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IF" Things go as the polls are saying , this could be the last night of Great Britain . :eusa_doh:

Your thoughts ?

  • Moderator

we're not going to bail you out :wavey:

taxes will be higher there too I recon unless its declared a tax free haven for businesses.

Long as I can still come visit my beautiful birthplace and get my fill of things like Balvenie, lorne sausage, venison, tattie scones and proper haggis, I really don't mind.

You wanna be indie, go for it. You wanna stay UK, OK. 'Ain't gonna change my feelings fer ye! ;)

Well thats me done it. Been debating with myself and others over the last 2 1/2 years. Whats best for me, what's the bigger picture. Who will benefit from my decision and who will lose out. Will my friends and neighbours respect my decision, do I care. So with a heavy weight on my mind I finally set out and made my choice.....It was the right one.......the bike started after only 2 kicks
I never thought it would, but it did and ran sweet as a nut. A great day for me.

Oh I also popped out to put an X in a box.

well ! it's only an opinion and we are all entitled to one,

so here's mine ,

, i couldn't care less.

  • Moderator

I wish they would all shut up about it. All the scotts and english crap.

Some people will get very rich. Most (scott and english) will lose out and i can do no more about it than i can stop it raining.

Be nice if we got the chance to get out of europe.

I too couldn't care what happens with the Scots vs UK crapola but the thing that i thought is a bit twatish is that i have two scottish mates, both born and bread up there but now one works here with me and the other is in the Navy, Because they are working down here they where not aloud to vote as they are out side of the "country" yet some banana boat passenger that hs on lived in there for 5 minutes gets to vote even tho they cant even speak the language.

Im also with you Cynic, we def need to be out of this EU bollocks, nothing benificial in that for us and they all just seam to be the new age Nazi to me, (world domination on a political level)

Well UK is still UK.

I Voted "YES" but it wasnt enough.

Will you still allow me to post on here ? I still have a Yamaha !

LOL !!

Now the work really starts. Getting politicians to do as they promised.........

We are a forum of many nations so yes, still welcome here


Might even get into Englandshire on my Xj at some ! ( After I rebuild it that is !! )

So we are still the UK.

Anyone want to buy a load of bricks I got in just in case :spin2:

Are they the ones you nicked for Hadrians wall?

That'll be the ones...