Posted June 3, 201311 yr just thought of this after seeing jimmy's TT13 mine was in a car park outside local shops in liverpool the carpark to be fair is on a bit of a steep hill and it had been raining and I had only been riding a motorbike for a couple of weeks, anyway pulled away no problem, riding parallel to hill turned to head up the hill and must of just leaned that little bit to much, back tyer lost traction, went down like a sack of shit before I knew it and I tried to recover it by pulling the handlebars up but in doing so pulled back on the throttle this made the bike spin in circles while on the floor anyone looking on must have thought I was mental a brand new bike doing horizontal doughnut's, couldn't get out of there quick enough just thought i'd share this memory and wondered if anyone else had similar embarrassing encounters.
June 3, 201311 yr Moderator commuting to work on the dt in the 80's an extremely cold winters morning, all the way there I was so careful and took it easy...fell off on the turn in to work, much to the amusement of the works security guards...I'm sure it made their day...lazy bastards hadnt bothered to grit the entrance!
June 3, 201311 yr i think we all have done something stupid...or will hahahaha. I once pushed my bike out of the garden put it on the side stand to close the gate behind me heard one fuck of a bang.......turned around bike was on it's side, should have put it in gear to park on a hill and maybe facing up so if it did slip it would only keep the stand in place better because if it rolls forward it kind of takes it's self off the stand if you see what i mean? Another time i was on one of the proper farmer roads in the middle of nowhere, farmer in front of me in his 4X4 stops to open the gate and waves for me to go ahead of him. I went past and thought to my self 'no way am i going to let him show me up on these tight roads (at this point maybe i should mention i was on bald supermoto wheels and only had front brake working as i had smashed the rear reservoir a few days before and was awaiting a replacement) so i passed him and went hell for leather down this single track road that was caked in sheep shit and gravel (in hindsight YES i know i was being silly, but at the time whatever you do seems like the right thing to do....or you of course wouldn't do it ). So i went over a small blind hill as i was just getting to see over it i could see that the road carried on straight so i gave it abit more throttle, i get a few feet higher up and notice that the road actually turns sharply to the right and down a bit of a steep hill...and what i thought was the road going straight was just a track for the farmers to get for their fields, at a quick glimpse i could see it was just soggy mud and there was NO way the bike was going to stay upright. so panic time, snatch the front brake- feel it slipping abit over the gravel so i ease off the brake and kick it down a gear or two, still not stopping so i thought i could slow it down enough to crawl onto that bit of farm track and stop before i got into the mucky stuff - NOPE bike just wouldn't stop - barely felt like it had even slowed down and the second the front wheel even touched the mud it came right from under me and i was on my side. Jumped up as quick as i could hoping to fuck off before anyone noticed what i had done, picked the bike up, turned it around, looked up and there was the fucking 4X4 parked behind me with the window open asking if i was alright. i was so embarrassed at the time i was just saying ' yes i'm fine thanks for stopping' (in welsh of course, farmers don't really do English hahaha) while in my head i was wishing he would just fuck off and let me get over this embarrassment. Ahhh well if it were to happen now i wouldn't be as bothered, because i know if you are going to ride like a prat- then suit up and expect to be off the road.
June 3, 201311 yr Moderator parked me cx500 down a hill onto a wall and used the wall to stop the bike rolling forward (thought that was great thinking there) went to leave and could I push that beast backwards up a hill? took about1/2 hour and a crowd was gathering, mostly local youths with nothing better to do.
June 4, 201311 yr I have two incidents that come to mind. My first 600cc bike, the XJ600, on the day I bought it I rode home stopped and parked up next to a mate, thought I had put the kick stand down (but didnt) and went to lean the bike over.. Luckily my friend helped catch it so it didnt hit the ground hard but was embarrassing! Second time (more embarrassing but im sure 90% have done this!) I was in a rush, it was dark, I ran out to the bike, started it up went to ride off.. "CLUNK!" Next thing I know im lying on the road with my bike on its side with full throttle as I gripped the bar.. I left the blooming disc lock on.. Luckily no damage done (only damaged my pride!) as I only went to roll away slowly.
June 4, 201311 yr Twice I've tried to ride off from work with my disc lock still on, luckily everybody else had gone home. It's a weird feeling when that happens because it happens so quick your lying on the ground wondering what happened. Now everytime I park the bike I position it so i have to pull it backwards when leaving.
June 4, 201311 yr Took the XJ in for it's MOT (passed) got on it to leave and fell off in the car park , felt a right twat, went back a few days later to pick up some parts I had ordered and fell off in the same place , tried to blame slippery concrete - bird flying by - pretty girl in office widow - sharp gust of wind, Was just me being a DICK!!!
June 4, 201311 yr touch wood ive not come off the bike but i have had some motorbike related fails. Both with my 125 draggy and the 650 when i stripped them down and then rebuilt them i get the out side to fire them up to which they wouldn't. So thinking ive missed a wire or something else i re-drain the fuel tank and proceed to strip and re-check every thing ONLY to find.........................................IVE LEFT THE BASTARD KILL SWITCH ON!!!!!!!!
June 4, 201311 yr Tried to start the CB750 and it wouldn't run. Engine turned over but just wouldn't catch. Got off and checked fuel, leads, etc but couldn't find any fault. Called the AA man and waited 45 minutes for him to come out. He looked round the bike, turned the cut out switch to RUN and started the bike first push of the button.
