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great day doing very little, well ticked a couple of items off the to do list,

wife away on a day out with her college mates,neighbours all seem to be awol - me and the dog

just them buzzy little planes....


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I guess they are similar to us Ian, wishing for the start of summer. A little sunshine and low winds.

Sunday morning and as I sit in the garden with a brew and ciggie, I can hear the local steam train and the sounds of clay shooting. I am not tempted to join in with a little 2 stroke revving. I think there is a difference between pastime kind noises and the sound of traffic or things screaming around just to make noise.

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yes some noises are acceptable like the high pitched distant howl of motorbikes on the by-pass not so keen on the shooting which we also get here on a Sunday

I've ticked all my boxes, only one though.

Mowed the neighbours lawn, actually two neighbours, and mine of course. Changed the oil and filter on the bike today.

Now sitting in the garden listening to The Faces "lazy Sunday afternoon" having a pint of amber nectar.




top pic - is that the mrs sorting the washing while you relax - just joking mike. see you on 22nd? :spin2:

Yes Ian it is the missus, but she is watering her flowers.

I don't know if you can see but in the first photo there are two rabbits, our daughters who has left home and we seem to have taken charge.

Can't wait till 22nd, I'm hoping my daughter will be home that weekend and she will come with me, she loves coming on the back of the bike.

Anyway, see you soon.

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So far:

Went to Homebase

Went to Laura Ashley

Started to paint the ceiling in the dining area after the new building works - a third of the first coat done on new plaster.

Went to pick up a table and chairs.

Just sat down (apart from when I was driving).

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hmm..so different to my situation, neither of the girls, or the wife for that matter, are remotely interested in bikes, if fact I suspect that one of the girls feels it doesn't give a good impression having an old bike parked up outside the house when her numerous mates visit. the boy is indifferent which I am secretly pleased about as I don't really want him charging about on a motorbike the way he did with his pushbike :spin2:


don't know where you get the energy.. :spin2:

  • Moderator
....................DT...................don't know where you get the energy.. :spin2:

Nothing to do with energy Ian, More to do with doing as I am told and knowing my place.

Have you see the prices in Laura Ashley? I thought we were just buying some wallpaper, not paying off the national debt!

Popped down the road a mile to see the parents, bumped into one of my brothers while there

Coat of oil on the garden seat

Fed tortoise

Sorted rear brakes on the 306, youngest daughters motor

Coat of fencesomethingorother on the panels I repaired a couple of weeks ago

3 mile run


Now just loitering waiting for the Sunday night shift tonight, I bloody hate it

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This bit of nsd post; 'youngest daughters motor' made me think of our oldest girl who drives into our hedge when she comes home,

this isn't actually our house but you get the idea, at first I was quite taken aback it but after a while you tend to say 'heyho - forget it' not worth getting upset about


re; 3 mile run - impressive

  • Moderator

I had to work today in the heat; cooking for wedding.

still suffering from a ceilidh I attended last night, sore throat and a throbbing head = not fun

This bit of nsd post; 'youngest daughters motor' made me think of our oldest girl who drives into our hedge when she comes home,

this isn't actually our house but you get the idea, at first I was quite taken aback it but after a while you tend to say 'heyho - forget it' not worth getting upset about


re; 3 mile run - impressive

"who drives into our hedge when she comes home,"

What every time?

Immpressive? I wish

Used to run 60 miles a week one time, how I hate getting older

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What every time? - the hedge is now bulged into the neighbours but it still serves to mark a stop point, I reckon Pip judges the hedge coming onto the front bonnet as her indication of when to handbrake :spin2:

60 miles - crumbs, I once cycled 70 but that was sometime ago, hope your shift at work was ok. Did all my site visits today on the bike, couldn't be bothered to take my gear off as I had to call back in at the office,

I expect a few of them were wondering what the hell that tramp was doing using the photocopier :biglaugha:

What every time? - the hedge is now bulged into the neighbours but it still serves to mark a stop point, I reckon Pip judges the hedge coming onto the front bonnet as her indication of when to handbrake :spin2:

60 miles - crumbs, I once cycled 70 but that was sometime ago, hope your shift at work was ok. Did all my site visits today on the bike, couldn't be bothered to take my gear off as I had to call back in at the office,

I expect a few of them were wondering what the hell that tramp was doing using the photocopier :biglaugha:

Good job its not a wall

Yeah, not a bad shift, you just seem the be hanging around on Sunday afternoon though, waiting to go to work.

Im surpised the elf n safety brigade le tyou use the bike for work, risk assessments/insurance blahdi blahdi blah

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