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Hi everyone. Name's Jeremy, I hail from the the US in the state of Washington. Totally new to the whole motorcycle experience and found you guys. I recently acquired a 1987 FZ600 for $200. I hope to find a ton of information from this site. Im pretty new to the forums too so I guess I'd like a little guidance on how to look for info. Id like to put a wider back wheel and tire on the FZ and do a top end / carbeurator rebuild. Anyways, Its nice to meet you all and I look forward to being a part of this forum.

Hi Jeremy glad you joined and welcome to the YOC, lot's of info on your bike on the net and some on here have owned do own your type of bike so most of your questions will get a reply I should think, as your new to the biking thing does that mean you have NEVER ridden before? If so then the first thing you need to do is get into a training scheme to give you the do's and don'ts of riding, lot's of your countrymen/women on here and very welcome they are and they can point you to the best type of training out where you are. Good luck with your bike.

Hi jez" another FZ600 owner,,,,thers lots of info ,and resto"s in here,,,, :welcome:

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Last summer, I did take my rider's safety course and I have been riding the FZ for a little over a month ( about four weeks last summer and two weeks this winter) I love how this bike handles but I feel like it isnt running at 100%. I think I have some faint valve noise and when Im running at any single speed constantly, I get some popping (backfire?) out of my exhaust, also my idle isnt consistent, sometimes it will rev high at a stop sometimes it will be normal. Anyways, I have a plastic welder on order to repair my front fairing monday so that will be fun. Thanks for the welcomes guys!

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Also, my shocks are in dire need of a rebuild....or replace....I bottomed out my rear today haha and ordered my front fork seals from ebay for 9.87 so when those come in, Ill be tearing into that, Ive found some good how to's on that part of my bike.


:wavey: hello and welcome!
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Hi and welcome. For pictures please see here

Also, my shocks are in dire need of a rebuild....or replace....I bottomed out my rear today haha and ordered my front fork seals from ebay for 9.87 so when those come in, Ill be tearing into that, Ive found some good how to's on that part of my bike.

Have you checked the setting on the rear shocker?? Could just be set to the lowest setting ,Oh and hi Jeremy.Good to hear about another old FZ 600 (i have one also)

Hi Jeremy! I'm Ryan. This will be a good start, and probably finish for you regarding all the information you could ever want or need to know about the top end of your engine, and a few other things! Fairing repairs included...which I'm working on now!

Welcome to the site! I myself am a newbie rider and I also picked up an FZ600 as my very first bike. A lot of power for a learner if you ask me...definitely have to remind myself to slow down often when I'm on it. The snow does a good job of keeping me off the streets in the winter up here though....

I did a complete top end rebuild, along with the carbs, in about a month, started mid-December and it's already back in and running. Was my first ever rebuild and I did it from start to finish by myself. I got lucky finding this place and meeting some awesome people who were willing to offer advice when I needed it (and it was often! lol) and I managed to get the engine back in and fired up no problem! My issue was a stripped bolt hole and burning oil... Be careful though, it seems like once you start replacing one thing, you want to do the next, and the next, and the next.....haha

Like sniff said, check the shock setting, it's variable, same with the fronts, you can add air to the front and up the PSI to increase stiffness.

Shipped to the U.S. :) Nice deal for you guys!

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Had a little problem today, I have gas leaking out of my jugs below the exhaust but above the crankcase.....anyone know where to find a gasket kind for under $100?

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