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Is it possible to fit the reed valve block upside down or can they go in either way round took my dt125 1999 apart and forgot to mark it up school boy error

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  • Ok your making this difficult you have to many different post about this running problem. Copy and past them all into 1 thread to follow and keep it as 1,trying to follow and narrow down the probl

  • Ahh right no it smells swweeettt like a 2 stroke and on this its just clutch basket off to change that seal so hopefully its just carb issue fingers crossed

  • Lol my bad too lean hope you forgive me 0:-)

Most reed blocks are marked "UP" but on yours I dont think it matters as they are even top and bottom and the reed stops are the same T& B right? if not then the smaller stop goes to the bottom

  • Author

Ok thanks ill check it out today will this mek the bike rev high on tick over and it only runs with the choke on

  • Moderator

I think this was answered in a previous post of yours

The most likely causes are; the carb is not assembled properly or you have an airleak. High revs with them slowly coming down and not idling properly are classics airleak symptoms.

Try and keep the same issues in one thread as people can read the full history and see what has been suggested and what has been eliminated.

Running a 2 stroke lean will hole the piston.

  • Author

Ok so heres were im at now iv followed the advice iv been given so far which has been a great help Iv rebuilt the carb and sealed up the inlet manifold and reed valves the manifold has no holes init and looks in good condition iv also checked the crankshaft seals they seem ok and now it seems to be idleing fine but when i try to rev the bike it bogs out like its being starved of fuel is there anything else i should look for

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Iv cleaned out all jets out aswell and made sure i can see light through all the holes in all the jets

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...........it seems to be idleing fine but when i try to rev the bike it bogs out like its being starved of fuel is there anything else i should look for

is this with choke or without choke?

  • Moderator

Assuming you have done all the jobs so far correctly.

Does it bog at standstill or when trying to ride?

At what part of the rev range does it bog and does it clear at any point?

  • Author

It does it with choke off and it happens if i open the throttle fast it bogs and tries to cut but if you twist throttle quickly on and off a couple times i can stop it from stalling if you get what i mean

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Also if choke is on it slowly starts to die if i leave it idleing

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It does clear if i let revs build slowly at a standstill just bogs if i put full revs on quickly and i havent tried to ride it yet since iv resealed all inlet manifold up tonight but it was cutting out though before i cleaned carb out after around 200 meters of riding like it ran out of petrol but kicked up again eventually also seems to run better if i have ppetrol tap on reserve

  • Moderator

Have you tried it with the petrol cap off?

Have you cleaned out the petcock (fuel tap)?

Is it new fuel and have you cleaned out the fuel tank?

  • Author

No iv not tried these yet ill clean the tap and tank tomorrow can the fuel cap cause a problem if so what is it please

  • Author

Its new fuel in the tank though

  • Moderator

It does it with choke off and it happens if i open the throttle fast it bogs and tries to cut but if you twist throttle quickly on and off a couple times i can stop it from stalling if you get what i mean

so with choke ON it's OK and choke OFF it dies with throttle...is that right?

if so, this is quite normal with a cold engine, is your engine cold?

  • Author

I leave choke on 5 mins but bike eventually dies like runnin out of petrol but will start up after a few kicks with choke still on and idle the same and still bogs wen i take choke off also iv noticed oil or something going on the front pipe of the exhaust near the manifold is that a gasket problem and would this affect anything

Pilot jet," :eusa_think: have you adjusted air screw atall,?

  • Author

Pilot jet is clean and the 2 adjustable screws on the carb are set to 1 and a 1/2 turns out iv been told this is yamaha factory setting but if there is a better 1 than that you no of ill happily give it a go :D

Did you take out the pilot jet " i would, thers more than 1 hole in it, your problem points to pilot jet blocked,

  • Author

Yeah took pilot jet out all holes were clear i could see daylight through them all before i put it back in

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