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Rant I'm afraid,

the good news is that I haven't had to fight in any wars (probably the first generation ever that hasn't)

but I notice an increasing amount of general aggrevation and hassle at work, my missus is an NHS staff nurse

even though part time she is more exhausted than me (I'm full time) due to staff cuts, savings and poor management

we've had the same kind of stuff but nothing like as bad yet, everybody is irritable and overloaded, customers

won't take no for an answer and quickly turn to complaining/ threatening - (yes it works folks) if they can't get what they want

rant rant rant, grrrrrrrr

ah that's better

have a nice day

(actually I'm just in a bad mood because I have IAM training today - back to school for me)

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It's tough in the NHS at the moment.

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tough everywhere.

I have been on basic money for the last month because my average working week was over 48 hours.

very skint at the moment

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my basic hasn't changed for 3 years. no chance of overtime, I'm salaried :(

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not just us then..

the training went OK, couple of hours of having to take in every little thing - or try to, and I thought I was improving

I'm self employed and still feeling the pinch!! got to stay competitive haven't raised my price's in over three year's, while cost of everything has rocketed, but must admit I have it easy compared to the boys & girls in the NHS

They do a brilliant job for little reward

I qualified as a staff nurse nearly 20 years ago. Have worked in the private sector and then back in the public sector. The team I manage now focuses mostly on the terminally ill. It's a daily fight for funding to ensure that the most vulnerable in our society are properly cared for when they need it most. I appreciate that we have to cut costs as a nation but not at the cost of human dignity ... Look at the mid Staffordshire scandal. But sure, as long as our politicians get their expenses ...... Oh, nearly on a rant there too. **reaching for my medication ***

I qualified as a staff nurse nearly 20 years ago. Have worked in the private sector and then back in the public sector. The team I manage now focuses mostly on the terminally ill. It's a daily fight for funding to ensure that the most vulnerable in our society are properly cared for when they need it most. I appreciate that we have to cut costs as a nation but not at the cost of human dignity ... Look at the mid Staffordshire scandal. But sure, as long as our politicians get their expenses ...... Oh, nearly on a rant there too. **reaching for my medication ***

This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I'm offering is the truth - nothing more.


mmm! think Neo would appreciate that

Its all going to shit peeps, i took the job i am in now mostly for job security, but after about a year and a half we started having redundancies, cuts e.t.c, o wonder so many people are on the dole, it's f*cking ridonkulous!

dont even get me started on politicians... oxford educated c*nts with no idea how the real world works.

Foamy for prime minister peeps!, there's gonna be some changes.

First Decree of Foamy: It shall no longer be a legal requirement to wear a seatbelt, if you want to die a horrible death then feel free, i will not waste taxpayers money trying to enforce a law intended to try and save your pitifull life, if you do not value your life enough to use a seatbelt then feel free to wrap your saxo around a lamp-post

Second Decree of Foamy: Compulsory drugs testing for people on the dole, if your smoking dope with our tax money then you dont get paid, simples.

Third Decree of Foamy: If you cause an accident because you are not paying attention to the road (on your phone, applying makeup, changin tampon e.t.c) expect to pay for damages and your own trial, jail sentence and loss of your licence.

Fourth Decree of Foamy: If a person is unwelcome on your property and intending to cause you/your family harm or deprive you of possessions, providing they are there of their own accord, you may take measures deemed nescessary to discourage his/her actions and hold them at the scene of crime until a police cuntstubble arrives,

Fifth Decree of Foamy: All drivers of class B vehicles and above MUST at the very least have completed a CBT

Rant over peeps. :madflame:

Cynic you should sign out of.that European working directive.

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I spent this morning listening to presentations on how bad things are. I presented to Directorate Senior Managers, Heads of Service and Clinical Leads on why they shouldn't expect any money just because their equipment is not shiny anymore. The afternoon was making sure that some Managers justified the £10 million they wanted before it goes to the relevant board.

Out of control nation, spiralling downhill with the downtrodden masses coughing up more cash to bale out those who got us here in the first place

£10K rise for MPs??????? Just whose plans/policies/blind negligence/apathy/bad managment got us here!!! and how many of them are still in the House. An ever revolving door, shifted from one post for failing into another only to do the same.

New health minister every 2 years, first thing they do is start to change everything cos they have to be seen to be doing something

If TB infected cattle can be placed into the food chain for human consumption by the Govt, then why are they slaughtering the badgers???

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Agree about MP's -the Economic community directives have gradually moved to a position where any person operating in a particular line has to be qualified to practice

we age getting there, most electritians, hairdressers and car mechanics have some kind of qualification - but yet there are no qualifications for MPs, just a big ego (although there are some decent ones)

I can not comment on polotics, for one i can't spell the damn word (where has the spell checker gone on the site???) and second im not smart enough to know any thing about it all.

All i can say is yes we are getting shafted left right, left a bit more and then right up the center and will do un till some thing snaps. i can't see how we can cough up millions / billions to help bail out other countries like Greese etc yet we cant even keep our own Country above water?

We have had cuts here at my Works but for once it has hit the higher folk and not US workers. 200 highly paid staff have either been given pay cuts or kicked out.

IMO the places that SHOULD NOT be cut are the NHS Fire dept, Police Military and schools, but i guess that will mean bigger and badder cuts every where else.

The MP's need to pull there finger out and say no to helping other countries out and focus on getting us out the shit first. And did you see how much of a pay rise HM got!? yes granted she is our Queen but £10m pay rise...........? that could have helped Cancer reasurce etc etc.

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my Dad used to (wisely) say that there's no point fretting about things you can't control. however,

Brown and Blair let us down badly, they seemed weak and only interested in their own importance

just my opinion of course :spin2:

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