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Extracted from SW bikers

A guy in a restaurant ordered squid and the waiter took him to a large tank in the corner to choose one. After studying all the squid in the tank he settled on a small green one in the corner with a moustache, the thing was obviously frightened probably knowing why he was there.

The waiter took the sqid from the tank into the kitchen where Gervais the chef was waiting and gave him the order. Gervais placed the quivvering squid on the table and lifted the large mallet high to strike down on the poor creature, but as he did he noticed a tear running from the squid's eye.

For the first time ever Gervais suffered an attack of concience burtsing into tears himself and telling the waiter that he cannot do it.

The waiter then went through the back to fetch Hans a burly German guy that was employed to wash the dirty pots. He came through without hesitation but upon lifting the mallet, he too noticed the the tear in the little squids eye and dropped the mallet behind him as he ran from the kitchen sobbing.

This story shows......



keep going whilst I make my gettaway




...that Hans that does dishes can be as soft as Gervais with a mild green hairy lipped squid.


dont give up the day job. :P


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