they want it ( i know from experience ) Merv
  19. Well just read down this quickly did not see the feedback thingy as i was away, I also subscribe/use the honda XRV africa twin /trail bike forum, they have recently introduced a £10 subscription to help with the costs of the board. after much discussion on the forum and comments from members it was decided to restrict non subscribers to not being able to post in the for sale /want sections. not have the ability to pm others and a few other things, this was kept too a forum subscription not a club membership for reasons of complications that set in when you have a club I:E AGM,s /Committees to make decisions, accounts needing to be published, etc, etc , This has recently reared it,s head with problems in the aircooled RD club, but that is another story, Most of the regulars on the XRV forum have paid up and no one has complained, and the benefits of subscription can easily outweigh £10 subscription fee I:E i recently got £130 of geniune honda engine parts for £80 posted too me recovering over 5 times of my sub merv
  20. maybe these, rsbikepaint expensive but would do the job properly merv
  21. As far as i know giro JMW or whatever alias he uses now has disappeared down a plug hole. I bought some pistons from him a couple of years ago and he said he was pissed off with forums, have not even heard of him on the LC forum recently
  22. Rear light sounds like wiring probs does parking light in headlight stay on, on uk bikes there is a position on key to have switch on and parking lights, the indicator /turn signal provb sounds like the flasher can /unit going up the creek wiring diagrams and tech help specific too RD,s available on aircooled rd club join us and see how many people actually still own these old bikes merv
  23. I reckon the filter was oiled before you got it and your smoke was the excess oiol from the filter getting sucked into the engine, but all the same jetting is the key to getting a bike right after any intake/exhaust changes, free flow filter = more air =less fuel which can lead to overheating and seizure, a plug chop will help to tell you what is going on , basically run the bike until it is hot then take it for a blast to top speed on a flat road and cut the engine immediately after shutting off the throttle, leave it too cool, remove plug look at colour white = weak, mix chocolate brown= about, right black= rich. and then you can start changing jets too suit jets are notexpensive especially compared to engines, a good idea is too find a piece of road where you can coast into a layby once you have cut the engine Merv
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