Posted May 30, 201311 yr Ok I just got back from the MOT shop after my second attempt at getting the Maxim road legal, it PASSED thank God so now it is off with it's new owner, that left me with a bit of a gap in the garage which was just calling out for another winter 2013 project, got talking to the owner of the shop and he said he had a Suzuki 400 bandit in the back that had been abandoned by it's owner 2 years ago, been sat there waiting for him to come back and pay what it owes for work done, long story short I now have 2 of them for £110 inc delivery , seems that the original owner had bought a second one for spare parts that the shop could use to get the original one running. Not in the best of condition and don't run but fer f**k's sake I could not turn the deal down. So my only problem now is I know sod all about Suzuki's. If you know anyone who knows anything about these things please let me know as I have a feeling that I might need some guidance as to what goes where, cos the original one has had the loom hacked off and generally been fiddled with by the usual spanner monkey who knows sod all about how the bike works or anything electrical or mechanical. Quite pleased with myself actually as even the bit's (if I break them) will be worth more than I paid for them.
May 30, 201311 yr Moderator Ooh you jammy bugger. Needs abuse to really fly like most suzukis. Revs to around 15 k and the power starts at 11. Although a little heavy for the engine it makes a diamond first bike. Front brake is weak and the finish is poor. Wiring ok and basic almost a copy of the 600. Engine is bullet proof with decent oil. Small offs can tucker the frame if she lands exhaust side down 4 into 2 into 1 pipe works best not a 4 to 1. Robs what little torque there is. Grouch could fix em up with a manual. They are bare basic. Put it on a diet. Get the carbs (again basic) sweet then enjoy the sound of 14000rpm.
May 30, 201311 yr Author Thanks Cynic, I have thoughts of moding them sort of street racer type thing, all the parts are there and just need to get the beggers running, one has been crumpled at the front but the guy at the shop has agreed to straighten the forks gratis as I am taking them both, I am waiting for the other shoe to drop as I am NEVER this lucky!!! PS I will not ask Grouch to help as he say's that he is going to fix his own bike and by the time he actually has it fixed I will be to old to ride! PPS My wife said "Oh good you will have something to do this winter" So if you know what happened to my real wife let me know as this one seems to be a ringer (that's RINGER OK!)
May 30, 201311 yr Moderator nice one, you jammy bugger. know sweet FA on suzi's but a bikes a bike is what i say
May 30, 201311 yr just a silly question! but doesn't the original owner still own/ have claim to these bike's?
May 30, 201311 yr Author Hi Tommy, It seems that after 28 DAYS the workshop has final say on the disposal of the machines, once the original owner has been informed that they need to be removed, the last contact with him was over a month ago and he said he would turn up and pay what was owed but never came in or phoned to say he wanted them, the owner of the workshop can then dispose of them any way he wishes to get back what was owed for work done (apparently it's on the workshop invoice in small print). So as all the i's have been dotted and the t's crossed it's legal to dispose of them at what ever the market value might be. He wanted £50 each for them and to be honest I nearly snatched his hand off when he said that. Going to be delivered tomorrow some time so expect some photos when I get my hands on them. PS it's NOT a silly question mate I had the same thought but was assured that it's all cosher! Plus I got an INVOICE to say they were mine.
May 30, 201311 yr How will you get the title, registration (whatever paperwork it is) to prove ownership?
