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I work from home during the week and most of the times look forward to the 85 mile blast to the office.

25 miles in, while passing a few trucks in the outside lane this morning, the throttle cable in the grip decided to give the ghost. 

Interesting to say the least, managed to coast inbetween 2 trucks to the inside lane with the usual, as friendly as, hand signals to say the bike was toast and came to a stop on the inside of a merging slip road up ahead.

Luckily it was the grip end, just broken after the little lead crimp, and not in the junction box under the tank. Still weighing up my options it looked like I was fooked where I was and leaving the bike behind where I came to a stop filled me with all kinds of horrors iwo finding back a stripped bike whenever I could retrieve it.  (like leaving your car with prized rims in the middle of Liverpool)

Out with the multitool, unscrew where the cable goes into the grip, pull off the L-bend and, hey presto, I had 3 inches of greasy inner cable. No way to keep a turn around my finger or any grip with my glove on so glove off and I had somewhat of a throttle control by turning it around or threading it inbetween my fingers.

Off we went up the slip road, against the traffic and made it to the roundabout at the top. By that time, will all the clobber on I was sweating like a pig, and not too unhappy with my situation, so rolled a fag and contemplated if I could make it to the other side of the dual carriage way, second roundabout, merge and back home. Throttle control was a bit sketchy and trying to keep 130HP under control that way was iffy at best.

I made it back home while having to re-grip, re-thread the bloody inner cable inbetween my fingers doing a steady 50/60 mph behind a truck, holding the remainder of the outer and inner cable above the middle of the tank. By the time I was home my fingers and the rest of me bloody arm were about to drop off.

So how was your start of the day? 😀


Edited by DutchFJ1200

Similar happened to me back in the day. I was heading down to Scarborough with the missus on the back and about 5 miles from my digs the cable separated from the barrel. I managed to get enough free cable to wrap and tape it round a small twig  an taped that to the throttle grip. That fix took me about all week and my return trip home before I got a new one. Not nice tho'

  • DutchFJ1200 changed the title to FJ1200 Monday morning shenanigans
  • Author

Driving on the Parkway in Plymouth, outside lane minding my own business - outside lane hoggers galore - see the red brake lights light up couple of 100 yards in front so start to back off a bit - the chap in front in a crappy Fiesta drives it right slap bang into the back of a very nice Audi in front of him ...........  WTF !!

Bits flying everywhere but missed most of it because I was hugging the centre anyway. While they were slowing down passed them on the inside giving the guy in the Fiesta the one handed salute :wank4az:

Be safe out there peeps ............ AND ...........  keep plenty of distance between your front mudguard and the cager in front.


  • Moderator

Sounds like you need to keep a decent distance behind you too.

  • Author
1 hour ago, Cynic said:

Sounds like you need to keep a decent distance behind you too.

If they can keep up 🤣

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