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Everything posted by mervin

  1. yup send youngsters up the chimney to brush down the soot, Merv
  2. more likely the Grolsch i reckon merv
  3. Centre punch and tap them anti clock wise. If that fails drill heads off and turn remains of bolt after removing switch with mole grips Merv
  4. difficult too say without hearing it and if yuo have not heard a good engine before difficult too judge when you do.is it metallic clattering or banging, tinkling little noises. squeaky scraping ? merv
  5. mervin


    Indian Ink, hand written on the finest Egyptian parchment with the most exquisite platinum nibbed fountain pen. Folded by hand Placed into a hand made Saunders Waterford Cotton envelope Sealed with the finest quality gum This is no ordinary P45 This is an M & S P45
  6. mervin

    memo to all men

    Men Read and learn It is important for men to remember that, as women grow older, it becomes harder for them to maintain the same quality of housekeeping as when they were younger. When you notice this, try not to shout at them. Some are over-sensitive and there's nothing worse than an over-sensitive woman. My name is Ron. Let me relate how I handled the situation with my wife, Julie. When I took early retirement last year, it became necessary for Julie to get a full-time job for the extra income that we need. Shortly after she started working, I noticed she was beginning to show her age. I now usually get home from the pub about the same time she gets home from work. Although she knows how hungry I am, she nearly always says she has to rest for half an hour or so before she starts dinner. I don't shout at her, instead I tell her to take her time and just wake me when she gets dinner on the table. I generally have lunch at the pub so eating out again is out of the question; I'm ready for some home cooked food when I get home. She used to do the dishes as soon as we finished eating. But now it's usual for them to sit on the table for several hours after dinner. I do what I can by diplomatically reminding her several times each evening that they won't clean themselves. I know she really appreciates this, as it does seem to motivate her to get them done before she goes to bed. Another symptom of ageing is complaining. For example, she will say that it is difficult for her to do the shopping during her lunch hour. But we take them for better or worse, so I just smile and offer encouragement. I tell her to stretch it out over two or even three days. That way she won't have to rush so much. I also remind her that missing lunch completely now and then won't hurt her. I like to think tact is one of my strong points. When doing simple jobs, she seems to think she needs more rest periods. She has to take a rest when she has only half finished mowing the lawn and several extra breaks when she's vacuuming through the house. It does annoy me, vacuuming when I'm trying to watch 'Match of the Day', but I try not to make a scene. I'm a fair man. I tell her to make herself a nice cup of tea and just sit for a while, and as long as she is making one for herself, she may as well make one for me too. I know that I probably look like a saint in the way I support Julie. I'm not saying that showing this much consideration is easy. Many men will find it difficult. Some will find it impossible! Nobody knows better than I do how frustrating women get as they get older. However, even if you just use a little more tact and less criticism of your ageing wife because of this article, I will consider that writing it was well worthwhile. After all, we are put on this earth to help each other, eh? EDITOR'S NOTE: Ron died suddenly last week. He was found with a 24-inch Stanley screwdriver rammed up his a*s with only 2 inches showing. His wife Julie was arrested, but the all-woman jury accepted her defence that he accidentally sat on it.
  7. if the hole is in the tread yup just replace tube if in sidewall i would replace tyre complete this will be a guide i know it is a car tyre but the major repair area is the replace area tyre i reckon,
  8. yup thats why i have 2 big singles and 2 screaming strokers to plod around lanes on merv
  9. plenty of those in scotland, i think one called the A9 i remember, blokes in orange and white cars handing out the tickets to pay for using them at that speed, 68 mph in an artic £150 and 3 points was my charge how much to use it at 140 mph then merv
  10. Scott do you find also that the older you get the faster you were merv
  11. wring its neck until you see god then brake life begins at 40 they but it only gets interesting after 120 mph personally everyone to their own, keeping below the ton will help preserve your licence sticking to the speed limit is safest, i only keep bikes that are ancient so do not want to wring their necks too much and to be honest the thumpers (650 single H****AS) do not feel particularly stable or safe at over 80 mph Merv
  12. mervin

    Chain & sprockets

    yes good buy i reckon as you are getting OE parts at less than replacement ones, if yours are not worn out buy em and stick em somewhere until you need em. no point in replacing them if they are not worn out, have a search on the net i am sure there is somewhere telling you how to tell if they are worn.or there will be a mark on your swingarm to tell you when the chain has stretched too far Merv
  13. taysiders in space NWS best washing machine commercial ever by danes NWS (nudity) The Roman galley was approaching its home port after a successful deployment. The captain could see the crowds on the jetty waiting to welcome the ship home and he decided to show off a little and ordered maximum speed. The beat of the timing drum gradually increased tempo and the oars picked up speed. Suddenly there was the sound of oars striking each other and the ship slewed to starboard and came to a stop. The slave master went through the rowing decks until he came to a slave slumped dead over his oar. Two deck hands came below, unchained the dead slave, carried the body up on deck and threw it over the side. The slave master then went through the rowing decks again lashing every slave across the back. When he returned to his position at the timing drum he shouted ‘You know what to do!” As one man, all the galley slaves leant back and urinated into the air. Once the ship was under way again one of the slaves asked the man he shared an oar with, ‘What was that all about? ‘Oh, it’s a tradition in the Roman Navy, every time someone leaves the ship, we have a whip round and a piss-up.”
  14. mervin

    traffic cops

    600 kg africa twin?? frame must be made of solid lead then, just goes to prove what rubbish they talk at times. obviouslt know sod all about bikes Merv
  15. wash the bike off after riding in such conditions with a hosepipe, do you ACF50 available although expensive it is good i am told i just got some but not used it yet, but i am told after applying ACf50 all you need do all winter is rinse the bike with cold water to remove the worst dirt , ACF50 merv
  16. try allens for carb bits as for caliper boots have you tried the yam dealers merv
  17. to clean up brake discs just use the brakes merv
  18. Have you tried a jump start when it is slow turning to see if extra voltage helps, if not you may need to clean starter gear etc, my honda thumpers are slow to turning over start after sitting for a few days but after a run they are much better and one has a new battery merv
  19. mervin

    quick question

    hmm gaskets get compressed in use most times you are lucky and can reuse them, if it already has silicone on it it would appear it has been used before, maybe clean all the faces of the metal and apply another thin coat of silicon or gasket cement of some type yamaha bond is good i am told merv
  20. yeh i dont think many 50,s are restricted after they get too about 2 months old, i soon took the restrictor out of my daughters pug scoot it was using fuel like it was going out of fashion geared down too 30. and well we once had a late FS1 here ported and running on a micron spannie, that was good for 50 mph, as was the RX50 i had for a while last summer and that was without the arrow chamber that is till in my shed Merv
  21. Yes the full bike test would but not the full moped test read your licence and the definition of a moped, they are not allowed to do more than 30 mph full stop so if the bike does over 30 mph it becomes a 50 cc motorcycle then you need to be 17 to ride it which would put the rider back on L plates as the moped full licence would only count as a provisional on said bike, that is the law so be careful seen many a teenager end up with their tail between their legs like this thinking they know all, i was around when the law changed and looked into it all when my son and daughter were learning to ride, in my day the 50cc bike needed to be able to propelled by pedals that was all, when you got too 17 you could remove pedals fit footrests and take your test, then jump on anything you wanted the next day no 2 year 33bhp limit or anything like that Merv
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