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Everything posted by mervin

  1. The writer of allo allo died recently his family said he pissed away in his slop
  2. WOMEN - Two female friends are catching up: - So, how was your evening last night? - A disaster! After getting home, my dear beloved hubby wolfed down in 4 minutes the dinner that took me all afternoon to prepare, "granted" me 3 minutes of passionate love before rolling over and falling asleep 2 minutes later. And you? - Oh, mine was incredible. My hubby was waiting for me to get back home from work.. He took me out for a very romantic dinner. We then walked back home, under an amazing starry sky, along the canal, for a good two hours. Once home, he lit up all the candles we had and our foreplay lasted for an hour. We then made love for another hour and then we chatted until late. It was wonderfull.... MEN - Meanwhile, at the pub, the husbands are "networking"...: - So, how was your evening last night? - Great! When I came home, the food was ready. I ate, we shagged and I fell asleep. You? - A nightmare! I came home earlier to fix the kitchen shelf. When I switched on the power drill, the fuse went out. The whole house went into darkness. Couldn't find the bloody fusebox, so when my better half arrived, I took her out. It was the only thing to do to avoid getting an earfull... Dinner was so expensive that I couldn't afford the taxi back home, so we had to walk home. Once there, the house was still in the dark, obviously, so I had to light all these f*cking candles to avoid knocking everything down. I was so wound up that it took me an hour to get a hardon, and another one to come. In the end, I was so p!ssed off that it took me ages to fall asleep, while she kept yapping on and on about everything and nothing...
  3. From what i hear i think one or two rides blocked the whole motorway leading to a few motorists getting irate , the plan was only too block 1 or 2 lanes and leave the outside one for cars too filter past, and it was done on a sunday so as not too upset the people going abut there daily work ,but the BBC obviously did not show any interest as it was not on the news at 10, some unheard of middle eastern idiot blowing themselves up etc of no interest to me makes the news, but they make it every day, and foreigners wrecking their towns as well as teenage dirtbags wrecking their areas in the uk make front line news, a big majority of bikers protesting is not worth reporting , but as someone on faceache put it
  4. now there,s an idea signed pick axe handles as mementos of your holiday in devon /Scotland etc,
  5. i will have a word with paul he may just like a date with a nice young RAF man :eusa_shifty:
  6. I saved my mistress' phone number as 'LOW BATTERY'. Whenever she calls and I'm not around, the missus takes the phone and plugs it to the charger unknowingly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saw a chameleon today. So I guess it's safe to say it was a pretty useless chameleon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- America has reached a total national debt of 14.3 Trillion. They only asked Wonga for £200 until the end of the month. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How many Germans does it take to change a lightbulb? Lots, but they must all have the same name. As the say "Many Hans make light work!"
  7. spray some WD40 in the lock and around the general area , pres down on the seat over the lock to relieve pressure on the lock when you are trying as well
  8. Dennis the owner( DAM) lives not far from me they are into brit iron on that forum http://www.classicbikeforum.co.uk
  9. John are you on DAM,s classic bike forum?? Merv
  10. That on my hard drive ??? found it on you tube have not watched much of it though life is too short , i got bored after the first 2 seconds
  11. As for fork seals take the dust seal off wipe it clean stuff it ful of kitchen/toilet roll put dust seal back proceed to test center via shortest route merv
  12. Yes 13A is a 82 AG100 frame according to the CMSNL website
  13. mervin


    round and black generally
  14. fairy liquid and warm water , then a little oil spread over it and squeeze it gently to spread it around , you will get a little extra smoke on first start as it suck in excess oil Merv
  15. Uh yes We have an outline plan for a ride too the http://warrenhouseinn.co.uk/ with bridgewater and taunton VJMC no date yet though possibly taking in the classic bike day at http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/main/w-finchfoundry near okehampton but do not have a date yet, other than that nothing much planned, or we can just throw together a ride between ourselves , across the moors etc Merv
  16. I avoid the megacrawl, we had a Southwest bikers friendly rideout the same day this year, not a plod in sight they where all in plymouth, a couple of years ago i went out with Hazey and the torbay kickstart club on the same day, all the local loonies are in plymouth and the roads are peaceful
  17. mervin

    sad day today :(

    Yup do not dissapear forever Kishan take care merv
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