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So, spent the evening in Guildford hospital getting checked out after a hit-and-run on a roundabout knocked me off the bike. Thankfully it was at very low speed (<10mph) but my left shoulder/collarbone is injured - nothing broken, but damage to cartilage and ligament. The massive cunt in the black merc who caused this will be sad to hear that several witnesses saw what happened and got his/her license plate number. The police are keen to prosecute, as am I, and I believe a lawsuit on top of that may be in order.
I'd like to offer huge thanks to the people who stopped and took care of me while i was prostrate on the ground, the ambulance crew who turned up in two minutes (just happened to be passing - err, thanks, Universe!), who treated me at the scene, the lovely people at the hospital, the entire NHS and police services, and lastly but by no means leastly, to my mate who was kind enough to drive all the way out to Guildford to take me home in southeast London. 
All-in-all, it could have been *much* worse.

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  • Sorry to hear that mate, we've all been there I'm afraid just part of the joys of riding, glad to hear that your not to badly injured but how's the bike? I was in the Ambulance service 30 years a

  • lallasro

    glad to hear you are good enough and you get the moron licence plate. make him pay.. A LOT

  • meatloaf

    Sorry to hear that mate, just glad it wasn't any more serious, just hope the bastard gets what he/she fucking deserves.

glad to hear you are good enough and you get the moron licence plate. make him pay.. A LOT

Sorry to hear that mate, just glad it wasn't any more serious, just hope the bastard gets what he/she fucking deserves.

:madflame: Unbelievable! so glad you're okay and that those who were there had the common decency to help! It's surprising how so many people avoid getting involved. 

Sorry to hear that mate, we've all been there I'm afraid just part of the joys of riding, glad to hear that your not to badly injured but how's the bike? :shrug:

I was in the Ambulance service 30 years and can tell you from experience it's uncanny how many times we came across some poor sod laying in the road just by chance! Most memorable was a VW beetle that overtook us at an amazing speed and then when we came round the corner it was sliding away from us on it's roof, we followed it till it stopped and dragged out the young driver who was very embarrassed as my crew mate was his DAD!

Glad to hear that your OK bud, hopefully the feds get the twats then you can ram a piece of the bike up their arse for a warm up.

Really sorry to hear that but am most pleased to hear you're alright. Glad you have some witnesses on your side.

  • Moderator

Glad you are ok mate, freekin inconsiderate drivers needs their comuppence

Bloody ell ".  what actually happened, .. rear end ? or side swipe,. hows the cruiser ?


  • Author

On a small roundabout (no lanes). I'd stopped, waiting for a car to pass coming from the right. All clear, I proceed intending to take the 2nd exit which meant going round to the right, with my right indicator on the whole time, and occupying the centre of the road. This massive fuck knuckle comes up from behind, thinks he can squeeze his merc between me and the inner curb of the roundabout. He hits me on my rear-right, as I'm turning along the roundabout (single lane remember), I go flying off leftwards, and the bike lands on its left side (and I land on my left shoulder). 

Damage appeared superficial: folded left footpeg, some other bits. I was in a bit of a state so didn't get a careful look. 

Hope your shoulder repairs back to normal, glad your ok

Glad its not worse - make sure you get them - hopefully it is not a rental car or some other crap. Knocking someone off is bad enough but not have the decency to stop is awful

Get well soon. At least the bike can be repaired. No excuses for hit and run - hope they throw the book at them.

  • Author

UPDATE: looks like the car that hit me was a 2016 AMG 5.5L merc. 

Also got my baby back. She has near-miraculously escaped major damage: nothing on the tank - can't quite figure out how, but I suspect it's the fact that she has panniers and the passenger pegs are always left in the out position. Minor scratches on left mirror, and on edge of clutch lever. Left saddlebag has had its buckles ripped off (so will need replacing). Some scratching on the v&h exhausts where the idiot's car made contact. Might replace them. Only major thing is the left footpeg assembly is bent and needs replacing, as does -perhaps- the gear shifter as well. 




Well that's something mate, other than the injury to your shoulder you got off light with the damage, AMG Merc good lord you don't do things lightly do you? What are we looking at here 1/4 million price tag on that tank of a thing? Then to run away!! WTF were they thinking? Still if they can afford a £250 thousand pound priced car they can at the very least by you a new foot peg and a set of exhausts.

  • Author

Well, £250k is the upper end of the scale for models with that engine, but in any case, they are going to pay. 


Do you have a solicitor, if not this guy come well recommended

Mark Lampkin 

  • Author

Thanks jimmy, my insurance is handling the personal injury legal stuff, but I'll keep this guy in mind.

I take it you got his number then ,or a witness did, ?

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