Everything posted by steve m
16 March ,May be worth a look
Lidl are doing some motor cycle gear from the 16th March, may be worth a look if you have a store nearby. Lidl site Don`t know what the quality is like, but the prices look good.
50 MPH limit to start next year !!
From 2013 ish they wont even have to press a button !! the car will do it for them,
BBC Red Nose Day
Just heard on BBC radio 2, that they got to the top of the hill,,,,,,,,,, and will be back in the studio by Wednesday,, GOD<<<<<<<<<<<< it must be hard for them..... It takes nearly that long to get from Skegness to London !!!!!!
50 MPH limit to start next year !!
Yes,, speed camaras, the average speed type, a liecence to print money, now how much did we give to the banks ????? It also makes it esier for them to do the speed mapping, for automatic speed control of vehicles !! Ok add this lot,,,,,,,,, More mandatory safety systems proposed by Brussels............. The proposels refer to a "Daughter Directive" to vehicle type approval 2007/46/EC making safety systems mandatory on new cars,vans,trucks and buses,,,,,,, With out going into it in full they are,, Advanced emergency braking systems, (AEBS) if the car thinks you are going to hit something it takes over control and puts the brakes on for you. Lane departure warning systems (LDWS) if you stray from your lane it gives a warning. (well thats the start) These are to be inplemented by 29th Oct 2013 for new type approvels and 2 years later for all vehicles Electronic stability control, (ESC) to brake wheels individually and control veering. Mandatory for all new vehicles from 29 Oct 2012 I wonder how many motorists know of this or even care ! You may say "what does this mean for bikes ?" I think the answer will be "what bikes !!" motor cycles are not on any transport plan !! (except to ban them !! ) This is not scare mongering by MCN,, but taken from the Transport Engineer.
50 MPH limit to start next year !!
Try this for size !! You still think this is a great country ????????
BBC Red Nose Day
Yep and I bet they have a helicopter to bring them back down again !!!!!!!
Newby Yamaha XJ900 Owner
Hiya Donald, welcome to the forums. Yes they are a good old bike I used to own one and had the same problem with the cans, ended up putting a Motard 4 into 1 system on it.
BBC Red Nose Day
Nice rant Yamigirl But good points,, I to give to the cancer reserch charity, cos that is where the money goes, I was told 3 years ago I had lung cancer, but luckely for me I was eventualy cleared, it was the worst 6 months of my life and not something I could wish on any one. Pity some of the billions of pounds being pumped into the banks and bankers pockets couldn`t have been used to help find cures for cancer and heart problems, instead it`s being used to prop up a load of fat cats who have never wanted in there lives. Funny how goverments can find money to look after there own ! Not all cancers are caused by smoking and not all heart problems are caused by being over weight, the mother inlaw had stomch cancer and she never smoked in her life ! A lot of the people I help in my job have never smoked or drank in there lives, but it`s not stopped them from having heart attacks or having strokes, nether has it stopped them from getting cancer or chest problems. I like to know where my moneys going when I give to charity, one place is not overseas and another, is to not make some jumped up over paid telly/football star look good
BBC Red Nose Day
Thats bad news then............... Best keep me hand in me pocket then ,, save myself a pound or two
BBC Red Nose Day
Disabledbikers ??????????????????? True or Not ??????
Sentences in letters written to councils in UK
is Monica back
free theatre tickets for under 26
[quote this is a govt scheme launched in feb this year and lasts till 2011 when i'll be 25 ps I look under, but I'm really over 26 Yep,,,,,,,,,, me too ..............
Front breaklight switch.
Yep, but if it`s pre 1985 then theres not much he can do about it, providing a switch is fitted to one or the other brake and it works.
speed cameras
Perhaps they own a bike that will go faster than 70 and they want to !!
Front breaklight switch.
If that is the Yambits link ?? just looked and it works for me .
1992 FZR 1000 Brake Calipers
Is this the front or rear caliper you are talking about ?? If it`s the front then it Looks like you have a non standard calipers, had a look at some part catalogs of the era and all show the pin and circlip fitting for that bike, the rear caliper though, does show a threaded pin ! part No 3HE-25924-00.
Yam FZ6 S2 naked newbie
Hiya and welcome to the boards,, for Fazer stuff you could try here Fazer OC
Blue spot calipers on rear of FZR600R
Picture now on,, Wayne.
Blue spot calipers on rear of FZR600R
I put a set on the wifes 600 Fazer, it just needed a bit of filling on the bracket to make the bolt holes line up. don`t know if it`s the same set up as your bike ? I was going to put a picture on for you but,,, it would appear we can no longer do this !!!! Ok it`s sorted !!
- Two up
Need Shock Absorbers for RD200's
YZF600R Thundercat downpipes
I had Predator make up an exhaust for the wifes XS400seca and they did a good job, also heard that they come recomended for there Yam XJ set up, but don`t know what they do for the Cat ? Try here Quill Exhausts They list a stainless system for the T Cat at £225 + VAT. Hagon are a basic shock with Pre load and Damping adjustment, not a bad price at £275. you could also try Wilbers or Maxton
Authenticity in the v-twin stable.
""""""""Erm ... take a closer look and it may reveal what is lurking beneath the hidden depths!""""""""" Nope lost me ???????????????? bit to deep for me ,, afraid I am just a simple Yam owner
Authenticity in the v-twin stable.