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Hello everybody i just got a 1980 yamaha sr250 i dont have spark, ohm tested the coil its good, pulled little black box ignition unit apart everything seems in order, clean connection to magnet that is close to the "flywheel". Running out of options, help please

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Best bet is to grab a multimetre and check to see if you're getting any power out of the genny. Follow it through and find out where the pusles stop.

Could be a faulty coil, HT lead and even spark plug.

Broken wire not allowing current through,

Oh and maybe even a little hello and an introduction before you just fire away questions. Just to be polite.

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That was my hello and introduction, or did you not read what you just read... Pay attention Bucky I checked the ohms at the primary and secondary testing locations on the coil. 3.5 at the primary/ 19,xxx at the secondary. Coil is good. Don't need spark plug to get spark,, a solid metal key will suffice if your want to get that fouled spark plug (variable) outta the equation. Oh and I have to jump the solenoid currently cuz it's blown. When its in neutral the neutral light does not come on (nor does it ever). When fuel is on, killswitch set to run, bike in neutral, clutch pulled and I push the start button the headlight goes out that's it. But when I jump the solenoid it cranks fine. I've cleaned the starter inside and out and it works now, turned slow or not at all when I got it, took ignition switch and killswitch/start button assembly apart and cleaned contact points. Next ill be heading out to find "points" or cap/rotor setup and clean

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Ok thanks its good 19,xxx ohms when checked with multimeter one lead through spark plug boot connection and the other to either wire going from harness plug to coil

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Ok skippy here is how we play in the sand box nicely around here

1st you go to new members section post a little hello and some basic back ground info about yourself .

Then the other nice people here will say hi back and welcom you to the CLUB (note I said CLUB not repair on demand )

Then you post your question in the workshop section (Not projects this is where people share pictures and post thier progress on a PROJECT bike) are and the nice people, who can help you with the information your looking for, come along and give you advice on how to fix your bike,of which there are many,rude people who barge in and just start demanding information normaly just get ignored.

We welcome all who want to be part of the club.

yep definitely, definitely summer :jossun:

Tommy so true not even a sorry my bad just a re post,but if he pulls the`fly wheel where his problem is as he has stated it must be then why ask for help. A not working netural circut could not be a problem, and adding new points and rotor cap surely will help it run better on a 1980 bike with cdi ignition thats normaly the problem but he didn`t ask nice or I would have told him that first And bashed Calum for not paying attention

  • Moderator

Obviously on medication, or needs to be. But before they go;

Ask yourself why you think people would want to help you when you can't even be civil. Me? I don't really give a sh1t.

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