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Everything posted by mervin

  1. I thought i would pass em on as they maybe useful too you 2 as well 1. Wear your glasses to make sure your partner is actually in the bed. 2. Set timer for 3 minutes, in case you doze off in the middle. 3. Set the mood with lighting. (Turn them ALL OFF!) 4. Make sure you put 911 on your speed dial before you begin. 5. Write partner's name on your hand in case you can't remember... 6. Use extra polygrip so your teeth don't end up under the bed. 7. Have Tylenol ready in case you actually complete the act.. 8. Make all the noise you want....the neighbors are deaf, too. 9. If it works, call everyone you know with the good news!! 'OLD' IS WHEN... Your sweetie says, 'Let's go upstairs and make love,' and you answer, 'Pick one; I can't do both!' 'OLD' IS WHEN... Your friends compliment you on your new alligator shoes and you're barefoot. 'OLD' IS WHEN... Going bra-less pulls all the wrinkles out of your face. 'OLD' IS WHEN.... You don't care where your spouse goes, just as long as you don't have to go along. 'OLD' IS WHEN... You are cautioned to slow down by the doctor instead of by the police . 'OLD' IS WHEN.. 'Getting a little action' means you don't need to take a laxative today. 'OLD' IS WHEN..... 'Getting lucky' means you find your car in the parking lot.. 'OLD' IS WHEN... An 'all nighter' means not getting up to use the bathroom. 'OLD' IS WHEN.... You're not sure if these are facts or jokes. (I sent this in large type so you can read it) :lol: :D
  2. those big bikers miss out on a great opportunity dont they
  3. Hi welcome to the forum I you should meet a long blonde haired english guy called Patrick in Bulgaria there is a good chance it is my mate Pat living there now, not a biker but ya never know, tell him merv says hello merv
  4. Round and round went the bloody great wheel in and out went the Etc etc :lol: aha here it is the engineer told me before he died, a hum titty titty titty bum, a hum titty titty titty bum. the engineer told me before he died, and I've no reason to believe he lied, a hum titty titty titty bum, a hum titty titty titty bum. he had a wife with a cunt so wide, a hum titty titty titty bum, a hum titty titty titty bum. he had a wife with a cunt so wide, that she could never be satisfied, a hum titty titty titty bum, a hum titty titty titty bum. so he built a bloody great wheel, a hum titty titty titty bum, a hum titty titty titty bum. so he built a bloody great wheel, two brass balls and a prick of steel, a hum titty titty titty bum, a hum titty titty titty bum. the two brass balls he filled with cream, a hum titty titty titty bum, a hum titty titty titty bum. the two brass balls he filled with cream, and the whole bloody issue was driven by steam, a hum titty titty titty bum, a hum titty titty titty bum. he laid his wife upon the bed, a hum titty titty titty bum, a hum titty titty titty bum. he lais his wife upon the bed, and tied her legs behind her head, a hum titty titty titty bum, a hum titty titty titty bum. he put the machine in a place to fuck, a hum titty titty titty bum, a hum titty titty titty bum. he put the machine in a place to fuck, he switched it on and wished her luck, a hum titty titty titty bum, a hum titty titty titty bum. round and round went the bloody great wheel, a hum titty titty titty bum, a hum titty titty titty bum. round and round went the bloody great wheel, in and out went the prick of steel, a hum titty titty titty bum, a hum titty titty titty bum. up and down went the level of steam, a hum titty titty titty bum, a hum titty titty titty bum. up and down went the level of steam, down and down went the level of cream, a hum titty titty titty bum, a hum titty titty titty bum. till at last the maiden cried, a hum titty titty titty bum, a hum titty titty titty bum. till at last the maiden cried, enough, enough I'm satisfied, a hum titty titty titty bum, a hum titty titty titty bum. now we come to the tragic bit, a hum titty titty titty bum, a hum titty titty titty bum. now we come to the tragic bit, there was no way of stopping it, a hum titty titty titty bum, a hum titty titty titty bum. she was split from ass to tit, a hum titty titty titty bum, a hum titty titty titty bum. she was split from ass to tit, and the fucking issue was covered in shit, a hum titty titty titty bum, a hum titty titty titty bum.
  5. i will second what barky says bin it, get ya self a decent new chain, broken chain can = destroyed casing very very expensive read this out of interest
  6. Ok the tube is not your gretest problem why is gas leaking out is your problem, well the float is set wrongly ir their is dirt in the float needle/seat area so the gas is still flowing when it should stop, are you familiar with carburettors, if not maybe get a manual and take em off and have a go at cleaning them yourself, oh and for all RD related stuff come and visit us on the aircoooledrdclub site
  7. mervin

    brake calipers

    Beware red hot cannon ball in the shape of a caliper piston, make sure the piston cannot fly out and hit anything if you try this method, most of all keep your fingers out of the way, a grease gun can be used to hydraulic em out as well Merv
  8. mervin

    brake calipers

    Where are you friedegg if you are in the uk contact Nick Chambers RDbitz he will sort it out for you, very likely rebuild it using stainless pistons, it will be better than new and cheaper than a replacement, you could get a secondhand one from ebay but there is no gurantee it will be any better than yours Merv
  9. mervin


    look after it mate one of the aircoled club lads has just restored one
  10. mervin

    cool kwaker

    yuk what a waste of a good triple that deserves a hardly ableson motor
  11. No Fioamy is busy having his Soozooki swift dragged out of ditches and Goff has found a wonderful guy and is madly in love, they were stuck in venice at one stage due too volcanic ash Merv
  12. yes tony join us on the airhead forum
  13. Instructor using bike too go shopping??
  14. You can ride a bike that is over 45bhp (i think) doing DAS training on L,s provided you have a qualified instructor with you, on your own it must be 125 and 14bhp, and after passing your test you are restricted too 33bhp unless you have taken DAS
  15. We mods cannot even do that just leave it to rot in the corner,If you are really dsperate Alex maybe able to do it if you pm him
  16. R1 has to be,mid to late sixties i reckon merv
  17. join the club i am too, ok one fuse so that rules that, startgoing through alll the connectors and cleaning em Merv
  18. KTM do em in twin packs, Merv
  19. Have you checked all the connectors are clean, and all the fuses are contacting correctly, i have has fuses that are ok but dirty let me down in the past when working on projects, ususally after a clean up and some WD40 they start too cooperate well Merv
  20. my cloeaner is the same as THIS one this is decent cleaner £4500 worth that dave bought to replace the one i bought off him, he sold this recently to get summat bigger if you are in the south east or anywhere for that matter and want summat cleaned go to Dave tell him Merv sent ya, you will get some free verbal abuse thrown in with the vapourblasting etc i am sure TSR VAPOUR BLASTING
  21. mervin


    you do not visit here much, too busy planning you're wedding we understand and want too wish you all the best But HAPPY BIRTHDAY GOFF all the best from me :hyper: :icon_mrgreen:
  22. Well yes it would take a while to work out all the possible permutaions with those, but i hope they have done a risk assesment for that video , and they have their working at height certificates, oh and that ladder is illegal the rungs are only held by nails, bloody pc, social worker, ambulance chaser, safety officer types would do their nut if they tried that nowadays
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