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As some of you might know Foamy sold me his fairing set off of his FJ, all fine but I forgot to ask for a key to fit the fuel tank (DOH!) anyhow I really needed to get the cap off so I can get it painted and foams has been busy so I decided to try picking the lock. I bought, last year, a set of lock picks just for the fun of it, really wanted to see if it was possible to actually pick a lock and if so how long it would take, well long story short after about 5 minutes I had the lock off and tank is ready for painting, so if you buy an old bike or part that has a lock on it and you need to get it open buy one of these from Amazon 41kOxA%2BukdL.jpg

Believe it or not it's quite legal to own these and it's really piss easy to open a lock on your bike and for £15 it will pay for itself after the first couple of times you use it. Just bought the next set up from this which opens dual side locks and barrel locks, so going to try to open my car next. This is a JUST FOR FUN item you understand and not meant to encourage anyone to visit your neighbours house while they are out !! Oh and if you want to see it in action just go to good old youtube and there are hundreds of guys showing HOW TO videos. Just thought I would like to share. :jossun:

As a Locksporter myself and owner of numerous Non-Destructive Entry tools, I can confirm that many locks are piss-easy to pick open or otherwise completely bypass, often in mere seconds.

It's also worrying how much How To information is easily available!!

Personally, I'd have advised Southord over the cheap-ass Goso kit, although you seem to have gotten their more fancy high-end set there.

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Just bought this from Amazon £15 is a bargain really 91MnZASawmL._SL1500_.jpg

I have that one amongst others ! quite good for automobiles .

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Thanks mate thought I would give it a try, still new to this and astonished how easy it is to open locks my back door (burglar proof) according to the makers and my bikes can all be opened in about 2 minutes flat.

Wish I'd had a set in my van last week, I managed to lock myself out of a customers house when I went out to the van to get some filler and the front door shut behind me. I'd left my phone in the house and my customer was at work :crazy:

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Can just imagine it Tommy you bending over the door and a bobbie asking "and what are you doing?" over your shoulder. :biglaugha: You can carry a set with you but then you run the risk of trying to explain why you have them on you. Mine stay in the garage.

it's funny this thread should crop up .

as I have just got back from my sons new house,

he rang up and asked me to get down their with my picks as he had just snapped the key off in the lock and was stood out side with his bird.

first he rang a lock smith who quoted him £80 call out fee plus £40 for any work carried out.

then he told his new girlfriend "i'l give my dad a ring instead he picks locks, :eusa_think: she asked " why would your dad pick locks"

any how it took me three seconds to rake the lock and It only cost them a brew.. :spin2: happy days all round as I hadn't been round to their new pad before..

Kind off related, but a few years ago, away on a rugby trip I lost my car keys and didnt have a spare set. I couldn't order a new key as the code card was inside the car (organised, me I am) and no-one would try to open the car ( You cant get into cars nowadays mate, the security is massive, was the common reply). Anyway, after trying all the 'legit' garages, I gave my mate a call and when I met him at the rugby club, he opened the door in about 3 seconds flat. I retrieved the card and asked him if he could lock the door................"I don't do locking" was his reply.

We all need mates like that eh

Jimmy they were trying to rape you,any car can be gotten into in seconds flat,lol with a brick,

I have afull set of lock out tools for cars and can get in any in about 3 min without dammage to anything.Never even touching the key hole.

Getting pass the security is another story ,chip embeded keys require special reset procedures and re codeing of the securty system.

Key codeing can be anything from just simply putting the key in and leaving it in the run position for 20 min shut it off and back on immeditaly to a full reprogram via scan tool to accept the new key chip.

For house locks or pad locks all you need to do is take any key that will fit the lock slot and file em down to what is kown as #1 fit key into lock hold pressure down on key and "bump it" I helped a friend do repos havent been beaten by a standard house lock yet.The more you do the simpler it gets.