May 30, 201311 yr Moderator How will you get the title, registration (whatever paperwork it is) to prove ownership? in the UK if we have a legit receipt its ours, just need to send off to DVLA to change registration
May 30, 201311 yr Hi Tommy, It seems that after 28 DAYS the workshop has final say on the disposal of the machines, once the original owner has been informed that they need to be removed, the last contact with him was over a month ago and he said he would turn up and pay what was owed but never came in or phoned to say he wanted them, the owner of the workshop can then dispose of them any way he wishes to get back what was owed for work done (apparently it's on the workshop invoice in small print). So as all the i's have been dotted and the t's crossed it's legal to dispose of them at what ever the market value might be. He wanted £50 each for them and to be honest I nearly snatched his hand off when he said that. Going to be delivered tomorrow some time so expect some photos when I get my hands on them. PS it's NOT a silly question mate I had the same thought but was assured that it's all cosher! Plus I got an INVOICE to say they were mine. thanks for that slice! yer learn something new everyday
May 30, 201311 yr Hi Tommy, It seems that after 28 DAYS the workshop has final say on the disposal of the machines, once the original owner has been informed that they need to be removed, the last contact with him was over a month ago and he said he would turn up and pay what was owed but never came in or phoned to say he wanted them, the owner of the workshop can then dispose of them any way he wishes to get back what was owed for work done (apparently it's on the workshop invoice in small print). So as all the i's have been dotted and the t's crossed it's legal to dispose of them at what ever the market value might be. He wanted £50 each for them and to be honest I nearly snatched his hand off when he said that. Going to be delivered tomorrow some time so expect some photos when I get my hands on them. PS it's NOT a silly question mate I had the same thought but was assured that it's all cosher! Plus I got an INVOICE to say they were mine. I never knew that. Great find Slice, along with everyone else I'm looking forward to the piccies!
May 30, 201311 yr Great find slice " i know everybody says bullet proof, but my veiws on 4 strokes are" cam chain tensioners are the weak point, Unless Bandits are diffferent ,,, That Z900 of mine has a bent valve coz of them dam tensioners,,
May 31, 201311 yr Moderator The first thing I would do, before I spent any money on them, would be to apply for the log books. A letter will go out to the current owner saying that you have applied for the log books. It the small print says that they can recoup their money by selling them after a period of time you should have no problems. He may show some interest so I would do that first .
May 31, 201311 yr Author Good point DT I was actually going to do this anyway because even though I have a receipt it would be a kindness to the last owner, he can have them back as long as he pays me what I paid, not trying to rob anybody here just seems that after 2 years of no interest and being told they were being sold to recoup owed money he has had every chance to keep them. Just have to wait and see what happens in the next few weeks.
May 31, 201311 yr Author Ok I have got my new toys and tried to upload photos but will not allow me to post them, Say's "you are not allowed to use that image extension on this forum" could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong please. Ok as you can see I have managed to do it, don't ask me how! as I just kept clicking on stuff till it appeared. This technology stuff will be the death of me. It appears that they are "SLINGSHOT 16 VALVE" versions whatever that means, mean looking little buggers whatever they are.
May 31, 201311 yr Author Further to post above they both have stainless exhausts one with a carbon can which must have been expensive, the red one was last on the road (according to tax disk) 31/05/01. so 12 years by my count since they were last used on the road and 4 sets of carbs in a box plus ALL the parts removed by the garage when they swapped the parts over. should be an easyish rebuild and the really good news for me is that the red one RUNS just needs the brakes bleeding and various odds and sods reattaching. I am one happy bunny!!!
June 1, 201311 yr Moderator Great find slice " i know everybody says bullet proof, but my veiws on 4 strokes are" cam chain tensioners are the weak point, Unless Bandits are diffferent ,,, That Z900 of mine has a bent valve coz of them dam tensioners,, With good oil that timing chain will do 40 before causing problems. The heads dont have bearings the cams float on a film of oil. Soft wears hard so the cam wears out before the head (honda?). The biggest problem with the 400 bandit is the 600.
June 1, 201311 yr Author Tommy the black one was the spare and had the forks removed on to the red one, I thought about leaving them on and calling it a low-rider/stretch but think that might be taking the COOL look a bit far anyway they are the dirtiest pair of bikes I have ever seen absolutely covered in oil dust and general workshop crud, so it's out with the jet-washer and see what's under the grime. I know this is not a SUZUKI forum but thought you all might like to know what a "JAMMY BASTARD" I have been. Actually that would make a good forum name for someone.
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