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Ha, hopefully be on the road by then if lady luck.loves me.

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2019 " well most of the 1960"s/ and 70"s restorers . will be dead by then ,, :angel3: The chrome age of motoring,


Instead of gold plating, what about anodising. This was my pals bike back in 1983....I'm sure the process will have got even better in the intervening years


A bit too much spinning bringing the tyre down to the canvas, forgetting he had a 200 mile journey home

And from the other side (with me looking the worse for drink...Luckily he had removed key and locked the bike up)


  • Like 4

Jimmy is right you know, anodising is almost as good and you can get a colour as well so not only shiny but sparkly colours. Well thought out Jimmy funny how you forget about things like that. :jossun:

Just found this, might try it myself!! http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CC8QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fgaterosplating.co.uk%2FAnodising-Kit.php&ei=e7IaVajwN8f8UKD1gfAE&usg=AFQjCNHOi_Ptepz5e6cCKeYqdbzan9kKMg&bvm=bv.89381419,d.ZWU

  • Like 2

Yer I think I will go down the anodising route, might go for a bit of brushed gold effect .

Just won a set of new carbs on eBay, happy but gutted too as if I lost out on them I was going to get a pair of weber 40 dcoe to go on, but hey ho gunna keep her as period as possible.

  • Moderator

lets see the pickies of the carbs then? how much?


Gotta wait for them to be delivered first as i only won them last night. i got them for £30 as they came off a fire damaged bike so will need all new seal etc but they worked before the electrical fire took the bike off the road.

But they are a million times better than my carbs as when i took number 4 float bowl off all that came out was ally dust and the insides just look like a golf ball.

If these don't work then i'll either have to fork out the £300+ for a brand new set or just go down the weber carb route.

  • Moderator

sounds good anyway


Well after a sneaky look on the internet on my lunch break i can now inform you all that i am either going to be a single man or very poor by the end of this project. Just found a few websites selling some very nice shiny engine parts which will both make her look good and give her a fair few get up and go points too :eusa_shifty::hyper:

I have a few picks of the carbs that i will post up later tonight and they too are coming up lovely with shiny brass bits which look splendid.

  • Moderator

Jokermachine make some cool stuff for the cb750 but $$$'s


Noise " that's an expensive infection you have,, [ shineybititis],,,,,,,,,, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :eusa_doh:

  • Like 2

Couldn't help it! they where too good to not put into my wish list.

Looking at £1500 for the full 1000cc conversion kit plus high lift cams and other beefier bits to replace the old rotten stuff. Then i clicked on another section of the website and found EVEN MORE stuff, but then i had to go home and when i looked in the bank account it was time to do more over time

  • Like 2

As promised here are the pics of the carbs, started work on them so they don't look as bad now.


Spilt down.


Choke arms polished


Back plate cleaned with nice brass leavers


Choke leaver before




Back plate warming up


Finished in wrinkle finish black


Just need to polish up the carb bodies and add some stainless steel bolts and put them away for a few months.

  • Moderator

cool, is that really black crinkle or silver?


Yup definitely black ;)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Well its been a while since i last updated this thread just been a very busy man (non bike wise) but i can say that a lot has happened to Jenny over the past week or so.

So as she stands at the moment she is just and engine and a frame and she has started to show me two things:

  1. I'm going to be broke by the end of this build
  2. She's so mechanically easy to work on!

There has been the odd nut and bolt rusted in place but after some WD40 and the wife's old hair drier they came out easy, the hardest part at that point was getting the lump of an engine out the frame but after a call to a mate and laying the frame on it's side we managed to lift it straight off the motor.

So, now that the engine is up onto my engine stand i have managed to start stripping it down and every thing was going brilliant bolts coming out like magic and things where looking good until it came to loosen the cam chain and remove the cam itself, two bolts on the cam sprocket where my target and one of them was a piece of cake the other one however was a prick! popped on my 10mm spanner started easing it round and boom rounded the head :eusa_snooty:

In the end i had to use a Whit-worth spanner and a pair of mole grips to get the bugger off and there we have it cam was out bagged and tagged, time to remove the heads :eusa_shifty:

Soft hammer comes out, double double check for any missed head bolts, then tap tap tap around the head............... :eusa_think: not moving.........tap tap tap around the head again..............Nothing.............................grabbed the sides and pulled pushed spat and screamed at it...............nothing :madflame:

So i then make sure there are 100% no bolts missed in the head stopping it coming off, nothing i got everyone of them out. I then made up some wooden wedges and banged them in between the head and barrels, still nothing. Time to get mad (but not too mad) hit the twatting thing with my mallet and i heard movement, grabbed the head and pulled up and with a sucking noise i had the head AND BARRELS in my hand :eusa_doh: found out that the gasket has been on there all its life and is just welded into place.

But this is the least of my worries, i can not see the pistons and Con Rods, and its not a pretty picture, the pistons are gopping but can be cleaned and re-used once if checked the dims, the Con Rods i can't tell yet, its either dirty old oil on them or they have rusted so bad they now look like a teenager with bad case of spotty face which means im going to have to split the cases and get them out to either replace or salvage.

I have lots of pics so i will update tonight or tomorrow for you all.

  • Moderator

all part of the fun :)

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the late pics but here we go.

Before the strip down

DSC_1092_zpscdmeh6fy.jpgTop endDSC_1128_zps14a6gcos.jpg


The box of dread!!!DSC_1134_zps25vokqmo.jpg

Hmm, actually look worse than they really areDSC_1139_zpsa0rof7pl.jpg


Split the boxDSC_0026_zpshvmaa3py.jpg

Con rods caked in rotten oil n rustDSC_0027_zps30fpxjae.jpg

Gears look good thoDSC_0026_zpshvmaa3py.jpg

Carbs nearly finished now tho DSC_0035_zpsgnqa1zod.jpg

  • Moderator

good start, those con rods though, hope the bearing surface is ok?

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