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those are guidance lanes, (in the picture) I think this is how you call them in UK.. and yes, you have to give signal if you are in left side because you move in a guidance lane and you will turn left, after you pass the junction in the place you are now, you have to give signal left to indicate you will change the lane and you will change the direction (left)

in last post you can see at the end what I say about "specific lane for changing direction" is exactlly this situation. BUT in dual cariageway, you don`t have to give signal left because you are not allowed to stay in the right lane unless you overtacking or chenge the direction to right. after overtacking you MUST make lifesaver and you are not allowed to get back in the left lane unless is safe. and if is safe, logic, you don`t have to give signal. also, logic, you have better speeed than the vehicle you just overtacking, right? you can do what you wish, is your choise, but how the cop tell me, " you don`t have to"

and again about motorways, no, I continue to say you are wrong because, again, you MUST stay in the left lane except overtacking (and slow moving trafic) and again, like on dual carriage you are not allowed to come on the second lane if is not safe, also the vehicle on lane 1 and 2 , BOTH, have to give you priority if you come back in lane 2 and one accident is hapening, is you both fault, he because don`t give you priority and you because you don`t check. the only one is right here is the vehicle in lane 2, you will have 50-50 with the vehicle in lane 1.

another thing, I read few months ago, if i`m not wrong, on this forum, about somebody doing filtering in stationary traffic and one idiot open his door in front of his bike... 50-50 I say, how the freak 50-50?! filtering is not illegal, opening the doors in the trafic is illegal. I ask this thing the cop and he tell me, is 50-50 because you are allowed to filtering if is safe for you, and at a speed that allow you to avoid any accident

how I say, you can do what you want I just tell you and others what a bikesafe trainer tell me and how he demonstrate me he is right and i`m wrong. ok, not one cop, they was 3 cops in this room and others 2 agree with this

you must understand i`m far far away from knowing very good the highway code, for me is a miracle I pass the theory test in english, there are things I still wonder how is working but I don`t try to find out, like 3 carriageway, i mean 2 for a direction and one for other direction, I still don`t know if I can ride with 70 on the way where are 2 lines or 60 :)) I will keep the 60 m/h because the law say i don`t have more rights to the second lane than the vehicles that coming from other direction, and if he is forced to run with 60, that mean i`m also forced to run with 60.. ok.. this is hardlly hapening because normally I have 80 m/h :)) but if is a camera here, I slow down to 60

i`m far away to understand the humps rules, lot of people say humps mean 20m/h but I still run with 30 because a sign before humps tell me to run with 30... I don`t try to find the truth, I do just I think is logic.

you don`t have to listen to me but if you have the chance, ask a specialist. this is what i do when i have the chance.


I just listen to they

I'm just glad she is not badly hurt, as others have said the bike can be repaired or replaced. Get her back on a bike asap.

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"BUT in dual cariageway, you don`t have to give signal left because you are not allowed to stay in the right lane unless you overtacking or chenge the direction to right. after overtacking you MUST make lifesaver and you are not allowed to get back in the left lane unless is safe."

Again, Highway code article 133 applies here. If you are changing lane, you must indicate that you are changing.

If there is no-one around to require you to indicate, sure - don't bother. But if there is?

Here's a scenario on why you should.

3 lanes, and you've just overtaken a car, and after a hundred feet or so, you pull back into the second lane without indicating.

On the first lane, ahead of you before you moved back into the middle lane, was a vehicle travelling faster than the car in front. This driver looked around, saw that the second lane was clear enough to move into. Indicated, and moved into lane.

They've now just collided with you because you made no indication that you were pulling back into the middle lane.

From your description of the 3 lane road, I'd be inclined to say 60mph limit for that. Unless a sign has said "Dual Carriageway Ahead".

Of course, if there's a sign that indicates a max speed, it'll be that.

Speed humps:

They're just "traffic calming" means. If there is no differently noted speed restriction, then if you feel comfortable going 30 at them, go 30.

I do recall reading about your 50:50 filtering thing. Quite stupid, but I also recall reading something more recent which was better news in that regard, where more liability was placed on the driver.

  On 10/31/2014 at 5:39 PM, captf said:

"BUT in dual cariageway, you don`t have to give signal left because you are not allowed to stay in the right lane unless you overtacking or chenge the direction to right. after overtacking you MUST make lifesaver and you are not allowed to get back in the left lane unless is safe."

Again, Highway code article 133 applies here. If you are changing lane, you must indicate that you are changing.

If there is no-one around to require you to indicate, sure - don't bother. But if there is?

you are wrong again, he don`t have to give priority to the vehicles on lane 2 he have to give priority for EVERITHING is in his right side, that include 10 lanes if there is 10 lanes. this is his mistake. your mistake is because you don`t check your return in the lane 2 is safe. this is what they will tell you, and will be both fault. how somebody say a signal light mean just the bulb is working so you have to take all precaution before you change your position on the road.

another thing;

you say you agree abount don`t give signal on a single carriageway if you come back on tha lane, right? why? maybe because is logic you will come back in your lane after overtacking.. well, this is what i guess is your logic

now, you are forced by the law in dualcarriage way to keep the right lane clear, so after overtaking you MUST come back on the left lane.. this is not logic enough you will have to get here so is not need to give a signal?

I will stop here because I start looking pathetic trying to explain you something you don`t want to understand and i don`t want get in the situation on my own signature.

you can keep your attitude and negate what I say and also you can check if i`m a shiteater :) s just your chose.. like riding style :)

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we'll have to agree to disagree on this one :P

Anyway. Accident update:

Situation was not the driver pulling out, but her [4x4 driver] turning in. Housemate smashed into the rear near-side passenger door crumpling it, and was vaulted over the car.

Afterwards, she was sitting semi-crying, going "my bike...my bike!"

She herself doesn't even remember seeing the car until it was on top of her [doesn't think that it had its lights on...]

Injuries amount to badly bruised knee, sore ankle and bruised shoulder.

Definitely in the "could have been worse" category.

Glad to hear she's ok and hope her 'damage' is not permanent.

Agree with the above sentiments 'I was in the right' just doesn't cut it on your grave stone.

Dangerous time out there this time of year boys & gals.

"Agree with the above sentiments 'I was in the right' just doesn't cut it on your grave stone"

Yea, we meet the same attitudes out in the water. Bloody great big warships or Tankers sailing up and some stupid yachtie just sails in front. When you speak with thme their answer is "I'm in the right, power gives way to sail" Yea tell it to the fishes

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