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i'm still here :o although it's been ages!! me and vikki have got engaged about a month ago, and i'm in the process of decorating the cottage we've recently got. it's a lovely little 3 bedroom in the country with her horses in the field right next to us, and a massive garden/drive. sold my rd :(:rolleyes: still got the gixxer although i've had all the fairing etc fixed so its not going to be a streetfighter, it's actually going to be sold soon as i fancy an old ujm and going back to the basics of what i love about bikes. for transport at the moment i've got a very clean mk2 golf gti which is really handy but i really need to get another bike for summer. anyway thought it was about time i took a moment to show face. hope you are all keeping well and hope to here more from you all soon B)

Good to see you Alan....I was getting a bit worried that something was wrong.

So you're settling down....and you've sold the RD? :unsure:

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sold my rd :(:rolleyes:

The HELL you say! :blink: ....That must be some woman your engaged to there mate? ;)

It's good to hear from ya though.....Glad things are going well. :)

I can relate to your streamlining down of your 2-Wheeler collection.......have done that before. ;)

& Although I plan on keeping my XT & RD indefinitely......I too fancy an good UJM again to make those longer road trips alot easier. :thumb:

I've also got a line on a FREE RatBike that I hope to collect by this weekend.....

It's a '75 Kwak KE125....Rotary-disc Stroker B) .....It'll need a bit of work but the price is sure right.

As you can see by the Hell has Froze Over thread.....I also own a bluddy H*nda now as well :blush:

But it's gonna send my little lad over the moon on his birthday next month :thumb:

This girl you got engaged to Alan....is it the one that was away in college? Or a new one?

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no she's a new one, been with her 9 months now i think :unsure: works locally, 22 tall dark hair blue eyes....my type :) tbh honest i'm really happy the way things are going, she's spot on and i dont get hassled. i'd have never thought about getting engaged before but with her it's right.

no she's a new one, been with her 9 months now i think :unsure: works locally, 22 tall dark hair blue eyes....my type :) tbh honest i'm really happy the way things are going, she's spot on and i dont get hassled. i'd have never thought about getting engaged before but with her it's right.

congrats mate

you soppy git lol :D

nice to hear lifes treating you well bud start coming back more often im missing your wit lol

  • Moderator

Hi Al

Sad to hear you sold the RD mate but needs must and if you have a good woman look after her

best of luck look after yourself.


  • Moderator

got ya pipe and slippers here m8 :o


got ya pipe and slippers here m8 :o


Well! What do you know? An engagement!! Many congrats to the two of you :D

Just catching up after being away and so have only just read this so apologies for the delay, but congrats again, though sorry about the RD. Having said that I too am going to be downsizing I think as four bikes is a bit excessive and I simply don't have the time or money, so it is happening all over!

I did email you a while back Alan, did you ever get it? Nothing more than a how are you so no worries if it got lost.

All the best for now.


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