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So riding to work this morning and a sneaky bugger decided to fly in under my helmet! In a car, the missus panics cos she can't see where it is. This morning I could see it very clearly sat on my nose at 50mph!! Slowed down to 30 and lifted the visor and the little shit then sat on my eyebrow. Talk about adrenalin rush as I stop the bike and remove my lid!

I had 2 bikers stop and ask if I was alright one a yammy, the other a BMW!

Can you believe it? A BMW rider actually stopping and caring???? Luckily at o' Christ hundred hours there were hardly any cars out.

Anybody else had issues with wasps in their helmet?

Had a massive dragonfly decide to take up residence, once... Visor up, reach in, pluck out and fling away. Wipe hand on leg and rev on.

wasp/bee whatever, left a greenish redish splat right in my vision.had to stop and clean my visor with a dot leaf,

Never had a wasp in my eye, but I pulled a hare out my arse once

Always adding a bit of flavour to the conversation eh Jim? :P

hit a pigeon on the DT50... flew out of a hedgerow as i was going past flat-out at (shock-horror) 45mph... knocked the wind out of me and left feathers everywhere! :(

Been hit in the throat by a bee at '70 miles an hour officer' :eusa_whistle: without any neck protection. I thought it had ripped my adam's apple out. Never ride anywhere without some kind of neck protector since then.

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Never had a wasp in my eye, but I pulled a hare out my arse once

You Scots know how to have good time!

Had a bee fly straight into my lid once and it sat right next to my eye. Emergency parked ( :icon_eek: ) my super bike (Honda SS50) up a grass bank, ripped my lid off and watched it fly happily away. :icon_biggrin: Have made a point of riding with the visor down ever since...

Been hit in the throat by a bee at '70 miles an hour officer' :eusa_whistle: without any neck protection. I thought it had ripped my adam's apple out. Never ride anywhere without some kind of neck protector since then.

I had that a few weeks back, only doing 50 but felt like I'd been shot!

Made me cough and splutter a bit

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Had a bee fly straight into my lid once and it sat right next to my eye. Emergency parked ( :icon_eek: ) my super bike (Honda SS50) up a grass bank, ripped my lid off and watched it fly happily away. :icon_biggrin: Have made a point of riding with the visor down ever since...

The only time my visor is up is when I'm standing still! Little bugger came straight up underneath my lid. The bottom if my lid is about 2" longer and 1" lower than any of my previous lids so comes below the collar of my jacket. I couldn't believe how good an aim this little bastard had!

Been hit in the face by a wasp/bee at 70+ ish (open faced lid) stung a bit but i knew it was dead so carried on riding.

Also been hit in the leg by a large lump of rock that was shot out of the wheels by an arctic goin gthe other way, definatly stopped for that one! nice lump grew just next to my shin, and i didn't even get a sympathy kiss from the wife!! (bitch)

Maybe if you had a different sort of lump every now and then... She'd take an interest :P

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