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Everything posted by mervin

  1. In the words of John Lennon "whatever gets ya through the night"
  2. yup I have to agreec with the other lads here,get a new tyre, something middle of the road though do not bo for golden boy or any other tyre from the Diyung dichfinder factory in china, Go for Heideneau, Cougar , maxxis , IRC, etc merv
  3. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia | Define ... Main Entry: hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. Part of Speech: n. Definition: fear of long words.
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/comedy/clips/p00d849d/spout_beckham_and_spurs_the_leaked_texts/
  5. It ia possible to change the bike to a yamaha, take that piece of trown together suzuki crud to the nearest bikeshop and part exchange for a yamaha :lol: :lol:
  6. mervin


    Um yes PETSEAL + CHOCOLATE TEA POT, CHOCOLATE FIREGUARD. useless shit I have used it 3 times and every time it came off, and the insructions say it needs some rust in the tank to adhere too, I should have seen it coming i suppose
  7. mervin


  8. I talked about this with Alex from OYB training, he prefers to use his own bikes for CBT as they ar covered with insurance for any damage, and if you do fall of it is his bike that is damaged and the pupil cannot moan that their bike was damaged,the same goes with his his Direct access courses Merv
  9. Not when you know how, there is something i got once for my 400 that got petseal out very easily aha option C if you have petseal already peeling in your tank tankcare products
  10. I am told this is just as good KREEM i think the secret is in the cleaning /derutsing products and this resists modern shite fuel as well it says, merv
  11. mervin

    caption comp

    The thing i fear most about old age is incontinence
  12. yup I would fill the hole with araldite or similar first then use, por 15 i have used it and it is good, do not on any account even try to use petseal it is complete shite and comes off in about 3 months then you will need to buy a kit too remove it and reseal at great expense
  13. I was just going on what i was told i have a set of hood jeans won in an internet competition merv
  14. Hood jeans are better completely kevlar lined not just the hips and knees
  15. 18 year old .............(insert haircolour as preffered) nymphomaniac that owns a yam dealership, brewery, and pub
  16. mervin

    blonde joke

    THE BEST BLONDE JOKE OF THE YEAR - SO FAR A man was in his front yard mowing grass when his attractive blonde female neighbor came out of the house and went straight to the mailbox. She opened it then slammed it shut and stormed back in the house. A little later she came out of her house again went to the mail box and again, opened it, slammed it shut again. Angrily, back into the house she went. As the man was getting ready to edge the lawn, here she came out again, marched to the mail box, opened it and then slammed it closed harder than ever. Puzzled by her actions the man asked her, 'Is something wrong?' To which she replied, 'There certainly is!' (Are you ready? This is a beauty...) 'My stupid computer keeps saying, 'YOU' VE GOT MAIL!'
  17. Get a decent one as well, i got a cheapy and snapped the studs on me sons fizzy when it went tits up not long after it was out of warranty
  18. that yam site is good i have the european parts list and a PDF of the R5 gen workshop manaul for europe if you need one and this article is good r5 resto merv
  19. As you travel around if youspot a big bike shop stop and go in and see what they have too offer, sometimes htey have sales on that will bring the price of stuff into a more affordable range, orsearch the internet for a shop having a sale near you then you can go try the helmet on Merv
  20. Police Investigating Joanna Yates killing, have said that the killer took one of her socks now, am I the only person thinking Heather Mills???
  21. I jut found our Gerry has died http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSxGNg76kAA
  22. You get what you pay for pay peanuts get monkeys
  23. Too quote Kenny They dont pay me enough money too ride that thing
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