Posted September 18, 201311 yr Parked the bike outside the house today after work and a hfskdfhsih hafs ihuf ihoe ieh b1tch reversed i to it and knocked it over Snapped the side stand, scraped the top box, cracked the rear hugger and scratched the r/h fairing I dont want to go through insurance as for the next five years i'll have to answer yes to the question 'have you made a claim even though not your fault' not a happy bunny and am feeling it
September 18, 201311 yr Sounds like a hell of a whack if it bent the stand!, im assuming it pushing it over on the stand-side?. get yourself on fleabay and price up the parts, if you got the other persons details you may be able to work out a settlement without getting those robbing bastards insurance companies involved
September 18, 201311 yr Good luck Twincle personally I would go through the insurance not worth the hassle of sorting it out and to make sure its done properly as to not affect the resale value. OK yes they will screw you for the next 5 years even with protected no claims but you should get an engineers report to make sure nothing else has been damaged like steering etc also if the stand has been bent its also possible that there is damage to the frame
September 19, 201311 yr Thats crap twink! feel for you man, but id go through the insurance, its not as bad as is sounds some woman reversed into my cage and done some proper damage due to it being a modern car and built out of plastic and she accpeted liability so every time i had to get a new quote i had to say yes to that question but nothing happened to the price of my quote as it wasn't our fault. At least then you are getting things fixed through her money and not yours. Also agree with Tommy, if it was strong enough to snap the side stand then it may have twisted the frame where it bolts to, also have you taken off the fairing to see if any other damage is hiding behind it? Good luck mate
September 19, 201311 yr Jeez, sorry to hear that mate. I really hope the person had the decency to not drive off. Also really hope your bike isn't too bad.As others have said, go through insurance if you can, my insurance wasn't affected by the lorry driver who destroyed my Classic Mini as the fault came off his insurance.Only trouble is if it was a hit and run. Some uninsured, drunk teenager smashed into my parents parked car outside our house and he drove off. Only managed to catch him because the whole number plate fell off!! Was a car his parents had just bought for him, but as there was no insurance it came off my parents. A kick in the nads considering they were in the house!
September 19, 201311 yr Author phew - long day! The woman didnt drive off, but as I ran out of house to make sure she didnt, the german shephard got excited too and went for her as she walked up the path Luckily she didnt bite her, but it did diminsh my high and mighty stance Well i got a text from her insurance company(sheilas) who use a company called Hexagon Motorcycles to do their repairs. At 5.30 this evening they arrived with a loaner bike and have taken mine off for repair. They must be charging well for the servoce as they came from Swindon to get it, and wanted to know if there was any more damage ..... The best part so far is I've not even had to ring my insurance company , lets hope they can carry out a speedy repair, thank you for your support there chaps - cant believe how p133ed i was yesterday. Heres the loaner:
September 19, 201311 yr Even if her insurance are doing all the repairs you still need to inform your insurance people of the accient. You don't have to make a claim on your insurance but if you don't tell them it could invalidate your policy. The loaner looks like a nice bike.
September 20, 201311 yr I Agree with obrien, when the knob head crashed through my fence and damaged my fuel tank i informed my insurance and all i got was a letter from them saying that they are on the case via the legal people i pay extra for, then two days later i get another letter saying the case is closed as the chap who crashed into me was footing the bill out his own pocket. no loss of no claims or nothing. Glad its getting fixed now mate
September 20, 201311 yr Author The loaner looks good, but rides like a pig The people who took the bike rang back today with an update. Now i had it down for stand, box, hugger and r/h fairing. They have that and headlight, r/h footrest, rear brake pedal, r/h fork casing, r/h swing arm, r/h upper fairing, r/h wing mirror, r/h indicator and anything else they can add on ! And they are insisting they get all the replacement parts from Yamaha so could be a few weeks before I get the bike back At least I'm not paying
September 20, 201311 yr You need to watch the Insurance dont end up classing your bike as an economical write off
September 20, 201311 yr Jimmy is right, all very well having a shed load of nice new Yammie parts on order but the cost will be astronomical, sorry to hear about the bike by the way but I have a feeling you might be getting a write off proposal!
September 20, 201311 yr Author The bikes brand new so it should survive, but if they pay me and give the bike back, i can fix it for £900 by Yamaha
September 21, 201311 yr Warning!!!!!! Be careful, if repair costs get close to bike value, they may write it off Insurance/repairers/solicitors, its a nest of vipers They wont give the bike back, you'll have to buy it back if its a write off
October 7, 201311 yr Author Just a quick update, I rang the repairers today and everythings been authorised - that £2500 worth of repair, plus ongoing bike hire costs Bad news is that swing arms, indicator and fairing are on 'back order' so amazingly there will be a delay in getting the bike back aaaaarrrrggggghhhhhhh still at least it wil be repaired at no cost to me
October 8, 201311 yr Glad its getting fixed mate, shocking how much damage can be done by a little knock. £2500! but if you think about the cost of a hire bike every day till yours is fixed then it soon mounts up
October 8, 201311 yr remember someone ran into the wifes corsa, took 9 months to get back, had a hire car for all that time , total bill was way more than the car was worth.
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