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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2013 in all areas

  1. His speech is aimed squarely at people like me who have always voted conservative and are likely to vote UKIP at the next general election. If this happens -a lot of traditional tory voters vote UKIP - Liebour will get back in (god help us if they get back in, but Dave needs a kicking). Unfortunately he promised us an in/out vote before 2010 and tory voters have not forgotten. I have recently joined UKIP and will be doing everything possible [activism] to steal as many votes from the tories as possible. At least Farage calls it as he sees it, instead of being mired in spin and sleaze. Tony Blair really ruined this country, it needs something like exit from the EU to get it back on track.
    1 point
  2. Well I also live up in the frozen North I will definately be against Scottish Independence. If you think you cannot trust a Westminster politician, then you should be sure that you cannot trust Salmon. In my opinion he is the biggest self serving, lying, bombastic, arrogant fool out there. Anyone who thinks the UK would be in a better state broken up into 4 separate countries is sadly deluded.
    1 point
  3. Referendum on the EU yeah, and Ive just seen a winged pig fly over Leicester. Wouldn't trust a politician any of them as far as i could throw one they cant even lie straight in bed.
    1 point
  4. Saying hello to other yamaha riders!
    1 point
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