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Everything posted by mervin

  1. Unfortunately this has fallen foul of the recession got this message from Phil the organizer this morning he Chicken Run IV UK Tour (8th - 22nd August 2009) It is with sad news that this event now has to be cancelled. Our main sponsor has had to close its doors for business and he was paying for the fuel and accommodation for the team. It is now to late in the day for us to get another sponsor to cover these aspects of the run. All our hard work has now been in vain and I feel sick. Thank you for those that offered to do the legs above. We will not be doing the next run until August 2010.
  2. another ancient law that needs sorting, that was fine when the tractors were little fergys etc only capable of 15 mph, but now with fastracs etc the things are capable of 50 mph and huge trailers they should need HGV,s to drive em i reckon, i was driving the big county 4wd,s traveling at 25 mph loaded too 14 tonnes at 18 years old on a car licnece and could legally have done that on mt own with L plates, but a 10 ton truck i could not drive unless i had a HGV stupid, and makes a mockery of the licnece system Merv
  3. watch fleabay but they will not be cheap you maybe better of to sell the thing and buy a 250Lc or aircooled in the end Merv
  4. Dave at yambits usually supplies good quality crap , Nornmally mitaka pistons never heard of these, due to a fall ut over something trivial with another member and he is very busy we do not dsee him on theaircooledforum any more but he is a good guy and i can thoroughly recommend him, Merv
  5. mervin


    hmm wonder where that line went
  6. mervin


    This wife buys a pair of crotchless knickers in an attempt to spice up a dead sex-life. She puts them on, together with a short skirt and sits on the sofa opposite her husband. At strategic moments she uncrosses her legs ……. enough times till her husband says, ”Are you wearing crotchless knickers?” “Yes,” she answers, seductively. “Thank Christ for that. I thought the stuffing was coming out of the sofa.” ----------------------------------------------------------- A man was sitting on a blanket at the beach . He had no arms and no legs Three women were walking past and felt sorry for the poor man. The first woman said 'Have you ever had a hug?' The man said 'No,' so she gave him a hug and walked on. The second woman said 'Have you ever had a kiss?' The man said 'No,' so she gave him a kiss and walked on. The third woman walked over to him and whispered in his ear 'Have you ever been f*cked?' The fellow looked up in amazement and said 'No' well you will be when the tide comes in
  7. mervin

    MOT test?

    Foamy ave a look ere mate
  8. Ere that vinny looks good, OG i think some little toerag nicked the front wheel on that pile of poo you are sitting on maybe it should be thrown back into the canal it wa dredged out of merv
  9. HGV/PSV licences run from the date of your test pass too age 45 then you have to have a medical to renew it every 5 years after that, you sayit is a good job that we have this but surely it would be sensible if all drivers had this, how much damage could a middle age fatso in a porsche/merc etc doing 100 + mph on the motorway do if they had a heart attack, how many 60 + year olds are driving around with faded eyesight that are too stupidly stubborn not admit to it, or do anything about it , in fact looking at it most likely the most dangerous vehicles on the road are cars and vans being driven by undertrained numptys that think driving licenses are a god given right,,and as soon as you pass your test all you have to do is put your foot flat on the floorboards and stuff everyone else on the road, Not a privilege to be earned that can be removed , and not learning from their mistakes cos they reckon everyone else is wrong,
  10. Go too aircooled rd club and you can enquire there the wanted area is restricted to paid up members but you can join by paypal for the princely sum of £10.50 until october, thereare a lot of us members on there, or if you want too live dangerously go too USA 2Strokers Merv
  11. mervin

    Fr Crilly

    Too right they do not make em like that anymore, RIP Dermot Morgan , Ardal you are oneof the funniest characters around at the moment, watched the new Reggie Perrin thing last night, not bad but Martin Clunes is Martin Clunes no one will ever beat Leonerd Rossiter in the things he did, total and utter one off that guy, and the combination of characters on the new prog is not the same as the old one, CJ etc do not cut the mustard too me
  12. mervin

    Clutch swap?

    you will have fun getting a set of 32mm valvie forks you need elsie ones merv
  13. mervin

    Clutch swap?

    will ave a look in the morning i have an aircooled 250 clutch i measure the basket of, it has 7 friction plates that much i can tell ya merv
  14. foamy i reckon that wil be the powevalve ones or the the Lc ones Merv
  15. Keith welcome to the forum but i am now gonna tell ya to go too another one you will find me there also aircooledrdclub you will get a load of help from the 345 other aircooled members there well they do not all come on the forum but SF brain is in the process of restoring 2 350,s and if you join the club itself you get access to the ,members for sale area club magazines occasionally etc all for £7.50 until october merv
  16. mervin

    more jokes

    In the beginning when God was creating the world, He was sitting on a cloud, telling his pal the Arch Angel Gabriel what he planned for Scotland. " Gabby" says He "I'm going to give this place high majestic mountains, purple glens, soaring eagles, streams laden with salmon, golden fields of barley from which a whisky coloured nectar can be made, green, lush, spectacular golf courses, coal in the ground, oil under the sea,...gas". " Hold up! Hold up!" Interjected the bold Gabriel " Are you not being too generous to these Scots ? " Back came the Almighty's reply "Not really, wait until you see the neighbours I'm giving them !!! "
  17. mervin

    more jokes

    Three women who were friends in school have returned to their hometown to attend their 25th reunion and have lunch together. Their talk turns to their position in life, and it's clear that they are trying to one-up each other. The first woman says, "My husband is taking me to the French Riviera for two weeks," and then looks at the others with a superior demeanor. The second woman says, "Well, my husband just bought me a new Mercedes,"and looks about with considerable pride. The third woman says, "Well, to be perfectly honest with you, we don't have much money and we don't have any material possessions -- but 13 canaries can stand shoulder to shoulder on my husband's erect penis." After a long silence, the first woman looks shame-faced and says, "Girls, I've got a confession to make. I was just trying to impress you. We're not really going to the French Riviera -- we're going to skegness for two weeks." The second woman says, "Your honesty has shamed me. To be honest, my husband didn't buy me a Mercedes -- he bought me an astra." "Well," the third woman says, "I also have a confession to make. Canary number 13 has to stand on one leg." -------------------------------------------------------- So I went to the Patent Office trying to register some of my inventions. I went to the main desk to sign in and the lady at the desk had a form that had to be filled out. She wrote down my personal info and then asked me what I had invented. I said, "A folding bottle." She said, "Okay. What do you call it?" "A Fottle." "What else do you have?" "A folding carton." "What do you call it?" "A Farton." She snickered and said, "Those are silly names for products and one of them sounds kind of crude." I was so upset by her comment that I grabbed the form and left the office without even telling her about my folding bucket.
  18. mervin

    more jokes

    i got banned from B&Q this afternoon some twerp in ared apron came up to me and asked if i wanted decking so i got the first punch in merv
  19. you will need the correct puller available from Yambits on fleabay i reckon do not try any other way as you will find the puller is very cheap compared to the damage you can do trying to remove it any other way merv
  20. looks good mate glad you got it sorted,nothing worse than a bike that will not behave itself Merv
  21. hope less case give it too me, Merv :blink:
  22. make love to my beauty queen wife
  23. Bad news Paul you live and learn as they say merv
  24. more training than i ever had the CBT" theres ya keys lad theres the bike take care bye" Merv
  25. mervin

    exhaust paint.

    If you are passing Trago mills in devon or cornwall plastikote is a hell of a lot cheaper there I:E £3/£4 a can, it is just off the A38 near newton abbot, rigt bedie the 138 near liskeard in cornwall, and one in Falmouth, Merthyr tydfil comin soon trago mills
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