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hi experts.

would you recommend me using this in my 1980 rd350lc ..

im pre-mixing and use silkolene 2t comp off road at the moment , but it's getting too dammed expensive..


  • Moderator

er. picture or a link would help kev

  • Moderator

How many miles do you get from one litre of 2 stroke oil Kev?

  • Author

about 75/110 miles on 350ml if that helps newman..

Looks ok to me Kev, and meets all the spec's

As its racing oil (so they say) thats even better

How many miles do you get from one litre of 2 stroke oil Kev?

My DT gets about 240 - 260 miles for one litre,,,,,,this is from memory, i havent checked them figures in ages.

and going (roughly) on Kev's firures,,,,,, he gets about the same.


  • Author

hey pat , how ya doing pal.

i'm going to order some i think. it's much cheaper than this silky im buying .

  • Moderator

I guess it depends on how much fuel you are using. At 33:1 ratio you should need about 138ml to a gallon so 345ml equates to about two and a half gallons of fuel.

  • Author

when i had my old mtx 125 way back then , i topped my oil tank up and forget about it for years.

but this thing drinks it for fun. im putting 350ml but varying the amount of fuel between 10 and 14 ltr ..

  • Moderator

Tis a twin. And the tank sizes may be different. There are about 4.6ltrs to a gallon so about right.

  • Moderator

And MPG will be different.

  • Author

yea tell me about it. ? heavy wrist me thinks, and i don't mean for wanking..

get a 4stroker :icon_smile:

Aye kev " just back from France. 1,830 mls and H2 took 5 litres of two stroke oil, Carlube or Asda"s £4.99 a ltre. the oils have letters API TC. JASO-FB

Thats the standard needs for our engines, Thers a guy on 2T forum ran out . and filled his oil tank with Diesel and he got home no problem,,,

I think is all profit that expensive oil,,, :eusa_snooty:

  • Author

i ordered it so i will give it a baz and see what happens.. cheers guys

john your my hero , second to pat :biglaugha:

Aye kev " just back from France. 1,830 mls and H2 took 5 litres of two stroke oil, Carlube or Asda"s £4.99 a ltre. the oils have letters API TC. JASO-FB

Thats the standard needs for our engines, Thers a guy on 2T forum ran out . and filled his oil tank with Diesel and he got home no problem,,,

I think is all profit that expensive oil,,, :eusa_snooty:

Which 2 stroke oil do you use in your DT400/250 MX?

Is the synthetic worth using / of any benefit (such as Halfrauds - http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_storeId_10001_catalogId_10151_productId_221521_langId_-1_categoryId_165507#tab1)?

Hi ukdt" That halfrauds Fully synth is real good, :yeah: my mate Andre had his barrel off en-route to france. and i touched the piston , and it had a real good feel. greazy kinda, . hes now in the south of France , so it works well. cheap too. :thumb:

  • Author

got my oil through today . it smells ? :eusa_think: erm ? kinda oily ..

i might pour some in my hole. :biglaugha:

  • Moderator

my mate Andre had his barrel off en-route to france. and i touched the piston , and it had a real good feel. greazy kinda, .

your not touching my piston, you dirty bugger

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