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Everything posted by mervin

  1. 30 years ago today he was taken from us
  2. knock the 400 off and it maybe good,
  3. As Jubb says leave it unless it is very cheap Where is it ?? merv
  4. Yes PGM oil pum pkit has all the bits you need instructions here for the rebuild the instructions are for the ds7 r5 pumps but the elsie ones are basically the same
  5. Dear Son, Just a few lines with some home news and to let you know I'm still alive. I'm writing this letter slowly because I know you can't read fast. We are all doing very well. You won't recognise the house when you get home - we have moved. Your dad read in the newspaper that most accidents happen within 20 miles from your home, so we moved. I won't be able to send you the address because the last Irish family that lived here took the house numbers when they moved so that they wouldn't have to change their address. This place is really nice. It even has a washing machine. I'm not sure it works so well though: last week I put a load in and pulled the chain and haven't seen them since. Your father's got a really good job now. He's got 500 men under him. He's cutting the grass at the cemetery. Your sister Mary had a baby this morning but I haven't found out if it's a boy or a girl, so I don't know whether you are an auntie or an uncle. Your brother Tom is still in the army. He's only been there a short while and they've already made him a court martial! Your Uncle Patrick drowned last week in a vat of whiskey in the Dublin Brewery. Some of his workmates tried to save him but he fought them off bravely. They cremated him and it took three days to put out the fire. I'm sorry to say that your cousin Seamus was arrested while riding his bicycle last week. They are charging him with dope peddling. I went to the doctor on Thursday and your father went with me. The doctor put a small tube in my mouth and told me not to talk for ten minutes. Your father offered to buy it from him. The weather isn't bad here. It only rained twice this week, first for three days and then for four days. We had a letter from the undertaker. He said if the last payment on your grandmother's plot wasn't paid in seven days, up she comes. About that coat you wanted me to send you, your Uncle Stanley said it would be too heavy to send in the mail with the buttons on, so we cut them off and put them in the pockets. John locked his keys in the car yesterday.. We were really worried because it took him two hours to get me and your father out. Three of your friends went off a bridge in a pick-up truck. Ralph was driving. He rolled down the window and swam to safety. Your other two friends were in the back. They drowned because they couldn't get the tailgate down. There isn't much more news at this time. Nothing much has happened. Your loving Mum. P.S. I was going to send you some money but I had already sealed the envelope.
  6. mervin

    A Shaved pussy

    Shaved pussy Bloke with huge cock look at the tits on this
  7. Bolton?? surely that is thailand rushing home from school to their night job in the bag house
  8. I will start I got eczema, diarrhoea, gonorrhoea and haemorrhoids last week. First time I've ever won a game of Scrabble. -------------------------------------------------- Prince Charles must have upset the Mafia. He wakes up every morning with a horse's head on his pillow -------------------------------------------------------- Time Machine David Cameron goes to a science exhibition and is shown a time machine which can see 100 years into the future. The man in charge invites him to ask any question he likes. Cameron asks "What will Australia be like in 100 years time?" The machine whirrs and beeps and goes into action and gives a printout, which the man reads: "The country is in good hands under the new Prime Minister, crime is non-existent, there is no conflict, the economy is healthy. There are no worries" He has another go "What will China be like in 100 years time?" Another print out: "The country will be the world's leading economy and everyone there will enjoy the highest standard of living in the world" Cameron then asks "What will Great Britain be like in 100 years time?" The machine whirrs and beeps and goes into action. The man gets a printout, but he's just stares at it. "Come on", says Cameron "What does it say" The man replies, "Buggered if I know ! It's all in Arabic!" --------------------------------------------------------- Two blondes... Lynn and Judy were doing some carpenter work on a Habitat for Humanity House. Lynn was nailing down house siding, would reach into her nail Pouch, pull out a nail and either toss it over her shoulder or nail it In. Judy, figuring this was worth looking into, asked, 'Why are you Throwing those nails away?' Lynn explained, 'When I pull a nail out of my pouch, about half of Them have the head on the wrong end and I throw them away.' Judy got completely upset and yelled, 'You moron! Those nails aren't Defective! They're for the other side of the house!' ------------------------------------------------------ A blonde walks into a shop and asks if she could buy the tv but the shop keeper says "sorry don't sell to blondes". The blonde walk in the next day and says "can i buy the tv?" and the shop keeper says "sorry i don't sell to blondes". So the blonde died her hair and whent to the shop and said can i buy the tv and the shop keeper said sorry i dont sell to blondes. The blonde said "how do you know I'm a blonde" and the keeper says "Because that is a microwave". ------------------------------------------------------- Just bought a Toyota Hybrid It's half car, half submarine --------------------------------------------------------- Whats the difference between marriage and a battery. A battery has a positive side -------------------------------------------------------
  9. Umm yes not smoking is bad for 2 strokes
  10. wel hang on til i get this thing and see if it is any good, if the thing is going to cost too much to get on the road i may be able to sell the motor to ya if that is any good merv
  11. I just bought a whole SR125 for £60 dunno what it is like though it has not run for 2 years pick it up tomorrow evening, spannering begins friday , Merv
  12. 63 bids £430 now, not me I let other people round em up and bring em too me, and i would not fit a medium anyway, It is for the red cross appeal for japan the auction
  13. Sorry i am not familiar with the XS carbs but Drewpy will be along in a minute or someone that knows XS,s and I did not realise you where the other side of the pond so try SUDCO
  14. I would go with Blackhats suggestion too, nothing more boring than motorways pick a nice a road route much more enjoyable Take inspiration from Madrider 1961 merv
  15. mebbe ask on the XT660 forum http://www.yam-xt.com/forum/
  16. Check the wemoto picture it may not be the actual stanchion in the picture, if you are unsure about stripping them and rebuilding yourself Philpotts maybe the best bet Merv aha yes not the correct picture
  17. yes i had something like this on my honda Vigor,i asked the bloke at the local bike shop what it was all about apparently it is too fool people in to thinking the exhaust gases are cleaner, it introduces air into the exhaust and lowers the percentage of gas coming out of the other end, so does nothing really, i removed mine and blanked off all the holes to no detriment too the bike, it is just like adding water too beer makes it weaker but in this case you still get the same pollutants coming out just they a re spread around more
  18. 22/23 litres = 5 gallons approx so say 5 gallons in 300 miles = 60 mpg approx so realistically 55/60 mpg then i would be happy with that i reckon, my honda does not do that but it is running around single track roads etc up and down the box all the time, not steady cruising, it may do better on a straight road mev
  19. Doh did not read the title this time mind you i should have had that Tenere off Sean it he only wanted £3250 for it at a year old ok 30,000 on the clock was a bit high but that price was good, I just went away too work as he offered it and when i came back and it had gone, Merv
  20. aha i did not realise Gasup had a Tenere mind yuo is this a 660 tenere or a 1200 super tenere he is asking about i wonder
  21. go too XRVforum and ask a guy calle sean from Hastngs on there he had a new one recently well a year or 18 months ago, he has sold it now, but he did 30,000 miles in around 12 months on it so is well qulified too tell you it,s fuel consupmption
  22. mervin


    try Mr Megapack a biker himself and self confessed fizzynut
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