January 27, 201312 yr Moderator TDR forum has ,much discussion on this http://tdr250.co.uk/forum/index.php good original parts are rare and bloody expensive now , there is a company doing fibreglass replicas, but i cannot for the life of me remember whom it is for the moment if it comes back to me or i find i will post it here
January 28, 201312 yr its Taffmoto for plastic panels...he has the under seat sidepanels coming around the end of February, and then the front panel afterwards. I bought a pair of the tank cowling plastics, and they are as good as, if not better than the originals
January 28, 201312 yr Moderator Cheers Rocky , it was another i was thinking of, when i contacted them they made em to order but if Taffmoto hav eme then job sorted
January 28, 201312 yr Moderator thats ok Mervin...(btw, I'm richardsracingmad from TDR forum ) Aha right Guess who I am then ? That PV box and cables looks like it will sort ya and have a spare set of cables to boot ,
February 3, 201312 yr Author Just got my plastics from TAFFMOTO they are A1 fit like new ones no missing arround they just bolt bolt on IF ANY 1 NEEDS YAMAHA TDR 250 PLASTICS. BUY THEM FROM TAFFMOTO GOT THEM THE NEXT DAY AFTER ORDER. THANKYOU ALL FOR YOUR INFORMATON
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