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Hi, please help, my DT broke down on me the other day, long story short, I found that there's no spark,

however, I can crank it all day long with no spark but the moment I stop cranking it sparks once or twice and sometimes even fires up and runs???

so far only changed the coil but hasn't solved it. I've asked several bike mechanics but no one has an answer.

Any help would be very appreciated.

Sounds like a cdi problem but first rule out the charging coils and the pick up coil,test them as per the manual each has a specific resistance measured in ohms if they pass the test then your cdi is most likely the problem.

Hope that helps

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Moved to workshop.

Let me guess airhead a dtre is point fired? Why don't people add the year of the bike when asking for help!It's like saying my bike won't run .

  • Moderator

no mate, it's CDI but doesnt have a kicker, sounds like it's only sparking when the elec starter is dis-engaged?...Thats why I said try a bump for now ;)

Oh ok that makes sence I've seen that before the starter draws so much juice that there is crap left for the primary windings in the coil,you might get a spark but it's so weak that it won't spark under compression.

Still best to check the charge coils and pick up esp if it won't bump.

I had a 1984rz 350 that refused to start on certin days unless you kicked it 30-40 times then it would run like nothing was wrong for days or weeks,I checked everything 2x and I had 2 rz at the time and swaped everything but the cdi,didn't want to fry a cdi if something was causeing the cdi to fail, finaly one day it wouldn't start and I swaped the cdi as a final resort,, problem solved.

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Thanks guys, I'm going to have to buy a Haynes as I don't know the resistances/voltages components should read. i'll keep you posted

Cheers again.

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So, I tried bumping it and got a good spark, so I then tried it on the starter and got a good spark??? thought to myself its fixed itself :) put it back together, no spark :(

Again, long story short, bad connection, the 4 pin connector block which feeds the ignition had oxidised and corroded, I bypassed this block temporarily had hey presto it sparks, ordered a new connector block as the old one is irreparable so should be back on the road soon :)

Thanks again guys.

I would just hard wire it ( solider and shrink wrap)if it is prone to corroison due to it`s location.

Glad you figed it out,everyone in the world can give you all the advice,but if your not willing to realy search and check electrical problems then you will never find the problem and you did exactly that ,,,search seek and fix,best to sill pick up that manual for future repairs

  • Author

Haynes manual on order, and the connector block I ordered is not genuine, I searched for a waterproof block (which comes with new pins) in order to prevent this happening again.

Thats another Idea the waterproff connector and now we have another fixed bike,can't take any credit at all but the next person who read's this will start thinking about connections/connectors esp you guy's on that side of the pond with the salty air and wet months,so many problems with the elect 's can be traced back to crapy connections and as I like to call it GREEN DEATH.

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