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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2013 in all areas

  1. Hmmm strong words.. This brings to mind a poem, whatever that my old boss had on his wall for years. Choice You choose to enjoy cigarettes Their residue is smoke That gets in my hair, my clothes, my mouth. I choose alcohol That residue is piss If you want that in your hair, your clothes, your mouth Smoke in my office........... Still makes me smile..
    2 points
  2. Ok this is putting him on the spot but hey what are we here for. Foamy has chucked the fags and mentioned a marathon. Tommy XS and i both said we'd throw in with 50p a mile. Anybody else who wants in........ IMPORTANT BIT Foamy has not agreed to run anywhere im just after incentive and testing response. If he tells me to take a running jump so be it. Foamy edit: check out my page to donate peeps
    1 point
  3. finally got a few pictures off Mike; Guy Martin's bike (got told off for twiddling his settings, oops) and then I get Josh Brookes 3rd place cup, suits me fine. met Nial McKenzie too there and then a lovely poached salmon meal with NewYork cheese cake mmmm
    1 point
  4. The sooner the better
    1 point
  5. Im guessing if she wasn't fit we wouldn't be having this conversation :-)
    1 point
  6. Exactly. Chain. Padlock and give her the key. No foul.
    1 point
  7. 2 years ago I was a medium smoker (20 cigs/day)... when My wife get pregnant, i decide to try stop smocking. now, I smoke some like 1-2 cigs/day and i use e-cig and nicotine patchs... i`m one of the people who want stop smoking BUT its just my decision. I still enjoy every cig and I think I will never stop smoking but I can keep that at a low level. anyway, its funny to see no smokers parking their 3l cars near you and tell you, you kill them with your cigs. i`m 100% sure all no smokers use a form of pollution and they really don`t care about that... so, why I care? regarding about photos on the cigarettes packs what I can say? how the cars will look with some photos like this painted? but this is nothing. lets kill the christmas because a plastic christmas tree produced in china pollute like a car, (entire process of product+ transport)... 500.000 trees= 6.000.000 km with a car... and need 200 years to be degraded... you will say you use this tree for 200 years but no, in 2-3 years is back on recycling and you buy another one. you care? no! nobody cares! so, why I care? 15 comercial ships pollute like all cars from the world. but you see anyone speaking about that? no... we care about smokers. they are our big problem. you are against smocking? don`t smoke! but never expect other do the same and don`t blame them for this because smocking its not so bad how other things are. you are no smoker? good for you! you have my respect, I try hard to be like you! BUT how i say, I will EVER enjoy EVERY cig! @MrCardboardDave you really think the gov do this to discourage new smokers? in my opinion its just more bullsheet. a poor excuse for more taxes. they can`t put taxes for good things so, they create bad things.
    1 point
  8. Sigh... Smoking threads always go this way. Can we not get back to Steve and wishing him all the best with quitting the habit. By all means rant if you want to but kick it off in a new thread.
    1 point
  9. Brings a whole new meaning to being shitfaced
    1 point
  10. So a padlock and chain wont do it then?
    1 point
  11. This is a great forum - amongst the very best. For local rides try googling: 4counties and wiltshirebikers I ride with both (and with my long time mates). WB went down to West Bay today [superb ride 5*], 4counties are riding to Brecon next sunday. There are always tons of rideouts round this way and people are friendly. Notable rides within shooting distance of Bristol for me are: Fish Hill, Malvern-British Camp, Gospel Pass, Hirwaun-Treochy-Ogmore, Abergavenny-Hereford, ZigZag hill, Taunton to Minehead, A35 (all the way), A39 Bath to Devon and A30 start to London.
    1 point
  12. Loved the photos Fakhir, your getting on really well, most of the stuff you call FUNGUS is just the aluminium reacting to moisture and neglect, just clean it with soap and water and then brush it off with a wire brush, make sure you don't breath this crap in as it is nasty stuff and your lungs will not thank you for it, most of the GREEN GUNK is just old oil that has separated during the years so again just wash it off and make sure you get right inside the part to remove it the BROWN GUNK is a bit more worrying as it is a mixture of oil and rust from inside the engine/pump that probably means that the seals are gone and any metal washers are also knackered just take it apart and replace anything that looks suspect. Airhead is the man when it comes to 2 strokes so if you have any advice from him I would just do it! The marks on the pistons are as he says just from when it was made so no real problem there but the coke (carbon) on the piston top looks a bit heavy so you might look at getting a new piston and rings as a part of the project plus measure the head/bore to see if it might need a re-bore and then you will have to replace all of that anyway. Nice work there mate should keep you busy for a while.
    1 point
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