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Just over an year riding and I'm getting pretty good at looking out for these hazards :D.

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Just over an year riding and I'm getting pretty good at looking out for these hazards :D.

A bold statement.

Even with a few years of riding under my belt, I rarely go a long period without someone still surprising me with their antics!

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Heh, I meant that I'm better than how I started off but in no way was I implying that I have fully mastered the skill of hazard perception. In this instance, the door zone is a pretty common hazard though but I'm always learning ;).

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:thumb: Something new to learn every day. Keep getting those miles under your belt, safely.

Yep always ride like they are all out to kill you then nothing supprises you to much.

Yep always ride like they are all out to kill you then nothing supprises you to much.

I don't know...

It doesn't matter how many BMW driving w*nkers try to kill me it's still a bit of a shock when an X5 slams his anchors on at the same time as pulling in front of me. Happened on the way back from London on Sunday. Makes the heart beat a bit faster

All these wee moments (if we're smart) make us better riders I think. So, well done j0hn :)

As dt502001 says, assume they're all out to kill you ... Advice I ride by! But I do agree with obriens65 ... Still tightens the ol sphincter muscles when you have a close shave

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I seem to be facing these situations quite frequently nowadays :(.

your just lucky i suppose. :shakeno: .

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