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Another new 'un

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Hey all,

As the title, join date and post count suggests, I'm new here. Hello!

I've only just started riding and picked myself up a lovely XVS125 which I will be looking to turn her into some kind of baby (only being a 125) bobber.

Here is my little donor as she sits today..


.... and also a picture of how I want her to look (also a 125).


Being frankly honest, I am totally useless and mechanical work of any kind. Like everyone though, I have to start somewhere. However, I am going to have to pay a company to do all the work for me. I know its a bit of a cop out but I just think I have the skill set or knoweldge to take on such work, yet. Just by having a bike I am hopefully going to learn bits here and there and try to learn when time permits.

That stock god damn rear fender is way too big and I'd really like drag bars. White walls I think look awesome too.

So yeah, thats my boring little dream!

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Hi and welcome to the YOC, nothing boring about your dream mate, we all have them, mine is an FJR 1300 but SWMBO wants a kitchen :shakeno: FFS!!! Must say tho that getting someone else to do all the work is going to be expensive but if it's what you want and you can't do it then as long as your happy with the result nuf said. :jossun:

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Greetings bakes, I say '''dont do it''' , you'll soon enough be tired of the power output and the money invested in getting someone else to do the work would be better spent on your lessons/tests/next bike

Get over this dream and enjoy her for what she is right now


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Thanks for all the welcomes and words of advice folks!

I have pondered if I am going to get bored of the 125 output and want to upgrade but speaking to some friends who have been riding for years, its about a 50% split of people who feel the need to upgrade, especially for the use I'll get out of it. I dont really intend to do long comutes or motorway riding. Its literally for sunny evening and sunday cruises around the country and open roads of Bristol / Bath.

You are all more experienced than myself so it'd be good to get feedback if you all still think I'll need more than a 125? Obviously its personal but as it stands (as a novice) I'm not sure I need it?

I got a bit of bargain on the bike. Its only done 4,000, not pitting, runs perfectly... So there is a little bit in the pot to make her my own. I'm just not a fan of most 'stock' bikes (or 'stock' anything really!).

I think the main things I am looking to change:

- add drag bars

- drop the tail (maybe hardtail)

- new seat

- replace / cut up the fenders

- wraps

Then if things havnt got boring and money allowes:

- white walls

- matt paint job

- new lights and indicators

This doesnt make me a complete fool does it?!

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A great dream. A great looking finished article. Just don't do it.

Save your cash and do it to something with more power. We all know that customs are slow, cumbersome things for people who can't handle real bikes (I am sure others may disagree ;-) ) and that even 650 cc customs can be ridden by people like my old aunt Sally - and she is dead. So keep the dream but do it to something with a bigger engine than a 125. The shame of being undertaken by a moped or tractor awaits.

It would look great on a 1100cc or above.

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Hi Dan,

As My PM said the 125 is a cracking bike but the guys are right, the money i wasted on my 125 could have been spent on the 650 i got or even could have put it towards the 1100cc.

By all means do what you feel is best but as your bike is near on mint condision you will get more dollar out of it stock than customised when it comes to sell it on.

If you do chop it start up a project thread on it, would be cool to follow your progress

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If you get bored with the 125 output as you said then it will be very difficult to sell on if you've made it 'yours'. You'll have narrowed your selling options to someone with exactly the same taste in bikes as yourself. As Noise said, you'll get more for it stock than custom.

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welcome bakes

I say just ride it as it, its a cool looking bike, I would be suprised if you didn't want a bigger bike after passing your test, as for the use you will get out of it, when the bug really get you those miles will start to mount up and you will probably find you will use it more than you think. Save your dosh for now and when you get that bigger bike I'm sure the guys here will give you plenty of help so you will be able to do some of the work youself, then you will be able to afford white walls etc.

As DT said that would look great on a 1100 or above.

Dreams about customising a bike are not boring and you are not foolish, Respect to anyone who turns a stock bike into their own.

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Thanks again for the replies. I think I'll start slowing making her mine, whilst keeping the origional parts for selling.

Noise's excellent reply on the other thread about changing the bars has gave me confidence to do that, at least.

Really dislike the rear fender so will maybe buy another to get cut up. Can anyone point me in the direction of one that will fit? There is a genuine Yamaha one on ebay for £100, but looking for a cheaper one?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well here's a little update... Most / all of you were right.

I've been riding for a few hours every day and absolutely loving it. However... power. I dread approaching hills!

My plan is to maybe keep it for another 12 months (tops) and get the more miles, more smiles etc and then take my full bike test and move up to something bigger. I'm still looking to change thr bars to drag bars but I think thats about it. Maybe other small altations but nothing major.

So, moral of my lesson... Listen to those with with experience.

Cheers guys!

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Dreams are something to aim for not to achieve, as soon as you pass your test find another bike and ride that then do it again and again and again finally you will realise that when your on the bike your the only one that can't see it!! By all means do some of the things you were going to do to this little bike but spread it out over many bikes and eventually you will realise that they are all just fun. Can't wait till you pass the test so we can all shout "TOLD YOU SO"

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Hahaha yeah yeah, I know, I know. Think naivety springs to mind!

Thanks for the advice fellas! If it wasnt for this forum, I would of most likely gone ahead and done but you all put me off for a few weeks which allowed me to get to know the bike (and its limitations).

This doesnt mean I am buying you all a pint though.

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Hi and welcome! After only recently getting back into bikes after 22 years I really can vouch that sooner rather than later you'll be after more horses not more chrome! Obviously SWMBO has been told that 125 is all I'll ever need but there will be something un-economically viable come up once I get my full licence!!

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