Everything posted by YZF Lad
Run out to North Wales
So watch out for horse boxes with cameras in then?
Run out to North Wales
Taking a pillion out for a ride sometime, I was thinking of North Wales. Does any have any good ideas of where to head for - travelling from East Lancashire. A cafe stop is ideal with some good twisty roads for me to enjoy to Never been to North Wales by bike so some good ideas if poss - cheers in advance
One for the peeps on 125s
When I had my Aprillia RS 125 I had an Oxford tale pack and tank pad and went away for weekends upto the Lakes on it. Stopped off at Devils Bridge on the way up for a brew - had a grreat time on it. Although i may of been bent double if I had'nt had regular stops Oh and it was a pain filling up cos the tank was plastic and it took a whiletaking the tank bag off. Dont let having a 125 put you off long journeys - go av some fun!!!
- Which R6?
Darlings 2009 plan
Added my seal. It will push bikes next grrrrr
New board member introduction
Great bike collection dude, ride in summer, snowboard in winter COOL!!! Welcome aboard
Textile riding gear
I have a product called tech wash, it comes from either a bike shop or outdoor pursuits shop. It washes your tech clothing without damaging the fabric or waterproofness of it. Then I use reproofing product so the water beads again - dont use the stuff you add to the conditioner draw on the washing machine, they dont work well. I have used one you rub in to the fabric, workds great. Hope that helps. By the way, I washed the jacket in the machine on a delicate setting
Which R6?
I'm 39 and quotes fully comp are around £450 upwards mark this is on a full bike liscence, depends on immobilisers / alarms / garaged or not / post code - all the usual stuff. Bikes data tagged, immobiliser and garaged!! Some of the cheaper quotes had large excess though so watch out for that - seem a good price them slap on nearly a grands worth of excess. I would'nt even condisidor third party fire and theft, not for a sports bike. Good luck with the insurance mate
fuel consumption
2001 R6 Motorway miles at about 80 90 mph around 145 ish to a tank A roads around 150 - 155 ish to a tank These are just as the fuel warning light comes on. Hope that helps..
delay new bike test petition
Signed n sealed
Will I ever get to ride my new bike in the dry!
Some day out Live to ride ride to live. At work during the day so went out when I finished. May not have the bike after Thursday, mates going in for his test and if he passes he's taking the bike. So Tuesday was a sort of farewell ride if you will, will defo be getting one though - going to get some test rides booked in. R6 is top of the pile though, I have really enjoyed using it and my bike passion is well and truely back!!
Will I ever get to ride my new bike in the dry!
Dry tonight in Lancashire, went out and found some good twisty roads to have a blast on. Ended up in Settle, chips and a coke for tea and good run back home - happy
I bought a tub of this leather cream, which nourishes the leather and keeps it supple. It also makes the water bead on the leather. Seems to work, both jeans and jacket are supple and not cracking as they sometimes do. The stuff I use came from a local bike dealer - about £4 a tub, it last for ages.
Which R6?
Congratulations on passing your test mate. I am riding a full power 01 R6 after riding a Aprillia RS125 before and after passing my test and find no problem with handling. I am sure (others on here will know better) you will be ok with any R6 you restrict as its done in the same way. What ever you go for enjoy and be safe, you cant enjoy your bike in a hospital bed or 6ft under
Running temp R6
My 01 R6 working temp is around 70 - 80, fan kicks in around 101. Soon drops again once I'm moving. Usually in the 70s on the m/way.
Why do yall put pipes on your plastic bikes?
Sounds like the same one my mates know. Get it wrong every time and if someones in the way tough - hope your mates ok?
Why do yall put pipes on your plastic bikes?
Goff the corps this muppet is talking about will be the american marine corps - trigger happy marines, who fire off rounds for the fun of it. Dont know the meaning of the word covert and cant do an ambush to save their own lives. The very one which needs BRITISH FORCES to go and save their god dam arses in Iraq etc cos their so good at their job. So that will be the one!!
New owner help
2 side lights, 2 main beams plus high beam and when indicating the beams should be on both sides not only 1 side. Good luck mate
- A Funny Tale
- Leathers
Cheers mate. I am 'looking after' for a mate whos not passed his test yet. Love it, brilliant ride and its in top condition. The guy who owned it before had a custom paint job done on it plus hes R6'd whatever he could - heel plates, cap on the brake fluid container etc etc. The white rims take some cleanin though lol
Heres on of me on Easter Sunday bringing the back back north after picking it. Hand leather jacket on under the windproof top cos it was f*****g freezing on the motorway. Will take another one of my leathers and post it on later
Insurance on the database?
I got stopped Easter Sunday bringing the bike up from Birmingham, they said it had no insurance. It had been done on line - glad to see its on there now
Chain Adjustment - R6
Cleaned my bike this afternoon and think the chain could do with adjusting it seems alittle slack. How tight or how much movement should there be in it after its been adjusted?
Will try and get to to Rivvy Barn on Sunday, which way do you go over from Rossendale Live to ride Ride to live? Where abouts is the top barn from the bottom barn?