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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/2013 in all areas

  1. http://youtu.be/tOFIwosnzVc can't suss how to paste in video but hope that this link will work, makes incredible viewing although the quality is poor, takes place in geneva around 2006, the 25 yr old rider was arested after he was traced back from posting the video.
    1 point
  2. Foamy are mythical creatures which inhabit an earth-like planet called Faern (pronounced "Farn", they have grey fur and mimic the sounds and calls of the other woodland creatures, when in contact with humans for a long period of time they will learn to form sentences and communicate using a human language It was a character I drew on my English lesson folder 7 years ago, and it's stuck ever since, since I am also a strange creature of imagination...
    1 point
  3. Tommy XS's username is actually very deceptive because his name is Barry and he rides a Honda Camino. Life is full of confusion.
    1 point
  4. oh it all gone Quiet over there,oh it all gone Quiet over there, oh it all gone Quiet, its all gone Quiet its all gone Quiet over there we're the f#%ken hell is Grouch, wee'rrree the f*U#%ken heLLLL iiissss GROUCH
    1 point
  5. got no imagination me - suppose that I should have gone with 'Bender'
    1 point
  6. I really wanted to be called "Mongo the Merciless"
    1 point
  7. What's the first thing that goes through a bugs mind when he hits your visor? His arse.
    1 point
  8. HELLO!!! is anyone there? What's happening Grouch we are all waiting for the day when you have this thing fixed and running again. Been ages since you last said anything about how it's going, have you taken a hammer to it in frustration?
    1 point
  9. It's one of those "looks good at a distance bikes" but when you get close things aren't what they seem, shame really as it is a nice bike but as Drewpy says just bits that wear out anyway so not a major rebuild, seems like the last owner did a repair NOT replace on the parts so leaving the next poor sod who owns it YOU! the fun of turning it around. Should be an easy fix though and you get to know your bike really well which believe it or not is a GOOD thing. Just plod through the nasty bits and you will have a fine bike, keep you eye on the prize!!!
    1 point
  10. Ok so with standard sprockets 16/59 45 on 4th and 60 on 5th screaming like a banshee... can't b right
    1 point
  11. looks a good project. that's all consumable parts so nothing really major as such (just expensive)
    1 point
  12. in the UK if we have a legit receipt its ours, just need to send off to DVLA to change registration
    1 point
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