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Everything posted by mervin

  1. Have you forgotten a valentines day card, always forgetting birthday cards do not worry here is the answer download and print em off from HERE Stuff moonpig that is a ripoff
  2. the regulator you have fitted is also knackered i would hazard a guess Merv
  3. Welcome What bike is it ?? Merv
  4. Not bad for a £100 mate best of luck with it Keep notes and take pictures as you strip it too help you with reassembly merv
  5. Welcome mate, sounds like an interesting bike you are building will be nice too see some pictures soon, Drewpy our XS400 bobber expert will be along in a minute no doubt merv
  6. konrad Check the twist grip ruber is not too close to the right hand switch and stopping it returning, there should be plastic washer type thing in there to stop that happening Merv
  7. Hi Alan good to see someone from GY in here I hope the name is not what you practice badgers a vicious buggers and trying to bang one may not be a pretty sight :lol: ,
  8. Dunno never ben to watermouth castle, or seen the vacuum cleaner museum shame the bike museum at Coombe martin has gone though, there are stil some unmissable attractions in the south west though BAROMETER WORLD passed it many times never felt the urge too visit it though, The National trust lawnmower collection british cycling museum again passed it may times never ever felt an urge to stop except maybe to have a piss in the gateway at night
  9. Carefully drillthe heads off the taper head genrally is holding the screws, but only drill the head off then you can remove the rest of the bolts with pliers or mole grips Merv
  10. Wurzels be vron Zummerzet Drewpy bouy, pasty munchers is vrum cornwall me handsome Welcome Conrad Whuch part f cornwall are ya from then i am very near bude just in devon to be accurate Merv
  11. Is it true she came home from school and said some one told me you are a paedophile and he said thats a big word for a 12 year old
  12. .. Englishman, a Scotsman, an Irishman, a Latvian, a Turk, an Aussie, a Yank, an Egyptian, a Jap, a Mexican, a Spaniard, a Greek, a Russian, an Estonian, a German, an Italian, a Pole, a Lithuanian, a Swede, a Finn, an Israeli, a Romanian, a Bulgarian, a Serb, a Czech, and a Swiss man walk into a pub. The landlord says, "I can't let you in without a Thai."
  13. A little bit of an intro in the noobs area would have been nice Go too the TDR250 forum some helpful lads on there Nigel Kimber NK racing does kits with alll the bits you need
  14. mervin

    RDD 11R

    I think i just fucked up paypal pouring a tin of tomato soup down their server
  15. mervin

    RDD 11R

    I will add a bowl of soup
  16. sounds like it is knackered mate. phone a bike garage an intro would be nice eh like just tell us who you are and what bike you own etc
  17. That is inspiration Drewps
  18. and hopefully when you wake up in jail the next day be there banged up beside ya merv
  19. I would honestly look into the cost of insurance first, Because i have been told the insurance companies will charge the same for a restricted bike as an unrestricted one, you may find that the smaller designed to be under 33bhp is alot cheaper to insure, just for the sake of it cannot be derestricted easily merv
  20. Happy birthday Jason the wildman Cynic only 40, young whippersnapper just seen it on the Rd forum you aint been in there for a while
  21. Well Cameron my theory has always been anything is possible with a big hammer and a welder, but to be honest if DT,s are as rare in Canada as they are here i would get both working instead of trying to make one good one from 2 and ending up with nothing of any real use
  22. Welcome David I hope you meet some fellow biker in mexico to ride with being in the UK it is a bit far for me too go merv
  23. mervin

    RDD 11R

    Ok i will throw in a lump of stewing beef for a beef stew then :lol:
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