Posted August 22, 20168 yr i know that i am not a perfect rider or motorist,. however y/day that is sunday, did about 200 miles, met a friend with the same bike great day except...  coming and going to our meeting point i had several car drivers push out in front it was like they saw me but came out anyway, in each case i had to slow in order to build up a decently safe distance i don't think i was speeding or going any faster than anybody else what is going on?   i can't work it out, mostly elderly men with family in the car but one younger bloke who, judging by his later dithery driving, was lost. the only thing that i can think of to stop this is to get running lights in addition to the h/light, spots and hi viz, maybe i'll give that a go.
August 23, 20168 yr We've all been there mate, Sunday is supposed to be the most dangerous day to drive anywhere in the UK. Use your HORN as well if they get a bit close don't wave and shout just blast your horn till they see you, when in doubt make a noise.
August 29, 20168 yr Too many distractions in motor cars today. The more "features" they have, the bigger they get. Some now have to pull out and put the front wheels into the road j st to be able to see at junctions, cos the distance from the front bumper to the drivers seat is so long now
August 29, 20168 yr I took my bike for an MOT today, no issues, but when I came home the wife wanted to go a wee run. Within the first 5 miles 3 cars had pulled out on me including one that was a brown trouser moment*. She is now going on about me and my boys safety when we are on our bikes.........pricks the lot of them         * Probably one of the few times I have regretted being in my job, cos I wanted to put my boot through the fekkers door, and then his fekkin head
September 13, 20168 yr Apart from the general malaise of our species being, on average, stupid pricks, being in a metal cage confers a feeling of safety that promotes an "ah fuck him(her), they'll use their brakes!" attitude. For my part, I CANNOT FUCKING WAIT for driverless cars. Pull your finger out Google! The sheer amount of Stupid that will be removed from the roads is breathtaking to contemplate. Â
September 13, 20168 yr Driving standards are pretty poor iwo position on the road and filtering for a turn off. Also poking their noses out of a merging road just expecting all the other traffic to stop and give them right of way. Not mentioning the pricks that see you coming on the bike and move over to block the way past - very infuriating.  By the same token some people go out of their way to let you pass. Now where it gets tricky is the situation I just experienced a couple of hours ago coming home from work : Major through road blocked due to an accident - yes, involving 'cagers' -and the whole lot diverted via tiny back roads during rush-hour. Cagers, trucks & busses having to use Cornish back lanes hardy wider than the width of a truck.  Before the road closure there is already a mile of commuters bobbing and weaving - in the diversion a lot of frustrated and impatient lemmings that have moved 25 yards in the last half an hour. These guys are very tricky customers : the ones you pass + the ones you meet head on  Â
September 13, 20168 yr Of course we are all brilliant riders on here and never make a fuck up, but there are a lot of pricks on bikes out there as well
September 13, 20168 yr Amen to that jimmy, my Mrs sees a lot of bikes on her commute, all I get is earache about stupid overtakes and cutting people up. And that's the view of a bike friendly car driver - unfortunately there's a lot of idiots out there that give us a bad name Sent from my E6553 using Tapatalk
September 14, 20168 yr Today, trying to overtake White Van Man, every time the road ahead was clear and straight I started the overtake and the arse put his foot down.  Only managed to get past him when he came up on a slower moving car and couldn't accelerate.  Why?  Why do they feel the need to stop a motorbike doing what motorbikes do?
September 14, 20168 yr Moderator Who knows. But consider this. Woman in her car. Phone to her ear held with the left hand. Changing gear with the right? Driver in front of her pulled up a bit sharp. Not really that excessive but the abuse coming from her would make a docker blush. She had a couple of kids in the back too. Thats what your up against. Idiots that have come through the school of "wasnt me! Its not my fault". People just expect it their way. I avoid several accidents a day driving the Black Country reading what these idiots will do. Im under no illusion that one of these days i will collect one with the truck. Just a matter of time.
September 15, 20168 yr You`re not the only one that has this problem  Then people come out with the same BS excuse. "Sorry I didn't see you" "How can I see you if you`re going so fast?" It doesn't help having L plates either because people find that an excuse to complain at you...  Twats... One of the more humorous yet silly encounters was coming home from a bike meet and some muppet was brake checking me, I over took and realised the person had one foot out the window, was texting with both their hands and using their elbows to steer....   Â
September 15, 20168 yr Darwinism waiting to happen there. Just hope you're not nearby when it does...
September 16, 20168 yr Yep! You have to be more than careful out there . Even when I see another driver looking straight at me  I'll assume he/she is blind , stupid and a homicidal maniac , and ride accordingly . This philosophy got me through 20+ yrs as a motorbike courier in one piece . Don't get me wrong , I'm not a "nervous nun "  on the bike and I like to ride fast , but the amount of times I've seen bikes come a cropper at junctions because they had right of way and assumed idiots in cars would respect that .  Bleating about right of way won't do you any good when you are on the deck in the rain injured .  Keep it real kids !! Kev.
September 16, 20168 yr On 29/08/2016 at 8:13 PM, neversaydie said: Some now have to pull out and put the front wheels into the road j st to be able to see at junctions, cos the distance from the front bumper to the drivers seat is so long now I drive a BIG-ass Mercedes and recently went driving in both a Supra Mk III and a 1968 Mustang GT California Special, all of which have ridiculously long bonnets... In each case, I can't say it was a problem for me. Conversely, a number of people have pulled out on me when I'm going round a roundabout and these are big, loud cars that you can see coming a fecking mile off. I also had someone side-swipe me in the company van on Wednesday, when they were right alongside and level with me. This thing is MASSIVE, so there's no way they couldn't see unless they were staring at their crotch... although given who I work for, it may have been an intentional attack. So yeah, it's not the cars, it's the dumbfuck drivers not looking... but weirdly enough, I have far fewer problems of this nature while riding the bike. Maybe I'm just going too fast for the trouble to catch me!!
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