Posted March 8, 201312 yr looks like i need to paint both of these on my bike as the paint is starting to come off and rust is setting in (surface rust, well atm anyways). The whole bike needs a tidy up to be honest and these look like the place to start! What i would like to know is does anyone know of a paint they can personally recommend for this job? I have seen some cheap-ish exhaust paint on ebay do you think this will do? ^ It will definitely need to be heat resistant as both of these can get warm, especially the exhaust guard. Also what color do you lot think? i was going toward black but maybe someone can suggest a better color? Thanks
March 8, 201312 yr I have used VHT paint seems ok but does peel or chip easy, no real paint is going to last long but it can keep the rust bug off for a while. P.S I do however use a heat gun on it to cure it off, really hot setting and that seems to make it last a bit longer, Do not breath in the vapour tho as it has lots of really nasty chems in it.
March 9, 201312 yr the trick is in the prep work. got to get it clean and de oiled. vht primer, the few light coats of vht. bake it on. use a heat gun to warm the parts before spraying and between coats but cheap paints are genrally cheap becaue they are a bit poor
March 9, 201312 yr Welshy, my exhaust guard is looking a bit tatty, so let ne know how it turns out so I can do mine.
March 9, 201312 yr Use Plasticote BBQ paint but, to make it stay on I bake the parts in the oven, it does make fuel resistant though.
March 9, 201312 yr Moderator plastikote BBQ is recognised as being cheap, easily available (wilkinsons, B&Q) and good for the job, best left to cure as preload said or it will burn/flake if rushed into service
March 9, 201312 yr Author Thanks for all the advise gang, VERY much appreciated! If i can i will get some pictures of it before, during and after..... however i took the sump guard off yesterday and started to clean it up with a wire brush (i'll get a picture before i do anymore on it) I live pretty far from the nearest B&Q or any big shop of that nature so just ordered it off the net (in my haste i ordered some last night before i had read any of the reply's and today i have lots of advise ) ..... it just means having to wait a few extra days to get it sorted. It does say that it doesn't need a primer though, whats your thoughts on this? would i be better of getting some or just going for it?...will it even make the paint last all that much longer? ...i am asking this as i am hoping to upgrade by the hopefully i wont have it to repaint by the time it needs doing? So yeah i'm thinking wire-brush to get the worst of it off (both paint and to start on a clean canvas as u lot have said^), then sandpaper/wire wool to make sure its completely paint and rust free. After that give it a good clean with isopropyl alcohol (99% alcohol that has the power to remove EVERY oil or grease or indeed tar that i have ever come across, EVER!) lol - that's to make sure there isn't any crap left on it that might prevent the paint from sticking as well as it could, as per advise After that heat it up with heat gun then do one coat, cook it on with the gun. Then repeat this once more. After it has dried (as to not get paint on the inside of the cooker hahaha) pop it in the oven on full heat for a couple of hour....well if the exhaust guard will fit, i think the sump guard will fit , but not 100% on the exhaust guard. After that pop it back on the bike? How does this plan sound to you lot? PLEASE let me know if you think any of this process could be made more efficient or if i have missed any part of the process nice one, will keep you lot updated as i go along- grouch i will upload the pictures and you can judge for your self if it's any good THANKS EVERYONE!
March 10, 201312 yr Moderator no need for primer, chances are the primer (unless VHT) would burn and take the top coat with it! No point in removing sound paint at all, just 'key' it with 320 grit paper I always do the rust removal then treat with jenolite the rusted area, then paint the rustad area with BBQ paint, allow to dry then do the whole lot again with BBQ paint
March 10, 201312 yr I agree with Airhead. No primer but I would use a rust treatment, I have used Kurust in the past with good results.
March 10, 201312 yr Author Good stuff thanks gang! Can't wait to get cracking on this, but paint wont be here until tues at the earliest. Not got much done on it yet, pics will be up when i have something to show lol! Damn airhead that pipe looks so good it's making me think i should have gone with satin black rather then matte, hmm will be interesting to compare the results!
