Posted November 6, 201410 yr Well the barrel price has dropped 27% since june, and we"ve seen only a 10% drop at pumps,, The reason for the drop is the amount of Fracking [ not fucking foams] in the USA, I You can bet your bottom dollar the Arabs & oil company's try to make fracking un-viable , Discus,,
November 6, 201410 yr Either way we're fucked, if you're expecting all those greedy sods to give us the same price drop they're getting you're mad. I use the bike as it is cheaper to run (and more fun), now the winter is coming I've downgraded to a piece of crap citroen saxo to save some money, otherwise it's £400 a month on diesel to commute in my Pajero (70 miles a day) which as I am saving for a deposit on my first place is not a viable option. It ain't going to get better, what are we going to do, boycott the oil companies?... They all piss in the same pot so to speak, it'd be a futile effort
November 6, 201410 yr Its not just the multinationals at fault here, our own govt stick vat at 8% on fuel, then tags on the cost of the inefficient "alternative" energy developments to all our bills as well Privatisation did for us all
November 7, 201410 yr Its all a bunch of tosh if you ask me, the Gov demand that the supermarkets dop the price of fuel at the pumps.....hmmm is there an election coming up some time soon? So the supermarkets drop the fuel by a penny............well done them................ im more shocked they didn't reduce it by half a crown bunch of money grabbing Not to mention that BT, Sky and Talk Talk are bumping up there line rental on the 1st Dec and with out a doubt British Gas etc are going to up the price of there consumable items.
November 7, 201410 yr ...and the Gov take about 60p per litre irrespective of the price, so them telling the oil companies to drop their price will not affect what the gov take in tax. Oh and if it drops below a certain price, 85p I think, then the gov say they will put their fuel escalator back on so their cut goes up by the rate of inflation plus 1p per litre. Then theres vat on top of all we pay
November 7, 201410 yr Sucks we don't ever see the price drop at the pumps in relation to what it should be,they certianly are quick to raise the price,but ,then feed us bs about how the gas your buying today was made from oil bought weeks ago. Oil production is a big part Of the GDP so the arabs are keeping the dollar down by droping the price,not such a bad thing makes our products cheaper to make,but stagnates growth.Ie wages. What one hand givith the other takeith price of Hydro just went up nov 1st here so no win situation save a dime here spend it overthere.What has me even madder is the Ontarion government is running a 30 million campane to tell us it's all good for us,that hydro is cheap,FMe the robbing bastereds the cost of the hydro is 45% of the bill the 55% rest is tax. We are FRACKING destroying a once beautiful country,if you have seen the oil fields out west it's devestating 100 million acres leveled a striped of trees,billions of gallons of drinking water contaminated. You guys can complain about how much you pay for gas but,in some ways you deserve it ,running all you vehicles on what we call high test. Are cars run on 87 octain 10 -15 % blend of ethonal and as high as 85% ethonal our hight test is 91 octain,if you want better than that here you have to buy race fuel,so considering your getting a much more refined fuel the price is in line with cost of production. We dont need cheaper gas what we need is better fuels,like hemp fuel,the eng that runs on salt water in mass cheap production,from renewable sources,better batteries that can go farther,better solar pannels to charge the batteries faster.Once the need for oil is removed then the price will drop and all us motor heads will be able to enjoy our gass gusseling toys. But then you will be complaing that your solar car runs for free and you have to buy gas for your toys
November 7, 201410 yr They should have never got rid of horses, when they go wrong all you got to do is shoot them then get another one.
November 7, 201410 yr It doesn't matter what alternative/yet to be discovered sources of energy, they will still be in the control of vast multi national companies, whose intention is to make as much money for as little of the commodity as they can get away with. Same with anything, remember the food mountains?. Rather than drop the price to encourage people to buy and eat the stuff, they buried it all to keep the price up. Same with the milk, poured down the drains. Limiting supply means maximum profits. Use less and the price goes up to cover the loss of income. Use more and the price goes up to stop you buying it. The energy market is a huge cartel
November 7, 201410 yr They should have never got rid of horses, when they go wrong all you got to do is shoot them then get another one. and you have a huge supply of burgers and sausages
November 7, 201410 yr They should have never got rid of horses, when they go wrong all you got to do is shoot them then get another one. and if if every car owner had a horse, we wouldn't be able to move for shite keep the lawn trim though
November 7, 201410 yr neversaydie This one is slightly different in that the Saudis are actively lowering the price of crude oil. The reason being is that the Great Satan, sorry the US, is now self sufficient in oil due to fracking. The Saudis have costed a barrel of crude oil, recovered by fracking at $80, so they are trying to bring the price down below that so it is uneconomical and the US will then start to tow the line and buy their oil back off the Arabs. Unfortunately as everyone else has stated, we will not see the benefit of this