June 4, 201311 yr Early 90s pulled into well know ale house car park that was teaming with young lady's in the early evening sun. Being young giving the fzr600 a hand full seemed a good idea at the time. as the front end went up I gracefully sailed off the back the bike carried on into the landlords jag I still get stick for it now. ....
June 5, 201311 yr 1981 rd 350lc out at the beach all day and drinking a few beers,18rys old dumb ass stupid,budy needs a ride back into town, just so happened that he makes prefect counter weight for 6th gear midheight wheelies ( Just ride the rear brake a wee bit and this works great) well he got @ 200 meters from home,after at least 70 wheelies in the 1.5 hr drive, he was encouraging me at every stop), me on the gas hard and over we went' in 4'th,came up over the hill and the pavers had split the road, and well it griped way harder and stood up in a nano second. The bike hit off the taillight and I was over the bars,standing on the pegs,waiting for him to bail off and he did and so did I, the bike fliped end to end 3-4 times and slid spining to a stop. He was laughing when I got to him lain on the side of the road, so I go look at the bike dable ? pick it up EH!! maybe all right turns to my other friends house and the bike is locked to the left steering lock. So I get the bike to my buddies house and 14 or so of my riding friends of the time are all there...WALK OF SHAME.. the best part is I couldn't forget about it for 3months . Because my buddy who was on the back couldn't sit down for that long when he slid he was wearing cotton pants,road rash up the back of his legs to his cheeks,,,,,,,,,,,, Later he as never mad at me and we alway's laugh about that day we lived.And so did the bike in the form of parts and a new exhaust for my81gpz 750from said parts
June 5, 201311 yr In the first few months of bike ownership I fell off with routine regularity, probably why I think training is a good idea nowadays, anyway heading into town one lunchbreak from college I was passing the bus terminus where a load of girls were stood. I'm riding by looking at them, looking at me (I wish), when out of the corner of my eyes I noticed a set of brakelights coming on. I slam on mine and discovered that bus terminus, diesel and bikes dont go. Down I went, up, their screams of laughter went, and bright red my face went. No damage done, except possibly to my pride and reputation
June 5, 201311 yr On 6/4/2013 at 11:27 AM, Noise said: touch wood ive not come off the bike but i have had some motorbike related fails. Both with my 125 draggy and the 650 when i stripped them down and then rebuilt them i get the out side to fire them up to which they wouldn't. So thinking ive missed a wire or something else i re-drain the fuel tank and proceed to strip and re-check every thing ONLY to find.........................................IVE LEFT THE BASTARD KILL SWITCH ON!!!!!!!! We have all done that before too! I went as far as checking wiring / checking battery / attempting to bump start / checking for fuel.. Then I realised the kill switch..
June 5, 201311 yr On 6/5/2013 at 5:57 AM, Norcot said: We have all done that before too! I went as far as checking wiring / checking battery / attempting to bump start / checking for fuel.. Then I realised the kill switch.. Yep, done it myself. One Sunday afternoon cleaning the bike didn't realise I flicked kill switch on with cloth, thought I'd just check bike starts ok for Mon morning...............anyway, exactly as Norcot done.
June 5, 201311 yr Pulled up to a busy roundabout in town on the DT50, went to put my leg down, quickly realised i was unable to, upon looking down i find that the kickstart lever has caught on the bottom of my jeans, i end up flopping over with the bike on top of me infront of several cars and then have to shuffle out from under the bike, pick it up and carry on
June 5, 201311 yr Moderator This happened to Mike on his cb750 I was following; he approached a T junction around Anglzark reservoir and the road has a weird off camber at the edge. Mike stops for the junction as a car approaches so he puts his left foot down onto ..thin air. over he goes and its quite a steep drop too (say 1/2 meter) so he seriously comes off the bike. I thought he was reallyhurt till he got up then I rag into him as we all would have! he got his own back a few weeks ago, but I blame Tommyxs for that one
June 6, 201311 yr Stalled a 500 single at a pedestrian crossing in the middle of newton abbot on market day trying to restart it quick didn't bother with the decompressor or gave it a big boot which it didn't appreciate and kicked back dumping me over the bars in a big heap in the middle of the pedestrian crossing.
June 6, 201311 yr Author On 6/6/2013 at 8:54 AM, steve 1052cc said: Stalled a 500 single at a pedestrian crossing in the middle of newton abbot on market day trying to restart it quick didn't bother with the decompressor or gave it a big boot which it didn't appreciate and kicked back dumping me over the bars in a big heap in the middle of the pedestrian crossing. that reminds of my Dad back in the early 80s, warning me not to get a big single for the very same reason LoL he's no longer with us but his thoughts are always with me, thanks for sharing that Steve.
June 8, 201311 yr iv got a lot of stupid drops and slips the one ill always remember is hiting a local dirt lane that goes for my house to a friends midldle of winter a lil bit of snow fell over night id just been home to grab an allen key for my bars on the way back down this dirt track I came across 3 lads my age, one had a .22 pellet rifle thought best not stop heading the same way they stepped out the way so I carry on past accelerating 100m up the track there is a tight blind chicane I remember at the last second looked down I was doing 50 . . . shit tried to slow down didn't happen just sent the backend to the side round the chicanei for a second I though yes im going to make it until I hit a pot hole the size of my wheel I go straight over the bars almost KO'ed me, got up a bit dazed dragged my bike out of a tree where it landed at this point these lads had nearly caught up so I jumped back on started it whent to pull off and nearly droped again cus it was still in 3rd and stalled it managed to pull off eventually just as they got there with the handle bars on my knees I got off feeling like a right dick I still use this trail I just never forget where to slow down
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