March 10, 201312 yr Moderator whatever you do welshwan dont expect it to last, you just have to do it again when it starts rusting, i'm afraaid that a that water being thrown at it when it's hot takes its toll, It's an every year job really I have found but ignore it at your peril
March 10, 201312 yr Author whatever you do welshwan dont expect it to last, you just have to do it again when it starts rusting, i'm afraaid that a that water being thrown at it when it's hot takes its toll, It's an every year job really I have found but ignore it at your peril When i bought the bike, the back part of the exhaust (muffler?) had rusted right though, what was left of it pretty much crumbled to powder whilst we were taking it off, Depending on how well/bad this goes i might paint the exhaust it's self as it's not looking overly 'fresh'. As for every year...hopefully it will stay looking good at least until i sell it on, I'm hoping to get my license and upgrade by June ideally, but maybe wishful thinking....but certainly hoping to get a bigger bike way before the next 6 months are over. Lets just hope i do alright on my tests, and don't have to try again and again and again! (touch wood!) Oh one more thing, does it chip of quite easily? as i'm thinking the sump guard is going to get pelted in chippings and stuff like that off the road. ....i guess i could always touch the guard up when it's time to go.
March 10, 201312 yr Moderator painting the sump guard will be easy, yes why not freshen it up at at point of sale, maybe the exhaust too it's your call
March 11, 201311 yr Author Okay then still no paint, just as well as i had alot of preparation work to do today. so here's the pretty much how the sump guard and exhaust guard was when i took em off, i say pretty much as i had started on them before i remembered about getting some pictures. So this i what i had to work with:
March 11, 201311 yr Author On closer inspection i found that both had been bent and dented, i managed to hammer out the worst of the dents on the sump guard, and it's not bad not it i do say so my self. One of the bolt holes on the sump guard had been prised and stretched open for some reason, soo out came the hammer again and i got it looking a little better but i am thinking i might need to glue a washer on the inside of the hole so that the bolts will hold it firmly. do you think some super glue to hold the washer there so i can paint over it all, the idea being for it to look a little better then a shiney (but soon to be rusty looking) washer. Or will the guard simply be too hot, i'm not sure about this one.
March 11, 201311 yr Moderator I'd use araldite or an equivalent epoxy adhesive instead of super glue, the sump guard I'd clean up with wet/dry and treat with jenolite then spray with zinc primer first before the silver top coat...cant see it getting all that hot underneath the engine as heat rises? I use this
March 11, 201311 yr Author So here's what i got done today, i did start with the wire brush and abit of elbow grease......this however got very boring very quickly, so i nipped into town and got one of those drill bit wire brushes. Something like this: Boy oh boy did this save ALOT of time and effort! £2 well spent These are the results of the wire brushes: Please could someone tell me what the hell to do about the inside of the exhaust guard, by this what i mean it that i can see the paint is coming off under the anti-heat stuff. I'm not sure if i should remove it to paint under it and stop the rust, or just leave it as it is. Do i reuse the stuff once i have painted or just get some new stuff? this it how it looks at the moment: Of course these things never come without some kind of unexpected extra bit of work, and this is no exception. There are two small hole on the exhaust guard where it has completely rusted though, What's the plan with this bit then gang? By the way i dont really have access to a welder so that is not an option i'm afraid The holes are pretty small i guess, here's the what the they look like: By the way sorry about the low quality images but my mobile phone just always seems closer to hand, hope there not too terrible for you lot, and that you can actually see whats going on.
March 11, 201311 yr Author I'd use araldite or an equivalent epoxy adhesive instead of super glue, the sump guard I'd clean up with wet/dry and treat with jenolite then spray with zinc primer first before the silver top coat...cant see it getting all that hot underneath the engine as heat rises? I use this ahh yes OF COURSE araldite!!! strong stuff! nice one for reminding me about that adhesive, if it can be stuck back together...araldite will do it!! As for the Rust Treatment and under coat, I REALLY am getting rid of this in the next 6 months and don't want to spend any more then needed (trying to save for an upgrade) your opinion do you think it would last that long without? if so i think i'll take the cheaper option i'm afraid..... sorry but i squeak when i walk . Reading that link the product sounds very useful, i have bookmarked! thanks man Actually there a point about the sump guard not getting overly hot, might i get away with using hammerite on it and saving the VHT spray for the exhaust it's self?...i'm thinking it's a little too close to the exhaust for that?
March 12, 201311 yr Author been thinking about it and yeah fuck it ....if i'm going to do a job, there's no point in doing it half assed! Going to order under coat now, and pick up the rust treatment when i'm in town next.
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