November 8, 201410 yr It doesn't matter what alternative/yet to be discovered sources of energy, they will still be in the control of vast multi national companies, whose intention is to make as much money for as little of the commodity as they can get away with. Same with anything, remember the food mountains?. Rather than drop the price to encourage people to buy and eat the stuff, they buried it all to keep the price up. Same with the milk, poured down the drains. Limiting supply means maximum profits. Use less and the price goes up to cover the loss of income. Use more and the price goes up to stop you buying it. The energy market is a huge cartel It goes deeper than that,some states tried to make it illeagle to grow your own food on your own property and if you do your on the watch list. as non conformist Read the book the 85 who own the world,Or what ever you find on the net, even that is close,, hard to hide those kind of facts,, we are just pee on's for thier entertainment,wee pons in a Big Chess game so to speak. neversaydie This one is slightly different in that the Saudis are actively lowering the price of crude oil. The reason being is that the Great Satan, sorry the US, is now self sufficient in oil due to fracking. The Saudis have costed a barrel of crude oil, recovered by fracking at $80, so they are trying to bring the price down below that so it is uneconomical and the US will then start to tow the line and buy their oil back off the Arabs. Unfortunately as everyone else has stated, we will not see the benefit of this. The Saudies all made a deal 40 ishyears ago to base a barrel of oil on the US dollar and the world moves on oil. Fracking is just getting the hard to get oil out and there is billions of it and they will control everyone, with the provibal "carrot in front of the donkey" Global sharing site's of information will break this cycle but not in my life I doubt, but always hope, Things like 3d metal printers will make it possible for people to be independent and still live with modern things. We just got one shop open in London Ontario Canada that anyone can pay to use,down load your program and your protype comes out the other end. It's not imposible to beat the controling rich ,but , people will have to resort back to older times with new teck.Modular building platforms to work from and then custom it to your taste.Think Bently ,Pinniafreina,Dusenburg,Ford model T, basic rolling platform that any bodywork coud be attached too. Only 500% better platform to work from. The old UJM was just that and could be again,look at ducks and ktm trellis type frame excelent platform to work from for any eng/supsension. DISPOSABLE is no longer a option,or we we all be burried up to our neck in horse shit and plastic,europeans are way ahead and have been for decades,and I have always followed what is going on ,only time will tell if North Americans will wake up and get in the game. I have heated my house for the last 5 years for free ( almost cost about 50 bucks in gas to drive to get the wood from the local roofing company to get all the end cuts) so you CAN beat them at some things! And restoring/repairing a old vehicle is a great way to start,if youhave some skills and get creative,I like concours but tireing of them,only cause they get parked in museumes. Why build it if your not going to use it?
November 8, 201410 yr and if if every car owner had a horse, we wouldn't be able to move for shite keep the lawn trim though Not to mention the roses.
November 9, 201410 yr make the most of it - we will all be forced to ride around on whistling high pitched electric powered bikes before too long
November 9, 201410 yr make the most of it - we will all be forced to ride around on whistling high pitched electric powered bikes before too long I think not While ever there is oil/gas to be extracted/sold, we will be forced to consume it
November 9, 201410 yr yes i used to think that but there is now a movement to gradually rid, particularly cities, of combustion engines for public health reasons. Major manufacturers are investing in electric engines, the HD Livewire and the italian energica ego for example, some cities have electric buses, Boris Johnson, has launched the capital's first city-wide electric charge point network and membership scheme, making it easier for electric vehicle owners to plug in and it was hard to believe that electric motorbikes were hitting over 100 mph at the tt zero. The most successful delivery van hybrids mix internal combustion with electric but governments are clearly going to be encouraging more electric/alternative power in the future, no doubt higher fossil fuel prices will go hand in hand with that.
November 10, 201410 yr To be fair they tax us on every thing over here, we even get taxed for air..........................ever bought a packet of crisps over here! I must admit i really do like the sound of the electric Harley they are thinking about putting into mass production, the wing mirrors let it down tho.
November 10, 201410 yr It's not the same! I want a 3.0 litre twin turbo V6 with AWD, a hybrid limited slip diff and a loud shouty exhaust, stuff your bloody Prius where the monkey sticks his peanuts.
November 10, 201410 yr Foams in short time they will build a e car that will dust that,look at porche,ferrari,the new bmw all working on fast cars e driven .The bennifits of a e motor is you get 100% torque from 0 rpm no turbo lag.It will look something like 4 250 hp motors awd and a 1 cylinder diesel motor to charge the batteries.Toyota and bmw are working extensively on battery tec,it just the batteries that are holding them back.The manufactures no people want fast suff and won't settle for boring prius just to be green. In the mean time we can enjoy all the hp we can handle dodge released the new Hellcat 700+ hp,kaw with the new h2,and all the bike companys are shooting for the 200hp mark,right now we are living the power junkies dream wasn't so long ago that if your bike made 100hp and your car made 300 you had the fastes now meh.Fords new 4 cyl turbo make's 300 v8's of yonder couldn't make that stock.During the gas crunch of the 70's the 76 corvet made a whoping 178 hp out of a 305 cid v8 Me I am excited to see what comes next,no oil changes ,no exhaust system to rot away,no injectors/fuel pumps to break,no valves to adjust/break,brakes that last 4x longer Have day out and go to your local rc club and check out how fast the e cars are ,nitro used to be the dogs balls,now the saying is "who needs nirto when we got lipo" 1/24th scale cars hitting 100 mph cheap dependable brushless motors.Build something like that full size and see how many tires you go through a year,your fto wouldn't stand a chance.