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wtf have I done to deserve this shit?

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After getting my bike back after 2 weeks I was pretty happy, its running a lot better and apart from the bulb holder breaking it was ok, until this afternoon. I was doing 55 mph on a by pass the road was busy and the wheel bearings went!!! I swear to God it just happened in an instant, the back wheel started bouncing all over and so did the bike. It was pretty scary and thank God I managed to control the bike, for a few seconds I thought I was coming off and I braced myself. Anyway got to a safe place and phoned the garage up who had just replaced the bearings and all the other £350 worth of work. They come out pretty quick and when he looked at it, he said the carrier bearings had gone? Can't fucking believe this shit!!!

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See previous post! SELL THE SODDING THING grouch, get another one or do your test and go bigger. if some folks didn't have bad luck they would have no luck at all! :shakeno:

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Fk me Grouch"o , don"t waste your money on a Lotto ticket either, :eusa_snooty: , what a bummer,, :eusa_doh: ,

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Oh dear - it keeps getting worse for you mate. :eusa_doh:

Just out of interest, what's your reason for being so adament about not selling it? Are you planning on keeping the XT and a larger bike once you get your full licence?

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Are they coughing up for the repair

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Bippo I have spent a lot of money on the bike and I would only get around £1k for it so who ever was getting it would be getting a right bike with all the extras such as the digital aftermarket speedo. I don't really need the money either so I can just have it as a spare. Even more so now the insurance has dropped to less than half I paid first time round. Jimmy, I think they are sorting it free of charge and rightly so!

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Sorry to hear that Grouch. Hope you have more luck with it when you get it back

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Sorry to hear about your shit luck of late Grouch. :( Here's hoping everything gets sorted. Glad you didn't go down when your wheel bearings went out!! Think I'd have had to go home and change!

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Thanks guys. I surprised myself because even though I was scared ect, I didn't panic and remained calm. After this I'm buying some proper gear. My gloves aren't good enough and I want some kevlar jeans.

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this sucks, heart's going out to you man.

I would be fucking livid if i were in your boots!

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Bigger me Grouch, not a good job on there behalf, but fantastic that you kept clam and stayed up right.

Lets hope this gets fixed (properly this time) and you can get on and ride with out any bike related dramas

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I think they are sorting it free of charge and rightly so!

I would shit all over them and make sure it's 100% repaired for free mate. Can't see how they could dream of charging you but you never know. If anything they should compensate you for a crap job on their behalf.

Nice one for controlling it and hope your luck changes soon.

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Thanks guys. I surprised myself because even though I was scared ect, I didn't panic and remained calm. After this I'm buying some proper gear. My gloves aren't good enough and I want some kevlar jeans.

Heh. Well held.

Amazing how many people start thinking about their kit when the worst nearly happens. Im no better believe me. Gravel rash does wonders for you priorities.

Like others have said there must be some extas you can squese them for here. Imagine the law suit they could be looking at.

In this day and age they could have been looking at manslaughter. Makes you think.

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First off glad your ok Grouch as Cynic said amazing how we all wory about our bike and not ourselfs.

Ok you have them over a barel so to speak,they charged you and you paided for a service that wasn't done properly so if they even think about charging you just tell them you will have your lawyer contact them Reguarding you law suit for

1Lost time of use

2 pain and suffering. Who knows how this will effect your ability to ride mentaly.

3 anything anyone else can come up with?

If I was in thier shoes I would be woried that the mto would be knocking on my door I would loose my licence for less or be looking at a fine of no less than 3000.00 possibly 20k and a suspension of my licence for 3-6 months.

This is serious they could have killed you through incompetent work,if the wheel bearings were that bad that you wouldn't ride it, than they should have done the carrier bearing as well I know I would have.

You worrie about doing things yourself because you might cock it up, well you couldn't have done any worse a job.

I can realy now understand why you peeps over there are so negitave towards mechanics,if that is any indication of the type work they do

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Got it back and they fixed the headlight for free. Just going to take it steady for a few miles to make sure it doesn't fuck up again.

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Glad they fixed the bike and done that freebee for you mate, so now when you turn your head light on dose the brake light go on full beam? :D

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when you got the bike was it second hand, reason i ask is i think you are now suffering from the few years of abuse it has had at the hands of young learners who dont give a shit about their bike.

i have seen some shocking small bikes and scooters over the last few years, all mainly owned by young lads or new riders who just didnt give a shit and who had an attitude of 'so fucking what'

its the old one of fix one problem and two more pop up..

you obviously do care and want the bike right.

so get your tyre sorted and then as you have said in the other thread do the basic maintenance, weekly checks, and minor repairs as you find they need doing.

you have to be over the hill with the major issues now. and remember we are all here to help, advise, and take the piss, and congratulate you

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