Posted May 14, 201311 yr In light traffic, raining lightly so road wet. Keeping good distance from the Fiesta in front. About to pass parked cars, on a road which I drive my Primera on a regular basis, when she suddenly pulls an emergency stop! The reason? There was a Smart car coming the other way in a gap big enough for my car and a bus!!! I had no choice but to pull the brakes hard. As doing so noticed the awful shimmer if a rainbow on the road. My front wheel locked up and started going sideways. This has happened before on my #cough# Piaggio twist and go and so I was expecting to have a get off! Great shitting myself I realised I had managed to keep upright!!! Could not believe my luck. I knew bigger wheels were more stable but I'd have definitely been sliding on my arse had this been a couple of months ago. I can forgive all the eccentricities of my 20 yr old hack bike after this!! Why on earth did I wait so long before getting a proper size bike??! All hail king SR!! And if anyone happens to see a certain 08 black Fiesta driven by a dizzy looking blonde bimbo, without an offside mirror please give her the bird!!!
May 14, 201311 yr Popped your cherry then, well done. Plenty more where she came from, keep up the good work!!!
May 14, 201311 yr Author Cheers Slice! I had too many battle scars on my old leather jacket, just ended on my arse, then couldn't catch anyone up to show my disapproval!! It may only be 125 but I feel so much safer on it as she sits on the road like she's supposed to be there! Adrenaline is still the colour brown, but my Gortex and armour is still in one piece and so is my bike!!
May 14, 201311 yr and be particularly careful at school finishing times. I went to fill up one day last week at around 3 pm, local kicking out time. I passed 2 schools on the way. Absolute fuckin nightmare E stops dead in front, doors flung open to let kids who simply dash across the bloody road to pile in, cars pulling in and out with no signals, parking in the road and blocking flowing traffic, pulling out from junctions cos they cant see round all the fuckin parked cars 99% female drivers with no idea of scale/size, or spatial awareness
May 14, 201311 yr Usually soccer moms who drive blacked-out SUVS to keep their wonderfull little rosey-cheeked shit machines safe. claimed many a mirror on the XJ and a couple on the blade, if you catch them at the lights with a window open it is possible to remove the mirror and hand it back to them before making good your escape
May 15, 201311 yr Best one is to reach in, switch off the ignition, yank the key and chuck it. No criminal damage, either!
May 15, 201311 yr I find it better just to move on past without getting upset, that way my immediate future will not be compromised by me thinking of what has happened and not by what may happen in front. Devils Advocate here but.....It may be argued that if your front wheel locked up then you weren't keeping as safe a distance (considering the road conditions) as you thought, Although very well done for keeping in control of a front wheel slide
May 15, 201311 yr It may be argued that if your front wheel locked up then you weren't keeping as safe a distance (considering the road conditions) as you thought, thats probably the easiest get-out-of-jail-free card for any insurance/claims company,
May 15, 201311 yr Author Cheers Jimmy. Duelly noted! You are probably right, however we were going 20 and was accelerating up to 25 when she stopped on a postage stamp. Perhaps a little of my in experience as well? I was trying to get home to the wife for a bit of 'lunch' so I wasn't perhaps concentrating as well as I should. I normally see oil patches before I'm on them! I think maybe I need to work on my road rage. I only kicked the mirror and I'm sure it would have clipped back into place! To be honest I did let the adrenaline take over. I've only had the bike a couple of months and I was very pissed off - not to mention late getting home for my leg over!!!
May 15, 201311 yr DON'T EVER APOLOGISE to the fu**ers, they put your life at risk cos they can't be arsed to look in their mirror except when they want to check their makeup (sorry girls but it's true) better than punching them on the nose!!
May 16, 201311 yr Moderator The thing i hate most are cigarette buts. They come at you like tracer rounds. Had one stop in a fold of my jacket so........... I thought she might want it back and popped it through her open window into her lap. With a 'sorry luv think you dropped this'. She didnt thank me though....Should not have said luv. That nust have been it.....
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