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So here we are my usual first day of getting out there and trying not to die. And I'm like you all stuck indoors, my MOT guy is not working so no MOT yet and it looks like I will have to get it taxed then MOT it later in the year, but it is frustrating . I hope you have all been well and not had this bloody virus, it really is not something to take lightly, I don't object to dying per-se just not drowning in my own juices in a hospital bed. I'm sure this madness will end in the not too distant future but please take care of yourselves and families. Perhaps we can have a get together much later in the year to swap stories about how we passed the time while imprisoned indoors. My wife has turned into a Dettol ninja, just about everything I touch is wiped down after I touch it, I've starting to hold my hand's over my crotch after a piss to tell the truth!!! They say some of the symptoms of this virus is that you can loose you sense of smell or taste I can only smell Dettol at the moment pretty sure I will taste it in my food before long? Anyway people take care and stay safe see you soon.

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and you slice, i'm managing to get out every day to exercise which is something.

I also have PLex on my Roku which has all the latest films and programmes.


take care of yourselves and each other

Working from home so that keeps me plenty busy.  I am operations/procurement superintendent for a marine towage & salvage company.  Since shipping is classed as an essential industry I can have some movement to tend to our boats and I have to be in the office once a week to sort through courier deliveries in and send them on their way to where the boats are or will be.

So once a week I can at least look forward to a trip to Brixham and back same day, 165 mile round trip.  So I look at the forecast and pick the best day for on the bike.

The situation is pretty weird to say the least and I'm afraid it will only get worse before it gets better.

Stay safe & healthy peeps.

It's utterly unprecedented. 


Like Drew i go out for some decent exercise everyday. 


I was planning to go to Spain on my Kwak next week - good job i never booked anything.

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Im supposed to be a key worker...….. Officially from HM government direct.

But no different to a normal day except,  most places are shut so im spending half my day driving to places empty then driving back because they are closed. Our useless office staff (most 'working' from home) are not ringing ahead.

No unit allocation so every day im in a different truck. As best I can figure (driving to nowhere worthwhile and back) the 10 day maturing period of the virus would see all of the current drivers infected from one without seeing symptom's so that's the families too. Most of us are around 50 or over so that's at least a few in a pine box.

Everybody keeps rattling on we are key workers so keep going, if you saw the crap I have carried and the reactions of people when I arrive (at the few that are open) its not essential. 2000 coffee machines that were put straight onto a stand trailer as 'We aint touching them any time soon.' For example?

The final insult, the boss boss is 'working from home during the crisis'. He is also managing through his busy schedule to post a 60  mile a day average on Strava apparently.


Safe to say I feel very expendable and exploited right now not the slightest fucking bit essential.



I"v got plenty to occupy me,,  dismantelling  old land rovers,, loads of space around me with walks  and trees,  take the bike to to shopping, [ if it aint cold,],  fone stopped ringing ,so its bliss, no towns for 3 miles ,, real isolation ,,

Stuck in mostly, but like Drewpy, out running 3 or 4 times a week. Oddly, see more folk out on the footpaths around the fields than Ive ever seen in the past. Wife's high risk so have to be careful, looks like all our holiday plans are up the spout this year, and no trackdays too. Running out of jobs to do a round the house and garden. Theres always the shit picking to do down at youngest daughters stables though. Oh joy

I'm still at work, in fact nightshift now, and doing my normal four on four off. Used the bike a couple of times to commute. Frustrated during my days off tho, but hey ho, it's what we need to do.

Concerned for my wife, as she is a nurse on a medicine for the elderly ward and three of her patients have died through Covid. I hope not, but feel it's only a matter of time til it gets her 

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14 hours ago, jimmy said:

I'm still at work, in fact nightshift now, and doing my normal four on four off. Used the bike a couple of times to commute. Frustrated during my days off tho, but hey ho, it's what we need to do.

Concerned for my wife, as she is a nurse on a medicine for the elderly ward and three of her patients have died through Covid. I hope not, but feel it's only a matter of time til it gets her 

Wishing you all the luck in the world. Looks like your missus may have balls just the same as you do but brass.

My lot threw in the towel and have started putting us off pro rata with work available, we have to be ready to be called back but could be off for weeks. At least the official pay out is better than expected. I understood it to be 80% of basic, its not its 80% of your normal pay so im a lot better off than I thought I was.

Have to say after living through a near fatal pneumonia years back im glad to be at home. It is something I will never forget. The feeling of breathing but getting very little, the internal panic that builds up in your head as you realise you cannot breathe will never leave me. 

Covid victims have my deepest sympathies.

The useless selfish scuts that are leaving masks and gloves in shopping trollies and car parks need fking though. As do all the people that have self isolated due to 'symptoms' that are a fabrication to stay home. Cowardice in my book. Plane old ww1 LOMF.

Take care folks. My wife (respiratory nurse) came down with it two weeks ago and it's taken its toll on her. The fever lasted 4 days, but the tightness in her chest is still persisting. She's ended up with antibiotics for a secondary infection (which I understand from my doctor friend is common) and she's still not 100%. If you get it and it continues to bother you in week two, seek help sooner than later as this may prevent you going into hospital.

Out of the two of us, I thought it would be me that gets it worst, as she never gets ill and is one of the healthiest people I know (long distance runner), whereas I get ill if I speak to someone on the phone who has a cold... but me and the kids seem to have dodged this one so far (fingers crossed).

Stay indoors and stay safe folks 👍

Best wishes to all.

I'm glad that some companies are slowly seeing sense and laying people off. My dad's still working, the place he works at have basically classed everyone as a key worker because they supply the odd land rover part to the NHS, police and MoD. Just an excuse to stay open basically. Anyone who self isolates has been told they'll get SSP.

I've nearly ran out of jobs around the house now, so I'll be slowly going stir crazy from here on in. 

I have registered on the GoodSAM app though, at least I can do my bit helping some less fortunate people out.

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