August 24, 201311 yr Author Thats good and bad news,fingers crossed for your dog.IMO he would be better off at home they miss us just as much ,if not more, as we miss them but if he needs to be there then what ya going to do well he's home again this time much more like his old self, almost like he hadn't been away
August 24, 201311 yr Great to hear Tommy, fingers crossed he keeps it up. Don't know what I'd do without my little Husky.
August 24, 201311 yr Great news! Really are mans best friend - even if my little pup has gone through 4 pairs if slippers, 6 shoes and 2 rugs in the last 8 months!! Still love him to bits!
August 25, 201311 yr Thats great news Tommy hope all is right now. Great to hear Tommy, fingers crossed he keeps it up. Don't know what I'd do without my little Husky. Bippo no such thing as a little husky,unless he/she a pup,mine is a mix malmute,shep,husky ( near as I can figure)and she's a small 125lbs or so, if thats what you mean by small LOL
August 25, 201311 yr Bippo no such thing as a little husky,unless he/she a pup,mine is a mix malmute,shep,husky ( near as I can figure)and she's a small 125lbs or so, if thats what you mean by small LOL He's only 5 months at the mo. Think he'll be quite a big adult, but should still only reach about 60cm in height - much smaller than a Malmute! I see quite a few Malmutes about and the size difference between them and Huskies is very impressive - 125lbs!! Wow! She sounds like a sweet mix too, got any photos? Well, enough talk of dogs, I'd best go take him for his morning walk. That's one thing to be said about Huskies, they need plenty of exercise...!!
August 25, 201311 yr Bippo I would try to post a pict of her but I'm not a puter guy,I just tried to change my avatar to a pict of her and it say's the file is too big,so next time my son is over I will get him to post a pictuer of her.I'm more of a hunt it , break it ,fix it drink it, fuckit kinda guy I can get puter to do that kinda stuff but it takes me way longer and pisses me off when my 13yr old can do it in minutes/seconds. What is this take the dog for a walk you speak of,does your dog not know how to walk yet,I open the door and my dog goes for a walk by herself when I want her back in I just whistel and she come's back,when I go fishing she comes and goes for a swim and chases the birds around
August 25, 201311 yr English law states that Dogs must be kept on a lead in this country . oh and we have to pick all our dog shit up .
August 25, 201311 yr English law states that Dogs must be kept on a lead in this country . oh and we have to pick all our dog shit up . Don't always have to be on a lead - depends where you are - But you must always clean up after your dog.
August 25, 201311 yr Same here Kev but I live in the country and no one follows that rule out here,unless there dog is a runner,Mine just goes and visits the neighbours dogs about a 1/4 mile down the road eats thier food plays with them chases the chickens around and comes back. or she goes to the other nieghbours ,about a 1/8 the other way, house a old couple live there and she gets fead from the wife, roast beef with gravy they like to see her they are to old tolook after a dog anymore and miss thier old dog.So it's not like she's not welcome neither neighbour minds her company.I take a case of homemade beerover to the neighbour 1/4 mile and drink a few with him or drop off a bag of food for the dogs so hes not paying to feed her.Sometimes her bowl at home dosn't need filling for days.And the old couple I give them fresh veggies from the garden.The only time animal control would ever come out here is if someone calls them,everone in town knows my dog ,it's a realy small town of 300 and would call me before calling control,but she only goes to town with me. As far as cleaning up after her she won't crap in the yard there is a feild/forest that noone ever goes in, behind me and she has a spot back there occasionaly she brings a rabbit home,I clean it , cook it and we share it
August 25, 201311 yr Yeah, I live in a busy town (2001 cenus states population of 32,500 - much more than your 300, but not as busy as other parts of the UK) and can't just let him out the house without being on the lead. So I need to go out with him and wander to the fields or park nearby before I can take him off the lead. Then we both go for a good walk across the fields and round in a loop, but the moment we're back on the roads, the lead goes back on.
August 25, 201311 yr one of my beloved dogs ,(angus the dog above) has run around the garden as fast as he could with his sister inga , head first into the back of the house wall, the whole house shuddered. he then came bounding into the house wagging his tail as if to say HEY look what iv'e done. he's removed a lump of skin and hair in the middle of his head, it looks like a pakki dot at the moment , one of them big ones , it's healing up ok and he's fine . but i don't think the hair will grow back. worse than kids arn't they..
August 25, 201311 yr Author Yeah, I live in a busy town (2001 cenus states population of 32,500 - much more than your 300, but not as busy as other parts of the UK) and can't just let him out the house without being on the lead. So I need to go out with him and wander to the fields or park nearby before I can take him off the lead. Then we both go for a good walk across the fields and round in a loop, but the moment we're back on the roads, the lead goes back on. same for me but at moment he's restricted to the end of our close and back. must admit I miss the exercise nearly as much as him, can't wait to get him fit enough for the park again as he's missing all his friends
August 26, 201311 yr LOL kev no one ever said pit's were the smartest dogs,but i don't get why they get such a bad rap for being mean killers,it's the owner's who make them bad dogs. Well tommy sounds like hes on the mend and should be good to go soon,did the insurance cover any of this?
August 27, 201311 yr I worked as a Police Dog handler for 14yrs and the advice I would give to folk is dont let your dog off the lead until you have control over it. Even now if I see folk getting dragged along the road by a dog, I feel like stopping the bike/car and taking the dog off them. dt 125lbs is a big dog, my 1st working dog was 110lb long haired shepherd and then I had a Rottie weighing in at 114lb.
September 2, 201311 yr Honestly 125 is a guess she might be more or less haven't bothered weighing her in a while she dosen't like going to the vet but right around there and yes she''s a big dog,but not as big as the neighbours rottie his head is bigger than the size of socker ball closer to a basket ball he weighs in at 135ish. You don't get in there way when they playor they will mow you down,my son could ride harriet untill he was about 8 then his legs were to long How the dog doing tommy?
September 7, 201311 yr Author He's doing fine where on holiday in Scotland at the moment head home today had to take it easy with him but had a great time
September 8, 201311 yr Author Cheers Kev he's still got a long way to go yet, he's on special diet & loads of med's, back to the Vets tomorrow for a checkup
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