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Just fitted some new Renthal bars and hand guards. :)




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Course I did them myself. The ballache was putting new grips on. I bought some Renthal ones but could not get them on because they were so tight. In the end I used some Yamaha ones I bought for the XT but never fit them.

Looks great, i especially like the grips! :jossun:

If the stock WR handlebars are anything like the XT ones, you made the right choice changing them!

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They weren't as bad as the stock XT but, they weren't the best. I wanted blue Renthals with a bar pad. The stock ones didn't have the bar for the pad to go on. Was a bit pissed off because the pad that came with the bars was black, red, and white. I asked the shop if I could swap it for a blue one to match my bike and of course the frikkin bars but, they wouldn't. Luckily I had a new one that was a spare for the XT.

typical bike dealers.

All good now though

they look very smart Grouch, just noticed your brake line look's like an unusual route but at least it wont snag on anything!

Nah tommy, most enduro and supermotos have their brake lines like this. My husky is pretty much the same too.



What no mirrors? Like them grips, overall looks good and some functunal bling time and money well spent.

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One of the first things I did was take the mirrors off. They look proper shit and are useless. I just make sure I always look over my shoulder and double check.

I bought the grips last year from eBay from China. They took about a month to arrive but, only cost around a fiver.

Looking good Grouch, really nice match for the frame!

But when are you going to loose the L plates?!

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Next on the list around March (not long) I'm getting a Cagiva Mito 125. Was meant to get one last year but, with plowing thousands of quid into the XT that dream got set back big time. I'm going to be getting a showroom example Mito so after that I will do my theory test and get the ball rolling.

Cool, well good luck, and looking forward to hearing more about the Cagiva once you get it!

Grouchy, your money, your decision mate, but get your full licence before more changes are brought in...You know it makes sense, nice bike btw

Dont know the laws ther but here without a Left mirro your gettin a fine,and realy I hate mirrors they just take away form the over all look of the bike but they do help keep your eyes foward sometime its the split seconds you need to avoid a accident.

The big L on the front looks worse,book your test and get it done now

Nothing make a 125 look better than removing those L's

Nothing make a 125 look better than removing those L's

Amen to that! Makes your bike faster too haha

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I know you all think I'm daft for wanting one but, I've wanted one for years and each time I was in a position to get one, something fucked up and affected me getting one. The most recent problem was the XT. Now I'm back on track so once I get it I will start concentrating on getting my full license.

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