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30 user(s) active in the past 15 minutes

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Yeah - just wondered why we had so many that was all............... :rolleyes:

Because none of us Americans understand your dang English slang! :lol: Cheerio.

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Because none of us Americans understand your dang English slang! :lol: Cheerio.

The get a flippin dictionary me ol mucker :lol:

I joined, I was one of the guests

Square box

And very welcome you are indeed - i was being polite when i said "guests" - i meant LURKERS :lol:

The get a flippin dictionary me ol mucker :lol:

As I have said before, I have two dictionaries. Your slang only appears in online sources, ya drooling quadruped! :P

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As I have said before, I have two dictionaries. Your slang only appears in online sources, ya drooling quadruped! :P

Drooling quadruped.. - is this one of your slang terms then? :lol:

Cos its really rather pants :D

Drooling quadruped.. - is this one of your slang terms then? :lol:

Cos its really rather pants :D

"pants"? :huh: . "drooling quadruped" is proper English, NOT slang. It's really sad how often you can call a guy a homosapien out here and watch them insist that they like girls. American slang: rub, chump, mo, trailertrash, instabiker. My brother was told to shut his man-pleaser when he was in the Marine Corps. "Anal Glaucoma" - (I don't see my ass hanging out with you). Depends on the part of America ya live in. B)

Never even noticed who`s online or Guests etc, I just relate to the users actually posting, all the rest can get on with doing thier own thing...not doing me any harm.

On British slang...........

Never mind Peabody,"me old CHINA PLATE", If you ever get stuck with rhyming slang, you can get on the "DOG AND BONE" to check it out.

What you have to remember is that most R.S. is reduced to just one of the words, so that your MATE, is your CHINA (see above) And that the telePHONE is the "DOG"

You have to be careful though, as some slang in common use has a masking effect on the real nature of what is being said.

eg, "he`s lost his BOTTLE, or has no BOTTLE, is actually refering to ones ability to endure something without making a mess in their pants (shorts to you, undergarments)

It comes from BOTTLE AND GLASS, which rhymes with arse etc which is also why ones rear end is known as an ARRIS, which is short for ARISTOTLE --BOTTLE.........

And then some slang has no rhyme or reason, other than its just in common use. most terms can be traced back to something meaningful, although most people you ask will not know or care where the terms they use originate.

Oh, just a warning, If you ever come over the pond, remember NOT to call anyone a BERK, especially in London.

You just might Offend the wrong person, and end up with a slap :o

I'm not familiar with "BERK", but I do know that holding up the American "peace" sign (middle and index finger up) means something else over on your side of the Atlantic.

I'm not familiar with "BERK", but I do know that holding up the American "peace" sign (middle and index finger up) means something else over on your side of the Atlantic.

YIP PEABODY / The two fingerd V sign was in the old war days [ medi-evil ] when we caught there archers

we"d cut them two fingers off / [renderd usless ] then hold up v sign to them next time in battle .

wonder if they still managed a HAM SHANK :lol: [work that slang out ]

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YIP PEABODY / The two fingerd V sign was in the old war days [ medi-evil ] when we caught there archers

we"d cut them two fingers off / [renderd usless ] then hold up v sign to them next time in battle .

wonder if they still managed a HAM SHANK :lol: [work that slang out ]

It was the English taunting the french, as the English were the best longbowmen. It was supposed to be at the battle of Agincourt (100 years war)

YIP PEABODY / The two fingerd V sign was in the old war days [ medi-evil ] when we caught there archers

we"d cut them two fingers off / [renderd usless ] then hold up v sign to them next time in battle .

wonder if they still managed a HAM SHANK :lol: [work that slang out ]

:D I have usually found that where there is a will there is a way :blink:

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:D I have usually found that where there is a will there is a way :blink:

or a long neck!!

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Never even noticed who`s online or Guests etc, I just relate to the users actually posting, all the rest can get on with doing thier own thing...not doing me any harm.

On British slang...........

Never mind Peabody,"me old CHINA PLATE", If you ever get stuck with rhyming slang, you can get on the "DOG AND BONE" to check it out.

What you have to remember is that most R.S. is reduced to just one of the words, so that your MATE, is your CHINA (see above) And that the telePHONE is the "DOG"

You have to be careful though, as some slang in common use has a masking effect on the real nature of what is being said.

eg, "he`s lost his BOTTLE, or has no BOTTLE, is actually refering to ones ability to endure something without making a mess in their pants (shorts to you, undergarments)

It comes from BOTTLE AND GLASS, which rhymes with arse etc which is also why ones rear end is known as an ARRIS, which is short for ARISTOTLE --BOTTLE.........

And then some slang has no rhyme or reason, other than its just in common use. most terms can be traced back to something meaningful, although most people you ask will not know or care where the terms they use originate.

Oh, just a warning, If you ever come over the pond, remember NOT to call anyone a BERK, especially in London.

You just might Offend the wrong person, and end up with a slap :o

just watch the old chalfonts mate

chalfont st giles = piles



30 user(s) active in the past 15 minutes

25 guests, 5 members, 0 anonymous members


51 at this time!!!!! A record. . . . .

Oh, just a warning, If you ever come over the pond, remember NOT to call anyone a BERK, especially in London.

You just might Offend the wrong person, and end up with a slap :o

The last spud that tried to lay a hand on me got the business end of my .45 cal. 1911 shoved through their teeth. Heard handguns are prohibited over there. Not here (gotta love our castle law). B)

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