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Half way up a massive mountain in the French Alps last week, my engine temperature reached 117 deg and climbing. I noticed the fan wasn't kicking in and hasn't worked since. Spent the next 4 days watching the temperature reading constantly!

Just wondering if anyone knows of any common faults/problems that are known to this model before I start getting into all sorts to fix it?

is it likely to be the sensor? Or fan motor? Or would it simply be a fuse? if so, where is the fuse located to check and where will i find the fan sensor?

Sorry for the dumb questions, but need to get it sorted asap and could do with any advice that will help save time faffing about.



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The easiest way to check the sensor is to short it out. If 2 wires, touch them together. If 1 wire, earth it.

You can do the same with the fan by checking which wire is +ve and running a +ve and negative wire from the battery to see if it kicks in.

Fuse locations should be shown in your Owners Manual.

I might be able to find it, but I'd only be downloading the free manual from Yamaha's website anyway, so you might as well get yourself a copy yerself. Plus you'll know better which year you need:


  • Moderator

Check your coolant level too that could have caused the temp spike.

Told you to go classic. I dont have a fan to fail...... :)

Hi, I would check fuse first,sender unit on rad,check fan.just a note to say the xj6 should run between 80-95 Celsius on external temp + speed of riding. the fan should cut in at 105 Celsius.also as other member have said check your coolant as my xj6s tends to use a little of it every so often over time.

  • Author

coolant is fine, we checked that anyway when I noticed the fan wasn't coming on. Will try some of the suggestions, thanks

The rad fan fuse is 20A, it is also possible the relay has broken.

If you can't get it working and think it might be the sensor or the relay, you could improvise with some wires, a fuse holder and switch mounted on the bars, with you turning the fan on above 97 degrees.

As I said on another post, these things are very much the bread and butter of motorcycle touring, keep on touring!

  • Moderator

One thing. People fitting overide switches to opperate the fan seems quite common on tinterweb.

May be an idea for piece of mind.

  • Author

well it's not the fuse, eliminated that possibility today. Where's the relay located? There's nothing listed in the owners manual about the fan or temp sensor etc. that i can find

well it's not the fuse, eliminated that possibility today. Where's the relay located? There's nothing listed in the owners manual about the fan or temp sensor etc. that i can find

All this sort of information is only in the workshop manual. I have a copy i should be able to email to you if you need it.

The relay, I think, will be under the seat.

Your best bet is to bypass it all and jury-rig a switch on the handle bar. I think one side of the fan is 12v when the main ignition (key) is on, so if you can locate this the other terminal can be connected to earth by a switch (a so-called 'switched earth' device) and you can turn it on and off when the temperature is too high.

Hi, if at all possible I would use a multi meter to test if you are getting 12v to the connecting block which attaches to the sender unit if their is power to their you will then know it is the sensor which maybe on the engine as cannot find one on rad sorry.

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Well, no one got this one right. Booked the bike in with hubby's mate that owns a KTM bike shop with servicing etc for others, he had to search around for ages cos ECU failed to show any faults. Turned out to be a stone lodged in the fan itself stopping it from spinning. As expected it burned out the motor, so that's the fix.

Completely random event from some random gravelly road in France!

Thanks all for the help and suggestions in my time of crisis! maybe if this happens to someone else then this is something to check for.

Well, no one got this one right. Booked the bike in with hubby's mate that owns a KTM bike shop with servicing etc for others, he had to search around for ages cos ECU failed to show any faults. Turned out to be a stone lodged in the fan itself stopping it from spinning. As expected it burned out the motor, so that's the fix.

Completely random event from some random gravelly road in France!

Thanks all for the help and suggestions in my time of crisis! maybe if this happens to someone else then this is something to check for.

Funny really, in thise age of electric-everything the idea of a very mechanical failure was mentioned by nobody.

On a car, if someone said it was running hot and the fan was not kicking in, the first thing i'd check (after the fuse) is the fan and the blades.

glad your trip was a success, stone-aside.

Wow good thing it was bigg enough to jam the fan and not just spinn round and round till it ground it's way through the rad that would have been costly and a bummer you would have been suck at the side of the road and possibly burt from hot coolant spraing on you.

Turned out to be a stone lodged in the fan itself stopping it from spinning. As expected it burned out the motor, so that's the fix.

Thats great Cupcake, these quirkie things do happen.

Years ago my speedo wouldn't go above 30mph although I was doing 60mph, the reason was that a spider had got into my dial and spinned a webb between my needle and the needle stop, all of a sudden it broke free.

Thats great Cupcake, these quirkie things do happen.

Years ago my speedo wouldn't go above 30mph although I was doing 60mph, the reason was that a spider had got into my dial and spinned a webb between my needle and the needle stop, all of a sudden it broke free.

I seem to have a while colony (if that's the correct term) of spiders living on my bike, mainly behind the mirrors haha

All this sort of information is only in the workshop manual.

Oh. That's a bit bollocks, Yamaha...

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