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Everything posted by mervin

  1. Yes the corect name would be stanchion, you may find a good set of forks on ebay but be careful my son got a set for his bandit once the ylooked immaculate just needed the seals replacing when he stripped them they where slightly bent which was the cause of the seals premature failure. another option would be too get Philpotts s to rechrome the leg foryou it would depend on availabilty of new leg from yamha and price if the rechrome was worth doing also i see Wemoto do a pattern stanchin for just a touch under £100 Merv
  2. more hours on them, than Pameal Andersons minge
  3. nah not on guitar, they are on the fiddle :lol:
  4. Next generation of RN Ships Details have been released regarding Britain's introduction of the next generation of fighting ships: The Royal Navy is proud of the cutting edge capability of the new fleet of Type 45 destroyers. Having initially named the first two ships of this class HMS Daring and HMS Dauntless, the HM Ships naming committee have, after intensive counselling, renamed them HMS Cautious and HMS Prudence. The final four ships are to be named HMS Empathy, HMS Nervous, HMS Timorous and HMS Apologist. Costing £750 million, they have been designed to meet the needs of the 21st century; in addition to state of the art technology, weaponry, and guidance systems, the ships will comply with the very latest employment, equality, health & safety and human rights legislation. They will be able to remain at sea for several months and positively bristle with facilities. For instance, the new user-friendly crow's nest comes equipped with wheelchair access. Live ammunition has been replaced with paintballs to reduce the risk of anyone getting hurt and to cut down on the number of compensation claims. Stress counsellors and lawyers will be on duty 24hrs a day, and each ship will have its own onboard industrial tribunal. The crew will be 50/50 men and women, and balanced in accordance with the latest Home Office directives on race, gender, sexuality and disability. Sailors will only have to work a maximum of 37hrs per week in line with Brussels Health & Safety rules even in wartime! All bunks will be double occupancy, and the destroyers will all come equipped with a maternity ward and crèche, situated on the same deck as the Gay Disco. Tobacco will be banned throughout the ship, but cannabis will be allowed in the wardroom and messes. The Royal Navy is eager to shed its traditional reputation for "Rum, Sodomy and the Lash"; out goes the occasional rum ration which is to be replaced by Perrier water, although sodomy remains: this has now been extended to include all ratings under 18. The lash will still be available but only by request. Condoms can be obtained from the Bosun in a variety of flavours, except Capstan Full Strength. Saluting officers has been abolished because it is elitist, and is to be replaced by the more informal "Hello Sailor". All notices on boards will be printed in 37 different languages and Braille. Crew members will no longer be required to ask permission to grow beards or moustaches - this applies equally to the women. The MOD is working on a new "Non specific" flag based on the controversial British Airways "Ethnic" tailfin design, because the white ensign is considered to be offensive to minorities. The newly-renamed HMS Cautious is due to be re-commissioned soon in a ceremony conducted by Captain Hook from the Finsbury Park Mosque who will break a petrol bomb over the hull. She will gently slide into the water to the tune of "In the Navy" by the Village People played by the Royal Marines. Sea Trials are expected to take place, when she sets out on her maiden mission. She will be escorting boat loads of illegal immigrants across the channel to ports on the south coast. The Prime Minister said that "While the ships reflected the very latest of modern thinking they were also capable of being up-graded to comply with any new legislation. His final words were "Britain never, never waives the rules!"
  5. Barry Sheene one of the finest englishmen to race a bike died God speed Bazza
  6. saw a sign today that nearly made me piss myself Toilet Closed
  7. mervin

    mad cager

    yes i saw Gwyndaf Evans seat ibiza once that was the same just the body shape, the body was carbon fibre
  8. Gad it creeps up on ya Len has been dead nearly 8 years now vale onslow
  9. Govnors bridge 108 Coleshill Road Atherstone, CV9 2AF nearer coventry than brum but one of the best i reckon When Len Vale-onslow change his name too Stan then???
  10. Could it be 2K9 that is the 1978 IT250 I cannot find a record of a 2X9 2X8 is it 400 1979 2x7 is it IT 250 1979 acording to what i can find
  11. an intro in the noobs is the usual practice, ok it is a 78 250 but what model XS//DT/RD/TY Merv
  12. mervin

    mad cager

  13. Ebay Or the supertenere forum, Kymmy , she knows her stuff on there merv
  14. Scott is still around looks into here and the aircooled forum fairly often,Keef is busy as Admn on the aircooled forum, he haqs not been around here much for yonks What ya doing for a lving now Alex??
  15. I had my suspicions when i saw new member Herman Munster, Hi Alex good to see ya, we do not see Keef here any more Get back to the aircooled forum to fimd him, Alexasiginio is still around some days he lives in aus now though take care Merv
  16. mervin

    Yamaha identification

    Beware thjose are usa codes not uk ones, there are some differences Merv
  17. so he traded it in for summat more in keeping woth his age
  18. mervin


    I have been asked nicely by EBC to stop knocking their products on forums but after having a set of less than helf worn pads come away from the backing i recommend that if you are using them watch them closely, and this i would recommend with any brake pads, I have been told that they have improved the bonding process now, and they vey kindly sent me a new complete set of pads for my bike, Merv
  19. next time aim forvthe little buggers they will soon move
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