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buy one of these alarms the're great.


Heres mine


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  • buy one of these alarms the're great.

  • Ttaskmaster

    Nah, trip-wire mechanism with blank shotgun shell. Cheap as, can make yourself and does a great job of convincing 'em to just fuck off, while they still can!

  • steve 1052cc
    steve 1052cc

    See that's where most people go wrong you must restrain (not hit the little darlings) using the appropriate minimum force to affect a citizens arrest or restrain them. The minimum force might well be

  • Author

Jimmy that alarm is nearly as big as the bike LOL

Are the rocksalt shells legal? :s

  • Author

I'm not sure as some farmers use them as a friend of mine found out but you can't buy them so I think not

ive seen it used in Killbill vol 2,but assuming that you cant buy them you would have to make them, and unless you have the nescessary licence to make them it would probably be illegal :/

the same reason the military cannot alter or tamper with their ammunition (used to score the head of the bullet with a cross, idea being when it left the barrel and opened up into a petal shape it would rip through whatever was in its path)

time to hit the google, methink

Reloading is legal here so I think folks can do the rock salt loads legally. Used to be some old timers up around my hometown who'd shoot trespassers with them (so the rumors went).


Rocksalt and modding your ammo is really not likely legal in the UK. But then, neither is trapping your bike with ammunition either, so...

I know how to make a very effective leg trap with you normal house hold items (if your a bloke that is) but i wont post that sort of info on an open forum lol

there are plenty of "less than lethal" ways to secure your bike, trouble is if the scumbag gets so much as a scratch then you maywell have a lawsuit on your hands... what the f*ck has happened to this country?

I say bring in drugs testing for people claiming benefits (if your smoking dope with our tax money, you dont get any, simple as)

remove the compulsary seatbelt wearing law (natural selection will take its course, its there for your safety but if you choose not to use it then thats your decision)

alter the laws for trespassers (aslong as you display signs and warn that your property has security measures in place, if they choose to break into your shed and get an ass full of rocksalt then its their fault for going there)

Dont even get me started on imigration...

Join the revolution peeps!, Foamy for prime minister!


Im Voting Foamy next year!

I too agree with the drugs testing for benefits (think its been brought up a few times?) i think the human rights act needs to be re-written, say if you murder some one with intention to do so and you are found 100% truthfully guilty then you too loose your life. if you are caught steeling then you have your dominant hand lopped off.

But if i catch the guy who steels my bike or any thing of mine then i will tie then up, sand bag over the head, drive to an location and brake the scum bag down day by day. Its just the "not getting caught bit" you have to think about when doing such act lol

There are numerous ways to dispose of a body without risking detection, but that's another topic


wouldnt go as far as to amputate limbs, if a man steals a loaf of bread to feed his starving family, would you chop off his hand?, i would say probably not, hard manual labour would be the key, they could be rebuilding our pot-hole ridden roads, pulling weeds from our cemetaries, public parks or streetsweeping e.t.c, but if they come onto your private land which you have pay taxes for to steal your hard earned possesions, i would want to see the use of deadly force authorised in instances where you honestly believe there is a threat to your life of those of your loved ones, otherwise a less-than-lethal alternative to subdue the criminal until the coppers can get there

i dont think they would let me into downing street anyway, i got thrown out of the house of commons last year for flipping the bird at the chiev of air staff :(


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I'll vote for foamy any day as we should be able to defend our homes and belongings as we see fit if you caught some one in your house or stealing your belongings then it should be up to you how you deal with them

I say bring in drugs testing for people claiming benefits (if your smoking dope with our tax money, you dont get any, simple as)

Here, here!! I used to rent a new build flat near Manchester, however as with most of those flats it backed straight onto a council estate. I often used to see benefit theiving scum snorting coke in their back gardens, without a care in the world.

They drove an M5 too... Plenty of other nice cars across the estate actually - a far cry from the working folk in my flat block!

They also found it fun to come and smash our car windows etc on a near weekly basis. Needless to say I moved away as fast as I could!

oh yeah and stone women who take there burkas off too ......... fucking hell, c'mon guys :icon_rolleyes:

most people without children get all of about 8 quid a day, and HAVE to prove that they have been looking for work (and a certain amount of CV's must be sent out each and every week) they must also look tidy, be washed and all that's stuff , and yes the job center does check up on these types of things!

what about alcohol testing for people that claim money? surely they should not spend OUR money on booze .....but apparently that's fine.

