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I'm not usually accident prone but earlier in the week while helping my eldest with some diy I did two things that have kept me off my bike during the really nice riding weather we have had.

First while collecting some aqua panel from our local diy store one of the sheets slipped and landed on my foot, nothing broken but some very bad bruising that had me hobiling along like cripple and there was no way I could get my bike boots on, then that evening while shutting the tail gate on my van I got distracted by someone just at the wrong moment and managed to smash my head with the door again nothing broken by a nasty gash and some more bruising, by the time I can put my helmet on without ripping off that big ugly scab the nice weather will have gone and it will be pissing with rain again. As I said shit happens BUT WHY ME!!

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buy a big pair of wellies , wrap a scarf over the cut and get out and ride

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Or do some work on it and get it even better for next time

I'd just say man up, duck tape on the scab and get that skid lid on. Haha

Aye, its tough. Not been on either bike since 29th December due to spinal fracture. Had to SORN the cruiser as the mot ran out, part exed the Radian for an FZ6 S2 and not been on it since delivery

A bit cheesed off

laugh ! I nearly pissed my pants :biglaugha: :biglaugha: :biglaugha:

bad luck but really minor stuff in the big scheme of things like for example being nearly knocked off your bike as happened to me a couple of weeks ago on the four lane each way section of the m40, i would just make a mental note to take it steady, not to hurry and to concentrate on what you are doing, these things happen to us all :spin2:

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