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  • Moderator

idiot, nearly took away two lives there.

could tell he was reckless as the 1st corner he took too fast and did that Save Reflex thing and backed right off.

hes fkn hopeless, runs wide in every corner,,,disaster awaiting,,


  • Author

Hopefully he will read the you tube replies and learn to ride.

Not likely him reading the comments kev he didn't post it the person filiming did, he's not fast just stupid and lucky thoes bike's wernt a big rig or he would have been road pizza.

idiot, nearly took away two lives there.

could tell he was reckless as the 1st corner he took too fast and did that Save Reflex thing and backed right off.

yeah nearly lost his head on the first corner leaning over the center line into an oncoming car! what a Dick!!

Poor riding skills......hell i can corner better on nobblies then that stupid cunt on a sports bike :eusa_think:

Time to trade that in for a BMX i think.

One dumb arse then two dumbarse's and finally three dumbarse's none of which can actually ride round corners, that's what happens when you have to much money and no bloody idea !!!

F***ing moron. This is why most car drivers think we're all suicidal lunatics.

Love the "sensible persons" high-viz jacket to compliment such glorious riding.

There's an oxymoron to be proud of...

Wow... he should just stop riding, or take some lessons, quickly.

  • Author

he can borrow my sig, ! ride it like you stole it , what a bunch of tools,

if my mates rode like these fools i would have a word with them over a brew and a barm ,

i certainly wouldn't video it for youtube..

ps, before you mention my off roading antics (JASON) that was a one off lapse of concentration .. :icon_redface1:

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