Also there's a guy in my place of work that's on one of these 'work placement' things.....he gets about 50 quid a week for 30 hours. min wage is 6.19

so what he should be getting for it is .....£6.19 X 30 = £185.70 minus tax of course......

No i have not claimed a penny off of this country and have been working ever since a left school, and all my pay has been taxed accordingly.

Also if this country would look at a couple of states in America for some idea of what to do about the cannabis.....there state is making money off of it , not spending more and more money policing the issue......ALSO last time i checked it cost about £25,000 a year! to keep people in jail, im almost certain its gone up a fair bit since then..... and we try and say its the piss poor people taking all this country's money and making everything shit...maybe we should be looking into other things other then the 'doley scum' stealing all this lovely countries money.

another point is that if someone gets a criminal record for something like smoking drugs, then this person is unlikely to get a decent paying job (due to the conviction) and therefore will be paying less tax towards our countries economy

All i'm saying is that these are the poorest of people....and they are people.

Just give them some fucking respect eh? :idea:

i would want to see the use of deadly force authorised in instances where you honestly believe there is a threat to your life of those of your loved ones, otherwise a less-than-lethal alternative to subdue the criminal until the coppers can get there

i think you will find this to be the law as it stands today :)

if you honestly feel your life is at risk , then you do what you can to survive.

and citizens arrest is 100% legit ...if its an arrestable offense and you are 100% sure that they did it (as if your wrong you will be in a world of legal shite)

protecting your property however is not a legal reason for giving someone the mother of all beat downs

what about alcohol testing for people that claim money? surely they should not spend OUR money on booze .....but apparently that's fine.

Good idea, proof of the dole money usage usage would be ideal (reciepts e.t.c) or why not go back to using foodstamps, seems to work on the other side of the pond

protecting your property however is not a legal reason for giving someone the mother of all beat downs

Why should it be that way?, you should have the right to defend the things that you have worked hard for and be allowed to deter people from your property,

example, if i walked outside and discovered some shithead trying to start my fireblade with a screwdriver, and being in such a placid mood i say "go away", to which he replies "no, im going to stay here until it starts and then steal it", would i not be allowed to beat him round the head with a spade until he decides it is best to leave?, because chances are that would be what i would do,

and to those people i say good luck and keep at it, those are the sort of people the JSA was introduced to help, unfortunately not all of them are like that

Good idea, proof of the dole money usage usage would be ideal (reciepts e.t.c) or why not go back to using foodstamps, seems to work on the other side of the pond

well no it does not really work over there, if they are spending it on anything other than what they are allowed to spend it on....this is what happens in the states.....

'hey man can you get me a tenners worth of booze'

'yeah sure but for that ten pounds of booze you will have to give me £15 worth of food bought with your stamps'

can you see where this is going?.......just making the poor even poorer

well presented point there, there's only so much you can help some people though imho

Why should it be that way?, you should have the right to defend the things that you have worked hard for and be allowed to deter people from your property,

example, if i walked outside and discovered some shithead trying to start my fireblade with a screwdriver, and being in such a placid mood i say "go away", to which he replies "no, im going to stay here until it starts and then steal it", would i not be allowed to beat him round the head with a spade until he decides it is best to leave?, because chances are that would be what i would do,

thats just the way it is my friend.....hell you cant even carry ANYTHING to protect your self nowadays ....and IF you do, well lets just say prepare to feel the full force of the law...an possibly the coppers knight stick.

If that situation ever happened , what to do legally (i would imagine)

go outside

ask what the fuck he's playing at, and tell him to get the fuck off of your property

he might just leg it....but if he does not and tries to confront you.....well then you say you feared for your life....and did what u had to do LOL

he might just leg it....but if he does not and tries to confront you.....well then you say you feared for your life....and did what u had to do LOL

In reality the only two likely outcomes of that are as you say, either he legs it or tries to lamp you.

BUT, in the event that he does neither, and instead refuses to get off your property and simply stays where he is trying to get the bike going, the correct thing to do is probably call the police, by which time he may be long gone with my pride and joy, if i shut the gates at the end of my driveway it becomes entrapment, if i pull him off the bike it becomes common assault.

imho, its just a no-win situation :/

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