Audi and vw loks are a new challenge with the roller type lock,but they all work on the same idea.Spring pin gate

As they say locks are for honest people,I dont even lock the doors at home,only time I wory about locking anything is when I go to the city.

I thought you guys in the force new everything like this.

but then again a bobby was locked out of his parked car behind my car a good few years back now, after half an hour struggling with a wire I offered to open it for him ,

to which he replied thanks mate, I will have to keep my eye on you. cheeky bugger.

I was shown on my recruits course back in 1989 but never has a need to use it so was soon forgotten


I dont know if they were, cos nobody gave me a price, but didnt matter as my mate got in, in jig time with no cost and no damage

LOCKS only stop honest people,I live in the sticks so if someone wants to come and steal my crap out of my house they can have it and the insurance will pay for new,so the way I look at is,, take it ,,,your doing me a fave.I will claime it and buy new stuff.

When it comes to my cars /bikes I only lock them so I can hopefully come back to it and drive back home,and as I said I only have to do that when I vist the city otherwise the keys are in the truck. Never know when one of my friends might need a car or a beer.

Bike keys are hung in a secret spot at home and the ignition is disabled by my own hand wherever I go traveling and cant see it,, Or I go on a vacation and it get's left home alone.

Them anit thef systems don't stop thives they can find the information so easy and know how to bypass them ,make your own and they wont know how you did it.

I can't keep track of how many aftermarket remote starter/theft systems ,I have had to remove when the owner was locked out or couldn't start thier own vehicle. With the proper stuff in hand for thier own vehicle.

DONT buy one they are all crap,unless it has gps tracking.But then it might leave you stranded when it ducks up and trust me they all do sooner or later. But at least the gps will find it.

LOL might be good if you went out drinking and forgot where you parked too,the next morning.

Just a tip if you want to theft prof your bike from starting , take a filter from your smokes/fag and stuff it under the plug cap,not many thives will work that hard to diagnose a faulty spark problem. Or if your running a muliy cylinder bike switch the wires on 2 plugs it will back fire and wake everyone.

Want to dick with someone who pissed you off wet it first,will run til it dryes out from the heat of the motor.The motor will stop running when it does leaving them stranded.

As long as there are thieves then locks will only stop honest people and stupid people,unfortunatly even thieves can be smart.

Further to this have any of you ever ordered a spare key for your Yam? and where?

Reason being, in order to unlock my seat PO has cut 3/4 off the top of the key to get in behind the side pannier brackets.

One of these days the wee hole he's drilled in the remainder for the key ring is gonna go 'pop' and opening the tank is a biatch.


Hey Dutch you can order on from Yam if you want a original key just give them the numbers off the key,if you dont care what the key looks like any lock smith will have blank keys and can copy cut your key.

Ha , did the same with a xt steering lock which was out in less than a minute.


jf anyone is struggling to get tools or your interested in having a go at the art of lock picking then try this guy I get all my equipment from here, WALKER LOCKSMITHS

he exepts paypal amongst other payments . just google him as my copy and paste still won't work on here.

The power of suggestion is a funny thing. Have never been interested in this subject but now have a terrible feeling that my life won't be complete without a set of these!


On reflection, thinking how many padlock keys I've accidently given away when selling a bike (forget to take them off the keyring), it might not be such a bad idea... :icon_redface:

If you can prove that you own the lock being picked, or have written permission from the owner, then what you're doing is perfectly legal.

Carrying picks, NDE and bypass tools, without good reason, WILL get you arrested for 'going equipped'.

Stay safe - Practice your hobby inside your own house. ;)

Had to break into my FTO last year after I lost my keys, borrowed a hacksaw and cut the clamp off the steering column to get the steering lock off :(, luckily I had a spare set of locks on one of my scrappers

As for the bikes, the last one I had to get keys cut for was the SR and that involved taking the numbers off the barrel and ringing up keysinthepost.com to get a set sent out to me

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