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Returning biker - last one I had was in '91... so 24 years later and voila, got myself an '11 XJ6N. Picked up from High Wycombe just over a week ago, and had 60 miles to ride home -- kinda 1st ride in 24 years.... up M40, and at exit jct10, farm vehicle had gone over causing backup a mile or so back down the M40... so  I queued, not being confident on that 1st run to go up the middle of the traffic -- what a pain.... but made it home, to my wife's relief.

I was in the US the week before and a colleague let me on his Suzuki 600 sports bike and I went round the block - that did two things for me: 1) gave me confidence that picking up my bike I wouldn't look a complete n*b head, and 2) made me look like a complete n*b head in the US as I went off on the wrong side of the road, round a sharp corner then heading towards a mini van head on -- and we slowed, and slowed.. then I realized my error and pulled into the kerb and let it past, then moved over to the right (LOL... could have been so much worse!).

Suffice to say, picked mine up last week -- had a few goes on it - loving it, though my new Shoei GT-Air seems to have a hell of a lot of noise, but is that really just down to the fly screen I have on the bike deflecting the wind.... I have adjusted the visor and will try again later today, but then might remove the fly screen to see if/what difference.

Since last week I fitted an Inforad system -- seems useful - and a gear indicator. Datatool heated grips arrived this morning but no hurry to fit. I fitted a "ebay" Yamaha monolock rack and have a B47 box coming from Germany, and a XS307 tanklock bag that should be here today from France. Also picked up a pair of BT Interphone adapters and have one fitted in my helmet now.

Back in the 80's I did tour a bit -- RD350, Honda CX500, Kawasaki Z650.... used to go Dutch TT then down into Germany, France a bit..... not sure I'll wanna go too far on a naked bike, and I have 3 dogs to be thinking about.... still, who knows.

Glad to be back, and loving my new toy.

Hope that wasn't too much for a 1st post.

Edited by keefnet123

Great intro and a welcome change from the more common one liners. Welcome back.

  • Moderator

Hi and welcome to the forum. 

A great first post. 

A up keef, a fine introduction that :-) 

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